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Everything posted by jenbobblehead

  1. again, what's the secret? Mine turns out so bitter.
  2. Ok, we're going to try that. Ok Ben? He was just saying how he'd like a decent cup of coffee in the morning. We have a nice coffee maker (and a french press, used ONLY by Ms Yvon!!) we might as well use it. I wonder what it tastes like with soy milk, or almond milk?
  3. someone needs to put the bat signal out to ViaTroy and Ms Yvon.
  4. how does one make good iced coffee? for some reason i have a mental block about making it myself. Same with iced tea. I have all these great green teas and black teas with fruit and flowers, but it always comes out bitter. What is the trick?
  5. I am not a hot coffee drinker, but i LOVE it cold. And once last spring i was at a tree planting where someone had a bunch of those Starbucks Frappacino things and damn if they were not incredibly tasty!
  6. i thought that it was Dairy Queened, like when Dairy Queen went from being an awesome local icecreamery and went National and lost their street cred. So to be DQed means to take something cool and local and corporate it up so that everyone hates it. Like the way people get about when bands actually get popular, you know? If that isn't the case, i think we could probably move it into today's vernacular. Who is with me?
  7. Tealuxe is pretty cool. I used to get tea and crumpets there when i worked at Brown U. Seriously. There's at least one in Boston (Newbury st maybe) and one in Providence (Thayer street) but I've never seen them anywhere else. There are places called Teaism in the malls here, but they don't really appeal to me.
  8. In Providence, more coffee places opened, the ones open stayed open and got busier and suddenly everyone was selling high end coffee drinks. It was that way in PDX as well. And that's in a town where there were no fewer than 5 dunkin donuts in the downtown area (which btw is about 3 square blocks) plus a Tim Hortons as well as a few diners, and plus, Tazza, Coffee King, Cafe La France and AS220...The one coffee place that closed did so because they were bought out of their location, not because there was a starbucks downtown. So , my experience has been that Starbucks is not the Walmart of
  9. Is that true? I think I read a study somewhere that said that Starbucks, at least, not only didn't put coffee places out of business, but that their mainstreaming of fancy coffee drinks actually helped local coffee places... That there are more coffee joints now (that aren't starbucks) than there were before starbucks came to town... in any event: i like tea!
  10. Is it possible to also put in the title who was standing near you during the show, whether Jeff saw you in the crowd, how clean the bathrooms were and what kind of beer was on tap?
  11. Have you tried the bubble mower yet? I find it to be very therapeutic. Here's an article about yogurt and pregnancy...Most of the research I saw said as long as it is pasteurized you're fine. and most yogurt is pasteurized as far as i can tell. Nourish your pregnancy Vicki Koenig, MS, RD, CDN Print this article Print Mail this to a Friend Email to a friend When you
  12. Watching Braves/Brewers and who do i see sittin' in the bullpen? How about one crazy batshit Joolian Tavarez! Good Luck to him--hope they appreciate him! Now that the Brewers have Gabe Kapler AND Joolian, I might need to make a pilgramage...
  13. Has he cured cancer yet? Because Jack Cust has, twice.
  14. after almost 8 years of working within two miles of home, i suddenly find myself starting a job 35 miles away.
  15. So, my man Joolian has opted for free agency after all. bummer. I mean, i was hoping the sox would package him as part of a sweet deal, and that JT was going to Pawtucket just to wait it out, but I guess he either got a different message from the front office, or got impatient.
  16. I had that done too. It feels good, although after a month of that, and manual traction, my PT refused to continue until my dr sent me to an orthopedist. Because it wasn't sciatica, or L4 and 5, it was actually a broken femur due to a tumor (benign reactive bone activity we finally discovered months later). So i was in incredible pain for almost 4 months because the doctor didn't send me for an Xray until the Physical Therapist called my doctor and told him she couldn't continue to torture me, and I wasn't even out of the door of the XRay place before my doctor was calling me to say that th
  17. Just be sure that it really is a sciatic issue. They told me that too, and that wasn't it at all. Have you had all the tests, like MRI and CT scans and Xrays? Physical therapy? Not trying to scare you but if you JUST got your health insurance then I want to be sure you've had all the tests necessary to ensure that sciatica is the issue, and it isn't some weird bone cancer but not cancer afterall but still some weird disease thing like I had.
  18. All gas in this country has at least 10% ethanol. It is a mandate.
  19. Ok, put a wet nurse on the registry and we'll see who can pick up that item for you.
  20. I think the whole gas price thing is a ploy by the democrats to ensure that McCain doesn't get elected.
  21. have I told you how much I love my Garmin navigation system? It is invaluable around here.
  22. bumping this back to the top of the page.
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