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Everything posted by yermom

  1. I have no idea what this thread is actually about, here is a photo of me as a clown anyhow...
  2. I have the Bust Girl's Guide to the New Girl Order...can this count?
  3. That sounds really good! I definitely like the Hernandez & Clowes stuff so that will probably be worth checking out. So many books, so little time!!!
  4. I asked for that for Christmas and got it. It's such a good-looking book! Haven't started looking it through yet. The Best American series is just so great overall. We have a lot of the Nonrequired Reading books.
  5. And just finished John Fante's Ask the Dust today. Dear lord, that was an excellent book!
  6. I laughed out loud for "One Eyed Monster" My response to "The Animal Kingdom," Hey, I like pigeons. Honorable mentions go to: "Mind Your Manners" "Happy Birthday" "God Bless Progress" "Priorities" "True Love Springs Eternal" "Proper Parenting" "ID Check" I read them all (avoiding washing dishes).
  7. Why are there sandwhiches in front of Jay? In case he gets hungry? Does it have something to do with the deli-tray incident I've heard something about?
  8. He was born in rural oklahoma in the 20s. Apparently his mother (Liddie) thought his little baby belly was rather big and round. His siblings all got regular names. I think he did tell me once of being teased about the name as a kid.
  9. I can't imagine why I haven't thought to mention this yet as many times as I've looked at this thread. My dad's name is Tubby. He just uses his middle name (Lee) but some of the family call him Tub.
  10. I just check the local paper online. Sometimes, I'll pick it up from a paper machine if I see something interesting on the front page because the online edition can be a little slow with the updating.
  11. Those are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
  12. Readymade Res (but I think the last issue I got is the last they are doing for now) McSweeney's Quarterly (not really a mag...it's books & stuff!) there may be others...if there are, they must not be any good (the kind that just get put in a stack somewhere and are never read)
  13. It's been awhile since I read that, but if I recall correctly it had something to do with parents of a lower economic status naming their kids "wealthier" sounding names? With a sort of cycle where the popular names of the higher socioeconomic classes phasing out at that level and then showing up more in the lower classes (in a hand-me-down way)? I believe there was also some discussion of brand names showing up, car names & liquor names (Mercedes or Aliz
  14. I like the "old man" names. Of those mentioned, Walter would be my pick...makes me think of Walter Matthau, who I fell in love with as a girl. And come to think of it, he played Oscar in the Odd Couple. Is there some Walter Matthau thing going on in your head of which you are unawares, maybe? And would Gus be short for something like Augustus or August? I know a of a kid named August who is mostly called Auggie (which I like).
  15. I've been happy to have my name, Loretta Lynn. Loretta, the name, peaked in popularity in the 1930s. I'm a little disappointed when I meet other Lorettas and I do fairly often. I've yet to meet another Loretta Lynn (though I'd like to meet the Loretta Lynn). My partner (one of 50 trillion Ryans born in the eighties) opted to give our daughter a name we hope will remain relatively unpopular, Jamila. and..I think Maude is a great name!
  16. If anyone sees this fella out and about let him know my grandmother wants her coat back, please. Thanks!
  17. I recently finished the collection, Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules edited by David Sedaris and the Amy Hempel he included in that (The Cemetery Where Al Jolsen Is Buried) was rather good (a shedding tears kind of good). I am definitely going to have to check out more of her stuff. I've been reading good things about her that lead me to believe she is right up my alley.
  18. I listen to the whole albums pretty regularly (at least one per week). Especially if you want to count Kicking Television. AGIB front to back is excellent in the headphones (drone and all).
  19. I should have searched it before asking. I'm a doof. Thanks!
  20. ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AW721 WIRELESS HEADPHONES Are these (the fairly cheap pair above) that I'm thinking of buying as a Christmas gift for my lovey any good? I'm looking to spend under $40. Yup. I'm sooo (not) loaded. for a pair of wireless or not wireless but big and comfy type headphones for at home listening. I don't know the difference between quality brands and generic stuff...he put headphones on his wish list. There was some talk of sennheiser or grado. Sennheiser HD-201 might be doable. Any suggestions? Guidance? Thanks!
  21. But I refuse to choose, they both have their merits.
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