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Everything posted by yermom

  1. Oh, I recognize the illustrated Tweedy. I'm familiar with the show. (And I'm shocked and appalled that you'd think I would not recognize it, sir ) The Malkmus looking facebook thing I was referring to is this: which upon closer inspection isn't really all that Malkmussy but is still a little Jonathan Richmanish.
  2. Cappuccino Fudge Blitz: I'm not really into Blue Bunny but this flavor has a lot of quality things going on for it... "Coffee flavored ice cream with White Chocolate Cremes, Mocha Espresso Brownies and Chocolate Fudge Swirl" What I really need to get a hold of is some of that Steven Colbert Ben and Jerry's!
  3. Is VC launching an invasion into Radiohead territory? My two cents: B.S.
  4. I've joined the gang but I have no idea why. Word up, homeskillet. This is the first time I've bothered to log in to facebook since I joined months ago. Literally. Also, before I even noticed all the Malkmusness of socbret's avatar/sig, I was just noticing that the little facebook logo guy is a little Stephen Malkmus looking. Possibly Jonathan Richman looking as well.
  5. My two-year old sends her congrats. Upon seeing the picture over my shoulder she says, "Aaaaaw a little baby! It's a baby, Mom! She's so cuuuute!" Congratulations!
  6. I do like Mountain Goats but I haven't listened to too much because I'm bad about not listening to music that everyone gets into before I do. If I find out about some cool musician on my own, I get all kinds of into it. If friends try to turn me onto something, I usually don't listen to it as much even if I do like it an awful lot. I don't know why I do that. It's really pretty lame of me. I should probably just give in and listen to more Mountain Goats! For now, I know I really like "Song for Dennis Brown"
  7. Whoa now. Let's not share this information with everyone. I don't want too much competition on this prize thing! The whole vinyl back catalog prize is mine! It's mine I tell you!!!
  8. I picked this one up at the infamous Springfield show last October. It's an 18-24 months. My daughter has worn it a couple of times. There's water on it in the picture (maybe that's the reason for the hand on the mouth, "uh oh!" look) but it's actually in really good shape. If you pm me your address, I'll send it to you free of charge. I'm always up for a little good karma. Edited to add: My daughter doesn't really have a mullet...she's just got some kind of bad hair day going on in this picture.
  9. In my house, we like to say J5 became J4 when Cut Chemist left and we were never big fans of J4 anyhow. I wonder...because there were 6 of them to begin with, did they decide they were better off without Cut Chemist because then there were five of them?
  10. If it's not too late to add my little recommendations... I like to suggest Clem Snide and Eef Barzelay (of Clem Snide) every chance I get and it's right up your alley judging by your post. Check out Eef Barzelay's "Ballad of Bitter Honey." It's absolutely awesome. He's got the best voice and the lyrics are clever and interesting (great for just skimming the surface of but they can go deep if you decide you want them to.) Just really awesome gentle but powerful stuff. And he's adorable, so that never hurts. At one point his song (via his group, Clem Snide) "Moment in the Sun" was the theme f
  11. Right now, I'll go with (no particular order): You Are My Face At Least That's What You Said Theologians Late Greats Sunken Treasure Even though it means absolutely nothing because at any given moment I like pretty much everything Wilco.
  12. That's insane. I imagine there is a whole language of code used by people who wish to speak their minds and have to find alternative words to do so.
  13. I'm listening to my Norton reissue rekkid of The Sonics' "Here are the Sonics!!!" just now. It's some really great 60s garage stuff. The Wiki says Jimi was influenced by them but I feel that's only a small fragment in the massive pile of reasons to listen to them. The album has "Good Golly Miss Molly" and "Have Love Will Travel" on it but I highly recommend "Strychnine." It's pure rocking awesomeness.
  14. yermom

    Top 5

    Prospective names for unborn children or top five cutest Roman generals?
  15. yermom

    Top 5

    1. Russia 2. Canada 3. United States 4. China 5. Brazil
  16. I might call your mother for a chat.
  17. My honey is also named Ryan and he makes super mixes and imaginary soundtracks as well! Maybe there is something to naming your kids Ryan. Ryan is to mix tape as Loretta* is to awesome. They just go hand in hand. *Oh! What a coincidence! That just happens to be my name! (Now who is going to challenge me on which of us is the best at being awesome?) (I think it'll probably be a draw. This board just permeates awesome.)
  18. I'm going to get a tattoo of this thread to show my love for it. Believe!
  19. How slim are the chances they'll return to Springfield, Missouri? I'm guessing pretty slim. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed all year and hope anyhow.
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