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Everything posted by yermom

  1. I heard Pick Up the Change this morning in JC Penney. It was good times. I'd like it a lot if they'd play something from AGIB. I think the drone would go well with the spring-green Worthington blouses and the polyester-blend slacks.
  2. I actually listened to Sky Blue Sky for the first time with a big ol' hangover and it worked out rather well. I missed the first Wilcoworld stream because I had the chance to hang out with old friends and get sloshed (something I rarely do anymore.) So, I downloaded it the next morning and shook it off to "Shake It Off!"
  3. Yeah, I was going to include those because Wilcoworld includes them but there's a limit to how many photos the board will let you post at once and I already had to photoshop to cram in a list of six. Anyhow, I think we can all agree that of these six, the only way to see things is... AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS
  4. I may be going out on a limb here but let me suggest the possibility of...
  5. That's me too. I've only taken pictures with it but not in any kind of annoying, jockeying for position, shoving my phone in peoples faces kind of way. Reading that on Wilcoworld made me feel all guilty and ashamed.
  6. I bought a new toaster this week and was horrified to find that the little manual that comes with it is very much against using the appliance to cook Pop-tarts! I eat bagels and toast and such but my first thought when my old toaster died was, "Oh my! I've got to get another one right away so I can have my Poptarts!" Needless to say, this new toaster is going to cook my pop-tarts and she'll damn well like it!!!!
  7. Around 97.52% will buy it. Totally scientific, empirical, etc. studies have proven it so.
  8. we do not allow video taping, and ask that you refrain from using your cell phones during concerts Has it always said that part? I don't remember noticing it before.
  9. While driving in my car this morning and listening to the Wilco on my way to play tennis, I was thinking..."WWJD. What would Jeff do?!" Though I never could figure out what exactly Jeff would do, I have learned something from the experience. I have learned that WWGD isn't quiet the same as WWJD, so I guess Jeff does have that going for him?
  10. This thread is maybe the greatest thing I've ever read on teh internets.
  11. Ghost is quiet possibly my top Wilco pick. Don't skip the drone...it grows your brain and enriches your soul to sit through it.
  12. I trust no emotion, I believe in locomotion I've turned to rust as we've discussed but I must have let you down too many times in the dirt and the dust... -you are my face
  13. This whole thing is giving me a huge boner (and I don't even have a wiener!) and super-perma-grin! Me soooo happy!!!
  14. I really wanted to watch but I fell asleep. Maybe it'll show up on youtube.
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