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Everything posted by FourStrongWinds

  1. WHY on earth does John not write for Wilco too?? he's just as good, i cant get enough of the 4 songs on his myspace definately gotta get hold of the record
  2. im having almost the same problem at the minute, i really wanted a Guild 12 aswell, to match my 6 string, their 12s really are magical but they're super expensive over here so that was a no no Yamaha are a good bet, if you can find an older FG...the new ones are ok and great deal but they do feel a bit cheap tried a red label FG that had the most amazing tone but really hurt to play you gotta watch out for the action on them I went to denmark street the other week and played about 20 odd 12-strings and after tuning that many 12-strings in one day the novelty really wore off buy a chorus
  3. my band dont have any full recordings down yet but you can listen to a tune me and our guitarist did here www.myspace.com/jackjosephmusic
  4. shit, i think this must be the first time us UK'ers get a better deal on a guitar, they are just over 1,000 here 1,039 i think the guitar player in my band paid, for the American 62 RI...its a really nice guitar too
  5. just put a new tune up on my page if anyone cares www.myspace.com/jackjosephmusic
  6. if its 70s, and soulful im gonna be over the moon! hehe
  7. using the guitarist in my bands Jazzmaster last night, i reckon its down to the trem, something i dont have the pleasure of using on my tele
  8. around 3:06 on hell is chrome and sorta 4:30ish ALTWYS, tweedys lead does this kinda tremelo thing like a flutter, its hard to explain is he using a pedal for this or is just in his hands, i can kinda achieve a similar thing with my fingers but Jeffs sounds more like an effect, wondering if anyone knows what it is
  9. just to say, i picked up the Grail pedal in the end, pretty cool pedal nothing special but has a really subtle nice reverb tone im using alot more with my electric though, great tones
  10. maybe if John writes a keeper he saves it for himself
  11. i cant imagine them going digital, but ya know...its not impossible and they could easily send O'Rourke tapes
  12. i like how Jeff had to buy 2, reckon he thought "ahh shit am im gonna look like im copying them?, got it!, ill buy 2!"
  13. does anyone have the full band version?
  14. well i do plan on gigging, thats why i want the lighter one! its so hard to lift a CC2 over here the CC1 is 529 and the CC2 is 549 then you can get the CC2 with the expensive speakers thats alot more
  15. thinking about upgrading from my Vox Valvetronix to one of the new AC30s but i cannot decide between the 1 or 2 speaker option, trouble is ive only ever found the 2x12 in shops so have not seen/heard the 1 speaker there is only 20 quid between them so price doesnt come into it really, but the 2x12 weighs 70 pounds! this my reason for leaning towards the 1 speaker but pardon my ignorance, same wattage, but will the 2 speaker be twice as loud? or is the sound simply split in 2?
  16. i was so excited when i saw this thread i almost wee'd this is Neils walk on right?? im just downloading
  17. i agree, i love the big necks on SGs, thats why i went for the 50s Tele cos it has a chunky neck, cant stand little ones see im the other way ive now changed from humbuckers to single coil, feels at home already though, just rolled the treble off my amp a bit
  18. i was having the same dilema when you made the thread i went with the tele in the end 50s Classic was a toughy, the SG is a real beast..i was put off by the set neck cos im a little clumsy lol and the Tele i got is real awesome
  19. yeh he doesnt seem to play the B-25 much, even though its on stage like he only uses it once on sunken treasure i saw Ryan adams acoustic once and he had his old Epiphone and a Martin and didnt touch the martin once, it just sat there on the stand all night lol
  20. Jeez, I reckon Jeff proberly has the worst case of GAS of Alll time then again, id be the same if i could afford it
  21. I stand corrected then, its just that cab looks just the same as the combo since they usually look like this http://www.davesguitar.com/product/V212BN.JPG
  22. Ocean Man, i dont think your right its clearly an AC30 Combo, but with another head unit on top thats why i dont understand, why would he do that??
  23. where abouts?, id love to hear also ive always been confused by his Vox's, i always figured you either used Head Unit + Cab Combo or Combo + Cab not Head unit + Combo so is he just using the AC30 combo as an extension cabinet, i dont know too much about amps
  24. FourStrongWinds


    its alright, i like Casino Queen and I Must Be High...its just i feel Wilco have stepped it up every time and each album ive liked more then the one before
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