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Everything posted by boywiththorninside

  1. Be cool, my babies. Uncle Charlie's going to turn this thing around.
  2. The Lions need to give Dan Orlovsky some snaps. The greatest player in UConn's storied football history is being wasted on the sidelines. Trade him or play him. Free Dan Orlovsky.
  3. To Beat a Dead Horse It's funny because it's true. (Not really, I know.)
  4. Wow. Your friend must write a good letter to inspire a response from Pynchon.
  5. I meant no pictures in the book alone. You can find maybe two or three pictures of him from his college and Navy days on-line. There's also a video of him on YouTube walking the streets of Manhattan in the early 90's. CNN took the footage and then agreed never to show it. Some guy got it and it's now out there. He was also on the Simpsons:
  6. That should about do it for the AL East. Congrats to the Sox and their fans. Hopefully, the Yanks can hang on for the WC and we can see an epic Yanks-Sox ALCS. Congrats also on the Cy Young for Beckett. Since he's been with Boston the Yankees usually hit him pretty well, but when he's on...yikes.
  7. No, there are no pictures of him with Farina or anyone else. Getting an interview from him was probably hard enough. Getting pictures would be asking the impossible.
  8. You guys need real fans, like Tom Brady. That's a real fan. Again, I kid. I'm sure when Brady's in Boston he sports a Sox cap.
  9. Not to hijack the thread, but that book is so good. It also benefits from the Thomas Pynchon material. I know people who have read the book just because Pynchon agreed to be interviewed by Hajdu for it.
  10. Am I surprised Dane Cook is a Red Sox fan? No. I kid.
  11. That was so bad it was good. Definitely worth watching. I don't know what's worse, the singing or the sweatshirt. For the people who don't like/get Dylan, I imagine this is what every one of his songs sounds like to them.
  12. This is interesting as a historical document, but the music itself leaves something to be desired. John, Paul and Stevie all in one studio and recording together. Unfortunately, the most entertaining part is when Lennon asks Stevie if he wants to do a line.
  13. Do you believe Belichick merely mis-interpreted the rule as was said later in the statement? Belichick mis-interpreted the rule even after the NFL specifically warned all 32 teams not to use videotape in this manner? See, right there, for me, the guy's got no credibility. I believe the Pats would have beaten the Jets last week, but I don't believe for a second that they have never used a tape during the course of a game. Why tape the other team if you're not going to use it? I know, they were going to use the tape to prepare for future games. However, from what I've read, because of the preval
  14. Damn. They already pulled the "Prince/James Brown/Michael Jackson all on one stage" clip.
  15. I do tend to think that every team does probably bend the rules in some regard to gain a competitive advantage. However, I have to wonder if every team does it to the extent the Patriots have. Apparently, they have quite the reputation throughout the league for this kind of stuff. The Pats have won their three titles by a total of 9 points: beat the Rams 20 - 17, beat the Panthers 32 - 29, beat the Eagles 24 - 21. They were just a little better than the other team each of those times. Perhaps we now know where the "a little better" came from. Perhaps not. Without more than we know now, I wo
  16. Two more I like: "I'll Keep It With Mine" - Nico "If Not For You" - George Harrison I know Harrison was present during the composition of "If Not For You", but he doesn't receive writing credit so I consider it a cover.
  17. "Tomorrow is a Long Time" - Elvis Presley "I Shall Be Released" - Elvis Presley "Just Like a Woman" - Nina Simone "I Shall Be Released" - Nina Simone "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues" - Nina Simone I don't remember the Johnny Rivers Chronicles quote, but I've read Elvis' "Tomorrow is a Long Time" is Dylan's favorite. I'll ask Bob to confirm the next time I see him.
  18. Photographic Evidence If the circled guy is indeed a Pats employee, that's pretty blatant. He's aiming the camera right at the coaches and players on the sidelines. Oh well, I'm pretty certain the Pats are not alone in this type of chicanery. Edit: Probably Photoshop, right? I don't think a Pats employee could be on the Jets sideline. Nonetheless, the NFL is supposed to have some sort of photographic evidence.
  19. I've liked everything I've ever read of Halberstam's, but, aside from some amusing Mantle anecdotes, I wasn't too into this. Way too much Tim McCarver in this book for me. I'm loving this book right now.
  20. I've heard "You Were Wrong" from the first Loose Fur record described as Lennon-esque.
  21. Just watched this: Solid movie. Good performance from Nicholson. He hadn't yet become "Jack" and was actually playing a character and not a persona. Somewhat slow moving, but great final sequence. Also, I don't know if anyone was ever hotter than mid-70's Maria Schneider.
  22. The Yankees also swept Cleveland in mid-August, and split 8 games with a solid Detroit team about the same time. Took 2 of 3 from Seattle last week. They've played some good teams. I'm not predicting or guaranteeing anything. I'm simply not ready to concede the ALCS to Boston and LA. Anything can happen. Hell, Detroit could catch the Yankees, take the Wild Card and go on to win the whole thing. Like you say, we'll see. It will be fun. NL, not so much fun. I can't see anyone beating the Mets.
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