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Everything posted by boywiththorninside

  1. You could try: The Standards The Exorcist The Shining Some Hitchcock - although does suspense necessarily equal scary in the Halloween sense? Psycho Rear Window Rebecca The Birds The Roger Corman/Vincent Price adaptations of Poe The Fall of the House of Usher The Pit and the Pendulum Tales of Terror The Raven The Masque of the Red Death
  2. I'm a Dennis fan. "Forever" is probably his high point for me. I think that song can stand alongside a lot of Brian's work, and is so good that it can rise above even this: Safe for work, but click at your own risk As far as the solo stuff, I like "Time" and "You and I" best. What the hell was the deal with Charles Manson though? Apparently, Dennis wasn't the best judge of character.
  3. The tracks that were initially streamed - Tweedy, Cat Power, Jim James - are the standouts for me. There are some others I like, but also a lot I'll never listen to again.
  4. I just heard on the radio that Ortiz is at first on Saturday and Youklis is sitting.
  5. Something about this post reminded of that recent Doris Lessing quote where she seemed to try to quantify how bad 9/11 was in comparison to the acts of the IRA. I don't think you can ever win by trying to say this act of terror was "not as bad" as that act of terror. Or that an act of terror is not recent enough to be kept in memory. From just across the East River, 6 years ago can sometimes seem like yesterday. Britian is handling everything alright? Try to walk anywhere in London without being in view of CCTV. Personally, I would find this invasive, but if this handling everything alright
  6. He was an ob/gyn for years. I'm not making any judgment about his position, but I imagine this might have influenced his thinking on that issue.
  7. There was an earlier thread devoted to this, which would seem to be a good sign for him. People are taking notice. Anyway, for more thoughts and opinions... Ron Paul Thread
  8. That's a good one. Is there a studio version? I've only heard it live.
  9. The ad uses a Smog song - "Held." I apologize. I see "The Maker" was all over this in a different thread. Delete this?
  10. Bob Dylan - "New Morning" I've learned never to call anything underrated, but I like this album more than most people seem to. I would put it much higher in my personal ranking of Dylan's best albums than most people do. I love his singing voice on this one. I like the down home feel. I like the simple lyrics. There is nothing I don't like about this album.
  11. Who is the favorite in this Series? I'm picking the Red Sox because of the Rockies' layoff, home field advantage, and Beckett. Are they generally considered the favorite?
  12. Everyone is probably sick of these threads. Are these ads even news anymore? Probably not, but here goes... Bob Dylan would like you to buy a Cadillac Here's the ad itself: Cadillac Ad
  13. This can't be good for Steinbrenner's already failing health. The sons should really tell him Cleveland won. Congrats to the Sox and their many fans on here. I hate to admit, but you've got a good team. I hope we now get a good World Series.
  14. I don't know the full details, but I've read Evans and Coppola had a huge falling out during the filming of "The Cotton Club" and that they are sworn enemies. Thus, Evans might have an agenda. I don't know, I'm just a bit of skeptical of his claims. Coppola has never again matched the first two "Godfather" films, but, really, how could he? If anyone doubts Coppola's talent, I would suggest they view "The Conversation." He wrote and directed this between the "Godfather" and "Godfather Part 2" and it's perfect. Also, "Apocalypse Now." Yeah, it is flawed, but I love its ambition and I never tire
  15. I'm guessing this was the template for Tweedy's cover - alternate lyrics, violin and all: Dylan - Simple Twist of Fate - 1975 John Hammond Tribute
  16. That's right! I was at Don Mattingly's last home game! 1995 Game 2 v. Seattle! He hit a home run! The Jeffrey Maier game! I was there! I'll stop. I've been enough of an a-hole in this thread already.
  17. Wow. Yankees fans or not, we were not destined to get along. Gary, my tongue was firmly in cheek. My earliest baseball memory is Righetti's no hitter. I'm old enough to remember most of the 1980's and the early 90's. Bobby Meacham, Dale Berra, Ed Whitson, Stump Mitchell, Tartabull, etc., etc. I watched those teams. Almost every weekend they were home, I used to hop on the 4 and go to a largely empty Stadium. My father and grandfather have explained the 1965 - 1975 gap. I know how good I've had it. I'd like to think I'm not one of those fans.
  18. I'm sorry I had to ask about your team. I thought maybe you weren't a Yankees fan and that's where our different perpectives were coming from. This doesn't mean that I'm right, but several people I spoke to last night - all Yankee fans - kept repeating the same thing: what the Yankees did to Torre was a carbon copy of what they did to Bernie. Meaning, they made an offer they believed wouldn't be accepted. This then allowed them to cut ties, as they really wanted to do. Further, it allowed them to put the onus on the person who rejected the offer. Quite conspiratorial, I admit, but still I cam
  19. ...or start talking non stop about A-Rod's contract. The NY papers will be going all out covering that soon. Yeah, I could also see a revised Torre offer. I'm not saying it will happen, but I wouldn't be shocked. Gary, are you a Yankees fan? I see "the Jersey," so I'm guessing Mets, Yankees, or Phillies.
  20. I'm not trying to whine and I'm sorry if things got pissy. I just have a complete different recollection/feeling for how things went down. I think when someone has the resume Bernie had, a tryout offer is a slap in the face. I can see someone having the opposite view - as you do. Roster spots have to be earned. You think Bernie had to earn that spot. I think, based on past performance, he already earned it and that a tryout offer was insulting. Agree to disagree. No hard feelings on my side. Anyway, this thread is about Torre. I apologize that it got sidetracked. Back to Joe: I miss hi
  21. I accept that. I just can't believe that given some of the guys who take up major league roster spots, Bernie couldn't have caught on - and, yes, contributed even - somewhere. I would have liked it to have been with the Yankees. The NY Daily News ran an article two Sundays ago that Bernie's thinking about coming back next year and that teams have shown interest. I bet he can still play. You guys disagree. That's cool. At his age, you guys might be right.
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