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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. I like my cow alive and walking. Just go up to him and take a bite. I actually voted Filet - Medium rare. The cooking style depends on the cut, but mostly like mine lean and rare. Ribeyes can cook a bit longer cause its so juicy with all that marbling fat.
  2. Nah, I dont really know what kind of person Sheffield is. Just saw an interview where he totally ripped on steriods use and proclaimed with force that he would and have never used steriods. I'm not a fan of his or anything. Just thought why would someone go that far to one side if he was using steriods. Maybe he is and that was his stupid way of trying to protect himself. I'm not protecting or sticking up for him at all. I just remember the interview.
  3. no, did bonds use topical steriods? cause i assumed he likes it in the ass.
  4. There is a topical steriods? Wow. Dont see that working as well. Nothing beats a shot in the ass for muscle building.
  5. If Clemens was a name, I really suspect Andy Petite also.
  6. I dont know if you saw the Sheffield interview, but he went on and on about his feelings about the subject. Would be a shocker for me, really. Not just statements to protect him from punishment, Sheffield had strong opinions.
  7. He also uses Viagra. I dont get it, what does Palmero have to do with Sheffield?
  8. Yeah I was kidding about the *. I hate the *. I have complained extensively about it here somewhere. Some of those names have already admitted to use that I know of. -Rick Ankiel, Jose Canseco, Jason Giambi, Ken Caminiti I would be suprised if Gary Sheffield pops up cause I saw an interview with him where he totally down talks steriod use and proclaimed very clearly how he never did it and how he thinks it is so bad.
  9. Luckily Clemens is pretty much done with his career. Was he gonna come back again this year? So should we start to put * on all Clemens records now?
  10. Yes for the ones that did the steroids. The clean ones have nothing to worry about.
  11. Just come down for a weekend then. I also love that song.
  12. Fukudome was a two-time Central League batting champion, led the league in on-base percentage three times and four times won a Gold Glove for defensive excellence in the outfield. In a 9 year career, batt avg of .305. Sounds pretty good overall.
  13. Since these concerts will play everything, all those hits would be there for the taking to make whatever. KT wasnt one concert either, they just took what they wanted from all nights. This would be perfect to record professionally. I wish for a live dvd from this but who knows.
  14. both. Overall team. Our lineup looks great now, but I think we had an awesome looking lineups for awhile now. I remember when we got Nomar, i thought it was more than we needed. Then getting Soriano was another bigtime boost. Things just never work out. Cant forget Soto in counting big bats for Cubs. I like Theriot too. I do like Pinella, so we'll see how he runs the guys.
  15. I was kinda thinking the same thing, but realized she will be too occupied with her own excitement to notice mine.
  16. Yes! Gotta say I am more excited about this than the forthcoming Wilco Shows. Just that I have seen Wilco many times, last at Millienum Park which was awesome, but has been rare and alot longer to see Jeff solo. There is something special about him up there by himself with an acoustic guitar, love the banter also. Gotta remind Jeff to have some good stories.
  17. Why not make Analogman a moderator? Seems to be perfect for the job.
  18. If you havent seen this guy, he is incredible on the guitar. He plays 2 at the same time. Lemme know what you think. Stanley Jordan plays "Stairway to Heaven" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjXN3OLgoqs
  19. All I want is my saturday tickets. The less they offer as presale 5-day passes , the better my chances of my tickets. I am kinda worried about being shut out of my sat tickets.
  20. There was a few. Wood, Prior, Maddux, Zambrano, Clement sounded really good at the time. Also remember when Nomar came on board I thought we were gonna rock.
  21. Yeah that was a good idea, but its way to notice scaplers. They will mostly start after 5 day passes are completely sold out.
  22. Maybe. also they could have released only a small portion like a 100. I guess we will see if we start seeing 5 day passes being sold by scalpers in the time to come.
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