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Everything posted by Littlebear

  1. Gal Costa : India (1973) It's superb
  2. ...Baby One More Time Oops!... I Did It Again Britney In the Zone B in the Mix: The Remixes
  3. it seems like in this kind of thread, you can pretty well mention anything you want, as long as you're positive, you're cool and don't need to explain as early as someone says a negative point, he just spoils the party but there have been simply too much lists here that can be contested - what sort of fun it is?
  4. There's no point between Wilco and this Brigth Eyes album. I'd rather make comparisons to Ryan Adams.
  5. I should get it soon in the mail, I ordered it through amazon.fr, along with one Sky Blue Sky.
  6. MMT and LIB aren't pure Beatles albums to my criteria. They're collections of recordings from various phases. The band didn't mean to release MMT as an album (it was a decision of the US market), and McCartney didn't want to release LIB.
  7. To those who mentionned the Beatles: please delete Magical Mystery Tour and Let It Be from the list.
  8. The French is surprised that this record is making a little buzz elsewhere in the world Not necessarily me, but the French in general
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