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Scott Gyrrr

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Everything posted by Scott Gyrrr

  1. I think the message system is down at the moment, might have to wait.
  2. Yeah mine cracked too. If you post a picture of yourself with said book and said disc and a forlorn look on your face I could maybe help you out though.
  3. I do a similar thing using windows media player. Type in a word such as 'wild' in the search field and listen to all the songs with that word in it. Great way to drag up tracks you would otherwise think of.
  4. I vaguely remember hearing something about how albums from the U.S often have bonus tracks on them when exported to AQustralia and New Zealand to avoid some kind of tax or other. Don't know if that's true but it wouldn't surprise me.
  5. Hmm, now Summerteeth Summerteeth, where did I put that Summerteeth record?
  6. Interview is out now. Issue 70. Talks a bit about recording Sky Blue Sky with mainly sm57s!
  7. Cozy rides on golden sheep, baayy be - whats the world got in store
  8. What song? I like the line "my sister said oh well shes just being Miley" in see you again. brilliant . I love the double time drum part in more like the moon.
  9. I'm pretty sure there will be no 'record store day' in the Antipodes mate. .
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if mp3 dies before compact disc with the size of hard drives these days. As to what the next format preferred by the masses is and when who knows.
  11. If Wilco are still together after 6 pages of this , I say they keep going
  12. Someone had to go and list Stand Na I guess its ok Tho for a long time I couldn't stand it.
  13. Jeff supports a women s softball team?!
  14. shit your right! I think its the face.
  15. perfect circle so. central rain
  16. Hmm that graph does show a worryingly downward trend. Maybe they should go into artistic receivership.
  17. How about Wilco- Will You Never Learn
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