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Scott Gyrrr

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Everything posted by Scott Gyrrr

  1. The story of Lucy the chimp raised as a human for an 'experiment' in the 1960s is pretty shocking. Humans are so clever. It's on This American Life (parent trap episode) and Radiolab
  2. From the point of view of itunes, sure its a marketing ploy. But from the point of view of simple logicalityness its totaly sensical. Songs are either mixed to 16bit or 24bit digitaly then mastered. Theres really no need do anything to it after that. The worry is they just tack eight empty bits on to the word length of a sixteen bit file. Has anybody actually compared an mp3 to a 24bit file? Overall its a more imerseve experience. The lowandhigh frequencies suffer the most with mp3s so cymbals and bass guitars become mockeries of their former selves. I also think the headphones that come with
  3. Yeah I doubt this would be half the price. HA, more likley to be sold as a 'premium option' inspite of the fact that its no more difficult or expensive than mp3, aac, whatever. Just curious, What is miserable about the experience for you? What don't you like? The sound or...smell . I like being able to hear about a band then download a track it within moments. Then if I love it i'll buy the vynll and crank that shit real loud.
  4. Its just a brotherly thing. They laugh at our cricket team, we laugh at their rugby team. We laugh at their flash floods, they laugh at our earthquakes Seriously though Christchurch were still dealing with an earthquake in September and that beautiful city will never be the same. Thanks for your support and best wishes.
  5. CNN reports that Apple is in talks with record labels to increase the quality of music sold through the iTunes Store, boosting the music from a 16-bit format to a 24-bit format. Mac rumors link This is a step in the right direction I think I heard it here Gearslutz
  6. Looks like Borders/Whitcoulls and Angus & Robertson in Australia and New Zealand are going down the tubes too. All owned by the Redgroup retail company. The cheeky bastards at Whitcoulls are making people with gift cards spend an equal amount in the store when they redeem the voucher! Fuckers! Bookstores in New Zealand are selling top titles at two to three times their price in the US and Britain, which may help explain why two of the country's biggest book chains were this week put into administration.-New Zealand Hearald
  7. I had a pale blue/grey Raleigh Grifter. Thing weighed a shit ton. I think it had 3 gears and wasn't cool becuase BMXs were just coming in. Growing up i lived on road called Hazards Rd. It went down hill and into the sea via a gravel boat ramp. This was fun. In summer we would just ride straight into the sea at high speed with our togs on. Also there was a dirt bank to the left of the road just before the gravel part which made an excelent jump. I mastered the 360 on that sucka. Great memories. Oh yeah, for christmas one year my cousin got an E.T Kuwahara!!! This must have been about 1
  8. Check this interview with J out. He mentions a second signature guitar. Is this out yet? Maybe someone better internet could find what the deal is. The video for 'over it' on that website is also awesome.
  9. Heres an inteview with the sound enginbeer for The Suburbs Mark Lawson for those that are intersted inthis sort of stuff Are they doing some of the creative work and songwriting in the studio, or are they coming in completely prepared? No, they're always still working on stuff in the studio. To the last vocal take, they’re still developing it. You did most of the recording on The Suburbs. Didn’t you guys track in multiple locations? The credits on the album list off a few different places: “Random basements, people's houses, a studio in New York, as well as a studio in Montreal calle
  10. Froggy will remember this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzQKECQgjW8 May not want too though
  11. The Z-vex nano looks pretty nifty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHSM5GJD87A
  12. Do you love me? the Contours noooooooooow that iiiiiiiii caaaaan daaaaance Do you love me? -Nick Cave And the bells from the chapel go jingle-jangle
  13. What is '...a purpose-built record sleeve'? Sounds amazing!
  14. Wow these vids are awesome Cool to see the flambouant tiger stripe Delite kit in there. I didn't think it would be his style.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vH-mOqZou0&feature=related
  16. The power of intention? That sounds interesting. As a procrastinator I'm very much into that. No matter your thoughts on religion I think we are all in awe of the power of the universey wersey!
  17. Now if they throw the couch out the window...The album will sound like motley crue, so...
  18. I wish there where more pics of Glenns drum set up.
  19. Possibly AKG K240 headphones. I think they come in two impedances, one for studio use and one aimed at djs. I had a pair 7-8 years ago. They didn't last a year. Build quality was not so good to say the least but I could have just had a bad one. Audio technica athm50s are pretty greaty for the same money.
  20. Shit I didn't even know they where tracking! Owsome.
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