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Everything posted by rhino4evr

  1. take out I'll fight and add Via Chicago and I think you have a pretty amazing set list there. Probably the best one yet this tour. also first set without Jesus Etc in a while.
  2. FYI Sunloathe is pretty much a tribute to The Beatles Sun King and Captiol City is has a lot of similarities to the Benefit of Mr Kite..
  3. I like Joy Division, Husker Du, and The Smiths also, but seriously? The Beatles are amazing, the white album is still pretty modern sounding to this day. And saying "I've heard the singles, I know I hate them" is absolutely ridiculous. Like 90% of most bands the real experience comes from the album not the songs on the radio. As a underground/indie fan you should really know better. Stop acting cool and go listen to Abbey Road from start to finish, and The White Album, Sgt Pepper, Revolver...some of the best rock albums of all time. You are doing yourself a real injustice by not listening t
  4. AoA - 9 I Might - 8 Sunloathe - 8 Dawned on Me - 9 Black Moon - 8 Born Alone - 9 Open Mind - 8 Capitol City - 8 Standing O - 7 Rising - 7 Whole Love - 9 OSM - 10 Sometimes it happens - 8 I Love my Label - 7 Message from Midbar - 6 Speaking Into the Rose - 7 Overall id give the album a high 8 if I was being over critical, but it is so rare that an album has nothing but solid songs from start to finish. It's definitely there most consistently good record since Yankee. Its not as interesting as Ghost, but I think it's a more enjoyable record overall.
  5. How someone could enjoy Wilco and hate The Beatles (despite admitting to have never heard a single album) is mind-blowing to me. I mean at least listen to Abbey Road before making such a retarded asinine statement.
  6. Wilco and Radiohead are my two favorite bands, and I have used this descibe them before, no they don't sound anything alike, but they both push boundries, and are constantly changing their sound. Now recently Wilco has slowed down when it comes to experimentation, although it's still present, while Radiohead continues to evolove into something different. If you didn't like the King of Limbs, I advise watching them play some of the stuff live, I think people don't realize that they are basically making organic electronic music. Which is pretty mindblowing to see. Go google the Colbert Report
  7. Dude, it's $1.29 at the Itunes store. Surely you are willing to part with $1.30 to be complete. LOL. My tracklisting that I posted earlier works really well. Speak into the Rose is a great way to close the album (still not as good as OSM) but it kind of leads right into Art of Almost. I like I like
  8. Dawned on Me...unfinished!!? Have you listened to that song with headphones on? It's like super layered...if anything they over did it. It's probably one of the best songs on the record in my opinion. Standing O was probably the only track on the album I didn't really like at first, but it's grown on me. It's very "I'm a Wheel or Walken" just fun, brainless, garage rock. I think Open Mind is a very pretty song, and it reminds me mostly of Sky Blue Sky. Black Moon without the strings looses it's dramatic effect for me. so basically what I'm saying, is that I totally disagree with everythin
  9. so another reason to remove Black Moon (Alt.) ...it makes it impossible to fit everything on one CD. The 16 track tracklist that I came up with fits just snugly on a 80 min CD..
  10. the end of sometimes it happens is much nicer then the fade out as well. Let this be a lesson, don't edit your songs to fit the format!!
  11. should I start an official "Sometimes it happens" Itunes version (aka definitive version)? LOL.
  12. I just bought the Itunes version. it was $1.29...whatever..picked up the vinyl at my local record store..gotta support the band and the local indie place. I like to treat my IPod like my personal mix, so I sometimes mix things up. For instance I added Butcher and Super Collider to the end of King of Limbs.
  13. yeah, i just confirmed. the vinyl version of Sometimes it Happens fades out..while the Itunes edition comes to a conclusion!! So my official tracklisting is now 1-11 - CD 12 - Vinyl version of One Sunday Mornining 13- Sometimes It happens - Itunes version 14-16 - Deluxe Edition CD remove track 17 - Black Moon (alt version)... Finally my life is complete!!
  14. um...remember when I said that Sometimes it Happens seems to end a little early? Well the vinyl rip I have is 3:05 and the Itunes version is 4:23....what in the world Wilco?
  15. So I guess the album hasnt grown on you yet? Are you a fan of Mermaid Ave, Summerteeth or Being There? Because this album reminds me more of those records then Yankee or GiB, although bits of those are on here too. I can see if all you want is Advant Rock Wilco then this could be a bit disappointed, but I think most long term fans will agree that the entire record is excellent. I don't dislike a single track. Compared to Wilco the Album, where I disliked a majority of them.
  16. It's very minimal. It's not like the alt version of Kamera. Speak into the rose makes a great closer as well
  17. I decided to make my own deluxe edition on my IPod. The CD tracklisting replacing OSM and adding the 14 min version, then adding the bonus tracks starting with Sometimes it Happens and ending with "Rose". I deleted the redundant alt version of Black Moon. Success!!!
  18. As far as I know the only place to get the 14 minute version of the song is on the vinyl. The song goes on for almost exactly 2 minutes longer and has a really awesome conclusion compared to the fade out. The song Sometimes it happens actually ends in a fade out, and feels like it ends way too soon. It's weird.
  19. Does it annoy anyone else that the Vinyl cut of One Sunday Morning is 14 minutes long? The 12 minute version on the CD has a obvious fade out at the end of it, while the vinyl version actually has a few more minutes and comes to an actual end. I just don't understand the reason to cut this song on the CD. I mean it's cool that Wilco are giving Vinyl buyers an extra incentive, but in the end it just makes having a "definitive" tracklisting impossible. Whatever...love the extended cut, and I am going to rip it and replace my mp3 version of the gimped song right away. i should mention in th
  20. the extra 2 minutes at the end of One Sunday Morning is awesome. I have no idea why they decided to cut it on the CD. It's definitely the definitive version as it seems to actually end instead of fade out.
  21. In the NPR interview he made it sound like the songs that they finished mixing will be available in some form or another, and the songs that were just rough sketches/demo they are saving for another time. I could see a short tour EP maybe, but I wouldn't expect another album so quickly...
  22. still havent heard "sometimes it happens", but that will change come tomorrow
  23. I saw the show is on BTree but it's an audience recording. I really would like the NPR recording as it was really well recorded.
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