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Everything posted by rhino4evr

  1. Actually there is a good chance that it started as a hobby and formed into a career. Still I think its safe to say Wilco takes their music a little more serious then Eminem, who makes money exploiting mass media stereotpes and pop culture controversies. He's not interested in moving anything forward, but instead trying to capitalize on what will get him the most press. He's a sideshow act like most pop stars.
  2. LOL, stop being such a douche. This isn't the Impressions thread. Back on topic. The earliest I can remember an album leaking was TV on the Radio's Return to Cookie Mountain..which found its was to my email early April, but wasn't out on CD until September (if memory serves) The Deerhunter -Microcastle is another good example. The Shins last record leaked in October and didn't come out until late January. A month is not really an "early leak" it's much more average then that. Also Eminem is pure garbage..if you want Hip Hop listen to the new DOOM record.
  3. i so wish the shirt said Wilco (the shirt) would have been an instant buy
  4. LOL..what's wrong with good music? Also, Im pretty sure SBS had quite a decent critical reception..unless you are solely talking about Pitchfork Media..then I can guess you assume that everyone in the world feels the way they do? Did they help you form your opinion on what is considered "good" music too?
  5. That was more of a joke then a serious question. Im not really angry, just curious and confused by the amount of folks that seem to treat the album like a disappointment. It can't be everything for everyone, I understand that. I could see why people expecting the next YHF would be disappointed..but this IS a Wilco Message Board..in this case, Im surprised at all the positive reactions to this album. It's not a return to the YHF or GIB days..
  6. sorry, I don't remember the reaction to SBS when it came out. I think i was just a lurker back then.
  7. the amount of hate for Sky Blue Sky is pretty high for a Wilco message board. How many of you have heard of the band Uncle Tupelo? I mean come on, if anythign SBS was a relapse back to his roots, after two extremely powerfully emotionally lost records. It was a breath of fresh air, after the complexity of GIB Have any of you listened to Wilco's albums in chronological order back to back? You should..I think you would appreciate SBS much more. It has some of the most heartfelt lyrics in the entire Wilco catalog.
  8. as soon as the pre-sale vinyl bundle is up consider it purchased
  9. just want to add my 2 cents about this production thing. Anyone that thinks great songs have to have great production is sadly missing out on some of the best stuff the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s. 80s, 90s, 00s had to offer. Really you are missing out on a LOT of stuff. Better go do some homework. that being said..the production on this album is just fine. It's not OK Computer quality, but it's a lot more defined that Double Nickles on A Dime. Both timeless albums.
  10. I think the issue some people may have is that the album doesn't really have a mood like YHF, GIB, SBS did. It's much more single song based like Summerteeth was. That's not a bad thing, it's just a departure from their last three albums.
  11. finally heard the last half of the album. Really enjoyed it. Sonny (is it sunny or Sonny?) Feeling sounds like a track right off of Summerteeth. I will Fight is like a upbeat version of On and On. Everlasting is a great ending song..not sure what you are complaing about it's length for..I think its perfect. Will have to hear more of Country Disappearing to form a final opinion, but i thought it was good in general. So glad to have new Wilco to listen too...
  12. Sadly, a lot of people don't recognize certain sounds unless they hit them in the face.
  13. Check the other thread..there are plenty of people that are emailing the link. Also you can try searcing Twitter. The AtEase message boards are also well known for posting leaks...
  14. the production seems pretty average. It doesn't sound as warm as SBS. Nothing too terrible though.
  15. There are a LOT of artists that put out very similar albums every year. I think the two biggest exceptions are Radiohead and Wilco. Each of their records feels different from the past, Wilco (The Album) is no different. oh leave me alone. If it bothers you that much, I will edit it. Geeze.
  16. You know, sometimes I wish my morning commute was longer. The new Wilco album leaked just as I was going to bed last ngiht, but that didn't stop me from taking a quick preview. On first impression, I was a bit underwhelmed, but that may have had more to do with listening to the album on tiny speakers. On my drive to work, I was much more pleased with what I heard. Since my drive is only 20 minutes, I've roughly heard half the album. I'm currently in the middle of track 6's 70s vocal like harmonies. I was much happier with what I heard this morning. Let's get the obvious out of the way. F
  17. holy SSSS its for real!! Downloading NOW
  18. ughh..i HATE these threads. User should be banned. If it has leaked, we will all know within a few hours. These things spread like wildfire.
  19. Go to the bathroom already!
  20. that is so awesome, can I use it for my avatar?
  21. yeah it was posted in its own thread and then removed for some reason.
  22. you should print out the Wilco (the lawsuit) lyrics and sing them at the event.
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