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Everything posted by dthedust

  1. does it seem like some of the hype has died down?i know the chicago show isnt sold out,which i like, but at first you couldnt get decent seats at any show for less then 200 dollas.id like to start hitting up some shows again but dont want to pay 500 to see phish.id like to talk to alot of the lot vendors too i used to know.
  2. beastie boys sabotage video.nirvana in bloom or heart shaped box.sonic youth bull in the heather.i second the pavement range life and bjork all is love and blindmelon no rain.didnt know there was a tom waits in the neighborhood music video, prolly woulda have that added if i had seen it.
  3. 1. First Concert, when? yanni in 90 or 91 2. First Concert you really wanted to go to and did? grateful dead 7-6-95 in st louis. 3. Favorite Band? that changes. 4. How Many Times have you seen them? ive seen phish around 20 times 5. Worst concert you attended? jack johnson in san diego in 2000.worst sound possible. 6. Favorite concert you attended?? grateful dead,7-6-95.i know its considered a shitty show but at that time,to me, they could do no wrong.also tom waits at the fox in st louis. 7. Band you have seen the most? phish 8. How many times? 19 9. Furthest you drove for a con
  4. holy shit.wow, thanks for posting about this these are great.i fucking love music.
  5. hell yes word to your motha to johnson countyers.except the police and court systems.
  6. id like a tweedy solo tour,but right now wilco is fucking huge.wilco you go to the show with me?
  7. all shows in kc,lawrence,columbia,and a couple in okc since 04 or 05.red rocks a couple weeks ago.san diego at 4th and b in 2001 or 2002, i wasnt a huge fan, i had just heard a few songs,especially remember the mountainbed from a mixtape a girlfriend gave me when i left home after high school and moved to cali, but that one song and the show turned me into a wilco fan for life.ill travel anywhere if i can to see wilco.all of us kc folk should meet up sometime also.
  8. based on lyrics or the music?
  9. let me come home better be in the top 3
  10. wish it was the hollowbody but thatll do for my at least thats what you said attempts.
  11. itd be nice if wilco just put out more 45s.
  12. is venus stopped the train a jay song?thats probably in the top 3 most beautiful songs theyve recorded.
  13. maybe you guys caught him on an off day for being in a bad mood, didnt he say we were the best audience ever?where i was sitting ever single person was paying attention even the bathroom was empty for the 30 second set break.but either way still the best time ive had or might ever have at a wilco show.crossroads seems small to me, how many does it hold?cant be more than 2k.they could play municipal with the back cut off like phish did back in 96.
  14. i wish kc lawrence or columbia had better venues meself.crossroads is pretty small but last time wilco played there i had a blast and it wasnt to crowded.
  15. thanks for the info guys.i love how hollow bodys sound so was curious.seems like that guitar has a hefty price tag, and he mostly only uses it for walken?what a waste.i must have been a nuisance with my singing then ditty, but if you see me again say hey.id be cool to meet alot of you guys so anytime theres a preshow meetup around kc shows,let me know.
  16. that was by far the funnest wilco show ive been too.musically everything was perfect.the only song that had a rough start i thought was spiders.anyone know what kind of guitars jeff uses?that hollowbody sounds amazing.mostly curious what kind of acoustic he uses.it looks like a harmony but its probablly a a 5000 vintage martin or something.i was in the handicap section so i was front row so maybe you saw me ditty in the second row.flannel shirt, singing every song.got yelled at because i didnt clap with my hands over my head.but best wilco show ive been to.
  17. after my first listen i was let down on WTA,but its grown on me.sounds like its a yhf version of SBS in a way.
  18. the drive through kansas is the worst drive in america.i do recommend stopping by cozy in in salina for the best hamburgers on earth, white castle style with a little more class.and always go to chubbys in denver for the best mexican food in america.
  19. is it possible for someone to make a username and actually checkmark the shows hes been to and where.i know phish has something like that.
  20. softly and tenderly jesus is calling{sung by tweedy},another mans done gone,let me come home
  21. dear mr tweedy, anyway you could throw in a let me come home for a poor little wheelchair fellar? this is going to be the best concert ill have ever attended me thinks.
  22. ill be front row.red rocks is perfect for wheelchairlers.o'death would be a good opener.
  23. I learned the reason why man must work and how to dream big dreams
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