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Everything posted by nicburto

  1. There are dozens of us...DOZENS!!!
  2. I dunno - Ari said that Jake Gylenhall was signed on for A2 and Benicio Del Toro for Medellin, so it will be interesting to see what happens. Also, how did Drama get his likeness in the Godfather game? Is that possible cause that would be the shit.
  3. I thought it was a great episode. Vince got what he deserved, and so did E - he's a pimp. His girlfriend is one of the hottest women on tv right now.
  4. if anyone cares to YSI, drop me a line - i might be able to help out any golden smogless persons...
  5. i hear ya - just a little friendly joshing
  6. Motions Pictures is one of my favorite Neil songs - that would have been a something to hear....also, HUGE props on those posters - i'm really impressed.
  7. yes, but i dont know how to do tab...
  8. sarah silverman is my dream girl
  9. i dont think your equipment is mediocre at all - all of these guitars can sound amazing if played well: Gibson J 45 Rosewood Nashville Tele Epiphone Sheraton II Honestly, when I play my electric I never use my amp - I always practice with it on a strap walking around the house trying to make the music sound as good as possible without any enhancements at all. Then when it comes time to plug in, you know that you've got it down.
  10. Norah Jones is married to her bass player - that man gives hope to every normal american male out there - god bless him
  11. i just thought she had been de-pantsed....either way
  12. It's quite alright with me. SOMEHOW they keep getting work....
  13. well, if we're just throwing format out the window... Penelope Salma the most stunningly gorgeous women i've ever seen
  14. I think I need to check out Logan's Run....
  15. can that even be called a skirt
  16. thanks for the advice - i'm gonna go try some out. that zvex is the so cool.
  17. my 212 deville is too loud for me - can anyone recommend a good one speaker amp (pref tube) with lower wattage? I want something that starts breaking up fairly low - i've heard that deluxes are good....also, i think i'm gonna trade in my 212 deville, so probably something under 500 would be good. any ideas?
  18. i play an american strat with texas specials and a Fender 212 deville. I don't use many effects - just an original crybaby and a boss overdrive/distortion when i need it. But basically i just use the overdrive on the amp. it works for me...
  19. the best thing to do is barre it, if you can
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