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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Re u2roolz's comment above, yep, I totally understand. I wasn't suggesting, by the way, that everybody needs to get together for 2 full hours (5-7), just that anyone from VC who wants to should try to come to the designated meeting spot (whatever we decide on) sometime between those hours. Purling Hiss starts at 6:30 in one of the courtyards, then Pajama Club is on at Joe's Field starting at 7:45, so I figure people may want to get to any get-together on the early side of that 5-7 timeframe. The main reason I was suggesting Friday is that some of us don't know many other VCers, so it would
  2. Oh yeah, the suggested time/location. . . . I posted that on Facebook but not here. Sorry! Actually, I was thinking Friday, between 5:00-7:00 (anytime within those hours), and we should pick something close by Mass MoCA. I was throwing out there the idea of the bar at the Holiday Inn or that little open bar overlooking one of the courtyards at Mass MoCA itself. That might be problematic, however, due to crowds. So actually, this is still a work in progress. Last year we tried the Hub but that place was insanely popular, and everyone sort of dispersed to other destinations since we couldn't g
  3. Back to the original topic. . . Really? There's just one signup on the Facebook page and two people saying they're interested here on VC? I know there are more of us than this going to SSF2. Do you not want to get together, or is the suggested time/locations not good for you? Or maybe some of you just haven't gotten around to responding. People, this is what makes being a cruise director so frustrating!! Seriously, I would kind of appreciate it if people would weigh in, either here or on the Solid Sound 2011! Facebook page.
  4. Jeff also addresses some elements of the song in an American Songwriter interview from 2009 here. He talks about the device of writing a song from the perspective of the third person narrator. Specifically about I'll Fight, he says: For what it's worth, I agree that the song is written from the point of view of a specific character, but I don't hear it as being about just that. I like the thought that it addresses some of the relationship between Jeff and Wilco and the evolution of the band.
  5. There's no way you can take off work one day? That would be the best thing, obviously, because Wilco's playing a full set Friday night and it would be a shame to miss it. Also, that Peter Pan bus looks very inexpensive. If that's not doable, I guess I'd suggest just driving. It's about 3-1/2 hours from the NYC area.
  6. Yes, absolutely. In fact, if anyone wants to just reply here, that's fine. Facebook is a bit easier for managing lists of attendees, but it will be fine to just indicate your intentions here.
  7. Hey folks, if you're going to Solid Sound this year, there's a Facebook group you should join. It's called Solid Sound 2011! (yes, with the exclamation mark) and it's different from the "official" Solid Sound Festival page. It's a smaller group of people, mainly VC members. Some of you may recall my dismal attempt to create a VC meetup at last year's SSF. Actually, the response was great and everything would have gone off like clockwork, except that the restaurant (The Hub) screwed up the reservations. I can't really blame them--I don't think anyone expected the deluge of people coming into
  8. Yes, that, and also the friendly debate/banter about covers. Inquiring minds want to know.
  9. I'm a lifelong diehard Randy fan and have been lucky enough to see him perform live many times over the years, starting back in the 80s, and most recently just a few months ago in Charlottesville, VA. I think he's a genius--great satire, made palatable by beautiful/hummable/soaring music. There's a cognitive dissonance in much of Randy's best work, including famous songs like "Sail Away" and lesser-known, more recent great songs like "This is My Country" from his album Bad Love. Randy himself acknowledges that it's hard to "get" satire when you're driving down the road at 60 MPH. There's be
  10. Nope, that picture was attached to the email I got as well. Nice work! I have no idea about the baseball. Maybe they're planning some kind of morning kids games? I have to wonder, with all the other activities going on, who would be thinking of baseball???
  11. I would just call Mass MoCA this morning to find out. If they don't know, they should be able to point you to someone who does.
  12. Just don't send any twitpics "sharing" that excitement!
  13. So sorry to hear this. I remember that a picture of you and your wife was used in some kind of publicity about Solid Sound, too--can't remember the details. Anyway, if there's any way you can make it this year, you should come. I went solo last year and made all kinds of new friends. It's a different experience from going as part of a couple, I think--you just open yourself up more to meeting new people. I don't know you personally, of course, but I agree with Attacks above--you never know what might happen, and if nothing else being around that much good music and that many good vibes will
  14. This should probably be a thread in the After the Show forum, but I figured it might be premature to start a thread since I wasn't there. But please, all you lucky people, pour some sugar on us! Would love to know if he played any new songs, even if you can't divulge details.
  15. This is pretty interesting stuff. Personally, I wasn't all that into the Numero Group's contribution last year, but I remember hearing lots of people who were sorry to see they wouldn't be participating this year. From this, it appears they will. Also, it sounds like there will be some version of the kinds of demos that Glenn and Nels did last year. I thought Glenn's guided tour of his drum exhibit was fascinating, and the Nels exhibit was also good (though hard to see because of the logistics). Hopefully they'll do something creatively interactive like that again this year. I am definitel
  16. Great to hear this. I agree, he is the genuine article--a musician's musician. There was a good profile of him in a recent issue of Rolling Stone. I'd really like to catch him in concert.
  17. Do not be deceived by the name. She is a sweetheart!
  18. If it matters, I told your joke to a gay friend of mine, who laughed but said he'd heard it before. It definitely didn't offend him. It made me laugh, I'll say that.
  19. Thanks everybody. I think we're all set. If a prize is being offered for creativity, persistence and diversity, with bonus points for distance traveled, our little group is a shoo-in. We're gonna have fun!
  20. That was an awesome show. Can you imagine what it'll be like to get two nights of this back to back in less than a month? I don't think my old heart can take it!
  21. Pretty funny--NPR just posted on the stream "We'd love to continue streaming Sasquatch, but Nels Cline just melted all of our faces off."
  22. Oh, so good to hear BBN.I needed this tonight!
  23. Getting ready for Wilco--they're talking about dBpm and Anti now.
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