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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. This is not me, but I thought there was some fine whistling going on here. Looks like a pretty fun little gathering. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoLR66tgATk
  2. That happened to me with my 30gb, and I bought an 80gb on craigslist for about $110. That one is now only about 2/3 full and I love that I'm not stressed about being close to capacity all the time. So, while some might make the perfectly sane suggestion that you just uncheck some of the music in your iTunes library so that not every thing syncs up to your ipod, I'd say just bite the bullet and get a 160gb. You can probably find something on craigslist for less than $200. There are lots of them on the secondary market, many brand new. (I sold my 30gb, still with all the music on it, to a frie
  3. Didn't work for me. It said video unavailable due to privacy settings. I assume that's settings on her/your end but it could be on mine.
  4. Best answer yet. This will separate the men from the boys!
  5. Thanks for what you do, Dan. I subscribed to the Wilco Examiner a while back and never realized it was just one person. I thought it was some kind of automated web spidering service. I've occasionally spotted little gems that I might not have seen elsewhere, compulsive though I am. You do us proud!
  6. I think Paul has been to every show I've been to and I know people who have conversed with this legendary guy (!) but I've never met him, so I can't spot him in the picture. Anybody care to out him? I spotted myself, though. Does that count for something? GREAT photo, by the way.
  7. By the way, they were in a small, thank you note sized envelope with FGT as the return address. Kind of inconspicuous and, come to think of it, easy to overlook. Beware!
  8. I'm reading this thread with a great deal of interest, because the price/value ratio in ticket pricing for shows has really struck me recently. Not to overstate it, but I actually do think there's a sort of moral component to ticket pricing. And I have paid pretty ridiculous amounts of money in the past for a must-see event ($500 to one of those Stubhub agencies for floor tickets to Springsteen for the E Street reunion tour was the most outrageous, followed by $250--face value--for a Stones show in 2005.) But these were big band/spectacle shows where production costs were high, I'm sure, and t
  9. Got my tickets in the mail today, by the way, and my friend did too. Sweet!
  10. I totally agree. In fact, Spencer mentioned on his blog some time back that he was hoping he'd be able to go to SSF this year. If he does, and if he can bring along his friends, maybe we'll get a show. Maybe we should all hit up his blog and start a write-in campaign! It would be such fun to see them.
  11. Someone has already put a nice video of You and I up on youtube. Naughty, I know, but really nice to watch.
  12. No, I remember reading this too. It was something along the lines of "there's nothing experimental about rhythm and guitars and drums, etc.--the results are in, and it works" Something like that. I can't figure out the right google search terms to find the original quote, but it was something like what dthedust said.
  13. It's on a new Starbucks anniversary compilation CD. it's the one Wilco song.
  14. In case anyone hasn't noticed, I am older than dirt. Still, gotta love this film. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6XcMqeA20k
  15. Magnetized

    Tweedy Solo

    Hmm. Maybe not just the youth who need schoolin'.
  16. I know, right? Maybe it's a just a peek at an awesome promo-in-progress.
  17. This just got tweeted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g71iNyK3_Lo&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
  18. Tonight--Bright Eyes at the National In Richmond, VA. Cursive is the opener.
  19. The two I bought kind of turned into dishrags after a couple of launderings. They shrunk and got all twisty. Several people on here complained about it and apparently (exact memories are failing me) the company stepped up and said that the yarns the manufacturer used were defective. I'm not sure it applied to all of the shirts, but the ones I got--the pale yellow one with the moustache motif and the blue and green one that sort of looks like the poster--were kind of a mess. I never would have thought to ask for a refund, honestly, but it was offered, and I am glad to have wearable souvenirs ag
  20. I couldn't find that old thread about the defective t-shirts from last year's SSF, so I thought I'd just post this here. Guess what came in the mail today? Two replacement shirts. Better late than never, and in plenty of time for summer. I still think this was a pretty sweet move on the part of the vendor or representative or whatever: Impact Merchandising. They acknowledged that the shirts were defective, they operated on the honor system for replacements, and they delivered. A bit late, but it's not like I've got a t-shirt shortage after all these years of music fandom. Kudos to you, Imp
  21. Oops! How did I miss this? Thanks for posting, and now I'm even more excited about the show on Sunday.
  22. Yes, and he was just really "on" for this show. He acknowledged some friends in the audience and maybe that had something to do with it, or maybe it was the recent Oscar. In fact, he told a funny little story about how he appreciated everyone in the area giving him his privacy and not coming up to ask for autographs, etc. He said there's a restaurant he goes to in LA where he always sits with his back to the room. His son took him down a notch and said, "Dad, you're not THAT famous." Then he quipped that he thought that winning the Oscar would've sold at least another 250 seats. (The show app
  23. Just saw Randy Newman in concert (solo--just him and a piano) in Charlottesville on Tuesday night. It was the Paramount, where Jeff played such a memorable solo show on Dec. 8. Honestly, it was just an amazing concert. Great venue, the first show after his Oscar win last Sunday, and a very appreciative audience. He played about an hour, then took an intermission, then came back for another hour, with a couple of encores. The scope and breadth of his work is just amazing, and his delivery was strong and committed. And his between song banter can be hilarious, though he does a much longer and
  24. I believe the tour starts tonight, March 4, in Atlanta, so I guess no one has seen them yet. I'll be going to the sold-out show in Richmond on Sunday, March 6. I'm driving up from Norfolk--flying solo so just in case anyone here is going, would love to meet up. I've been listening to the new album a lot over the past few days. It helps me enjoy a show more when I'm pretty familiar with the artist's catalog. It's definitely a grower for me. Ther first few listens It didn't do much for me but it's starting to worm its way into my brain. I've grown rather fond of the mystical/crazy guy's interl
  25. And 3 day passes are the only way to go, IMO. How could anyone miss even one day of this weekend? I'm serious!
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