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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. 1. and 2. I first heard Wilco at my first Wilco concert, at a little club called Traxx in Charlottesville, VA, where I lived at the time. My memories of that show are hazy, but I do remember thinking they were good. Since I'd never heard them before, though, and I was with a date I was trying to impress, I didn't get all that involved in the music and I certainly didn't become obsessed with them. I think the first album I bought was Mermaid Avenue, which I loved, but I still wasn't hooked. There was a long break between my first and second shows. The second was at the Norva in Norfolk, VA i
  2. This is some great footage of Glenn and Monkey Chant in the Hunter at Mass MoCA. I was too far back to see what he was doing, although it still looked and sounded awesome. But these are some nice close-up videos.
  3. I can't believe you're just now getting home. What an adventure! You're an amazing mother-and-son tag team. Thanks for the good times, Donna and Brennan. As Mavis would say, "Let's do it again!"
  4. Thank you! I waited in line for these and got shut out (too enthralled by Pillow Wand to get in line soon enough) so I was thrilled to see this. Hope the site is legit--I just snagged two.
  5. I was wondering if this was archived anywhere and I found it here: http://www.wrsi.com/pages/3243131.php (If by chance the direct link doesn't work, go to WRSI's home page and click around to find it. It's an interview with their radio personality Monte Belmonte.) Not a bad interview at all--very casual. Jeff gives them "a scoop": the real name of the new album. I had submitted a question in hopes that I might get picked to attend this, but alas, it was not to be. HOWEVER, he asked Jeff my question--even said my name on the air! (Mispronounced, but still. . . )
  6. I loved, loved, LOVED the whole weekend. Aside from the obvious (Wilco, Levon, hanging with dear old friends and new ones), some of the particular highlights for me were: Glenn's amazing solo performance in the Hunter Center. I'd only seen a recording of Monkey Chant, and it was something else entirely to watch Glenn perform it live. The other pieces were also excellent.Glenn and Nels's improvised exhibition in that main gallery. Watching them make music so up close and personal was a real treat.During Levon's set, various Wilco members and their families were hanging out in the little side
  7. Okay, I'll be quiet. But you treat her right, now, OK? We need her to be in tiptop condition by Friday.
  8. Holy crap, look what Spencer Tweedy just tweeted! tweedyson Spencer Tweedy Sounding solid (pun!) http://instagr.am/p/GMyxM/8 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
  9. Oh, I would so be there if I were there! I'm really looking forward to the Handsome Family's set at SSF. I like what I've heard of their songs very much, but it's limited so far to their tribute to Leonard Cohen and, of course, So Much Wine. I just can't get enough of Jeff singing that song (with big props to Brennan Murphy for his taping of the Jeff solo set at SSF last year).
  10. Hmm,too bad we don't have an emoticon for applause--we could've done handclaps too!
  11. Yeah, I hardly ever listen to Kingpin on BT, but it's one I really enjoy live. I think it was designed to be a live song and they didn't even try on BT.
  12. Yeah, looks like we'll probably get a little wet. But scattered thunderstorms can mean mainly sunny, with widely scattered, brief cloudbursts. That can be refreshing! And Sunday looks really good. That's the optimistic viewpoint, of course, but no reason not to be. However, my hooded rain jacket is packed, along with my indestructible concert sandals.
  13. Oh goody. They're ba-a-a-a-ck. JUST KIDDING! But really, with Solid Sound less than a week away, WTF are we doing in this thread? As they say on radio call-in shows, "and I'll take my response off the air."
  14. I think when there's a lot of Wilco-related stuff to talk about people will get engaged. When there's not, it's more just general, comfortable musings on this and that, and that's really fine as far as I'm concerned. What some people seem to miss (I'm guessing here) is some of the rapid-fire, too cool for school posts where anyone who doesn't have at least 1,000 posts on record is automatically jumped on by the veterans for asking a straightforward question or offering an observation or comment. The cliquish in-crowd vs. the rest of the world attitude is childish and very off-putting, and I
  15. The early version of the schedule didn't list Autumn Defense's set.[Edit: Maybe--I might be wrong. I think I misread that early schedule.] But yes, I've also been hoping there would be a super-secret (ha!) Jeff Tweedy solo set announced sometime.
  16. Is the Solid Ground campsite all booked up? I know that's not ideal in terms of full-service camping, but the proximity should be good. Also, I've seen a couple of posts on this board about people with a last-minute need to get rid of a hotel room, so that may be a possibility. Other than that, maybe check out Craigslist or the Solid Sound website or the Solid Sound Facebook page. Some people are posting there about changes in plans. Good luck! Edit: See this on this board: http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/45667-ssf-2011-north-adams-hotel-room/page__pid__1467772?do=findComment&comment
  17. Another great review of this event, from Booklyn Vegan http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2011/06/guitar_gods_nel.html
  18. What a great weather forecast! It's still a little ways off, but if that holds up it'll be wonderful. Speaking of wonderful, here's an article about Tony Margherita and Solid Sound. There's some good information in it, and he seems like such a nice guy. Also, did everyone else know that he's married to Deb Bernardini, who handles PR for Wilco? That was news to me.
  19. The guy with the W1LCO plates is Michael (jerrycray on this board), and he's coming to Solid Sound again this year. We met at the Tweedy solo show in Charlottesville in December. As I recall, he got signatures from all of the band members on his plates.
  20. You can subscribe to Zoran's page--or whatever it's called--on Vimeo. He actually still has quite a few other Wilco related videos up there, or he did as of yesterday afternoon, and some are as recent as 5 months ago, with Tweedy working out variations on Open Mind. I presume--though I'm not sure--that subscribing to his page will cause you get a notification when he posts something new. Full confession here: It might've been me who tipped them off about the fact that the vids were public. There was one with a sweaty Glenn listening to playback and drinking something (iced tea?). I posted
  21. Regarding the place for our VC get together, I'd like to suggest the outdoor bar right on the grounds of Mass MoCA, the one that overlooks one of the courtyards. Yes, it will be crowded, but we can spill out to the surrounding area if need be. And it will certainly be the most convenient place, in case people want to come and go. Any objections?
  22. Totally agree with rockinrob. By the way, I got yet another reply back from Zoran, with the exciting news that he will be shooting at Solid Sound this year! I think we had heard something a long time ago about this possibility, but my memory is hazy. Anyway, it is now confirmed, from the horse's mouth. Should at the very least result in some excellent high quality footage, and maybe a full-scale DVD or something. Yay!!
  23. God DAMN it! They've all been made private. I got home just in time to watch them, but only once. I was all ready to watch 'em again and again and again. . . and now they're unavailable. For what it's worth, I sent a message to Zoran via vimeo asking him to please restore them, but who knows? I have a feeling the reason they just now surfaced is that they were marked private before, and maybe they got made public for a very short window of time today, by accident. Shit! Edit: I can't believe it, but Zoran actually responded to my message. He says Wasn't that nice? Disappointing, but
  24. I can't see these at work. Ack! I hope it's just my office firewall and that they haven't been taken down. Please tell me they haven't been taken down!
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