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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Good lord, do we ever! Or something! I have NEVER seen this board so dead.
  2. This Sasquatch stream has been terrific tonight. I'm not wild about Death Cab for Cutie, so I may not make it for that set. But definitely looking forward to Wilco Monday night. Apparently these sets will be archived, so I don't think everyone will need to stay up late to catch them.
  3. I'm a print subscriber but for some reason I can't access the online version, even though I'm signed in. Looks like current issue content is limited to Rolling Stone Plus subscribers. This is probably some glitch that it will take a customer service person to fix. It was a half page article that was basically an expansion of the Fricke blog piece. It did have a couple of interesting tidbits. If I can find a way to access it online I'll cut and paste.
  4. Actually, that picture of Jeff has always reminded me of another great songwriter, the Un-Bono
  5. Dustin Hoffman told this one on the Tonight Show the other night. Hilarious! A beautiful woman is on an elevator when Donald Trump walks on. Woman: "Oh my God, it's you! Oh, Mr. Trump, I am such an admirer! I have all your books, I'm a huge fan of The Appentice, and I supported you for president!! I can't believe I'm having this opportunity to meet you in person!! In fact, I would consider it such an honor if you would allow me to give you oral sex right here in this elevator." Trump: (considers for a moment, then. . ) "What's in it for me?"
  6. I'm a little late to the party, but yes indeed, Happy Birthday to Bob! I work part time in a cool little video store and the in-store entertainment will be all Zimmerman, all night tonight. Maybe start off with Don't Look Back, then the Unplugged DVD, and finish off with something sure to piss everyone off. The possibilities are endless--Masked and Anonymous? Renaldo and Clara? Nah, I'll probably just do I'm Not There or the Scorsese documentary. Anyway, a true cause for celebration. Hard to believe it's been 14 years since the illness that caused him to say "I was so sick, my mind just
  7. Well, that actually does sound like a good scenario, so your situation sounds much less bleak than mine was. I'm glad you have options like that. Your cat sounds like it would be very happy in a one-person household. Good luck!
  8. Let me just chime in here. If it's a longhaired cat you really don't want to make her an outdoor cat. Her fur will get all matted and she'll be miserable. Some cats do thrive outdoors, but honestly, longhaired cats don't. Also, I really do think it's better to put a cat down humanely than to put it through a few weeks or months of misery before it gets killed anyway. I hate to relate this story, but since you're dealing with a situation I've had some experience with, I will. I had a beautiful Maine Coon cat who was always a little weird, but basically she was pretty content for the first 7
  9. Too bad this is was in the past. I just saw her a few months ago and he is definitely not in the band now. He would never have put up with the distorted sound quality at that show, for one thing. . .
  10. Gillian Welch and David Rawlings opened for Bright Eyes at a show I saw in Atlanta at the Fox in 2007. They were just mesmerizing. They also joined Conor and the gang for a few songs at the end of the show--might've been encores. That whole concert was one for the memory book.
  11. Let me be the first--on VC, anyway--to send you happy birthday wishes, Jesse. You are THE BEST!!
  12. Can't we all agree that the dreaded "lossy" mp3 format would be acceptable for banter? (Spoken as one who has never yet successfully converted torrent files--though I still haven't given up.) But if there's a great collection of banter in mp3 format, I would love to have it.
  13. http://www.npr.org/2...ert?sc=fb&cc=fp Supposed to start in about 5 minutes. . . [Edit: That was supposed to be NPR, not SPR. And it's on now.]
  14. Bump--and an update. The friend I was planning to go with has had an unexpected work conflict, so now I don't have a roommate OR a driving companion. If anyone has any bright ideas, I'd welcome them. I really would like to drive up (from Virginia) for this festival and I could pick up 1 to 3 other people along the way. I understand the rooms at the Holiday Inn are good-sized and there are 2 queen beds. The total cost per night is around $200 and I have reservations for 3 nights (Friday-Sunday). It could be an inexpensive option if we're able to get a few people to share. Since my friend
  15. Damn, that was sweet. Left me so hungry for more, though. I don't know if I can wait will the end of June.
  16. Oh yeah. It's great to see and hear our boys again. . ..
  17. This other Jeff whatshisname sounds pretty good too. . .
  18. OK, how lame is this? I cut short an evening out (for my birthday, no less) so I could get home in time to watch this. Do NOT tell me it's not worth it to watch 27 minutes of Wilco!
  19. And yet it sounds like the reviews for the shows themselves have been great. Good energy, enthusiasm, tight playing, good banter, etc. I guess they're playing for the 99.5% of the audience that isn't going to see every show on the tour. Not that I wouldn't love to be among that .5%. I'm dying to hear more about the asschaps. . . .
  20. Just got this from Wilco HQ. Looks like there won't be any significant run of U.S. shows between July-September after all. Damn! "The band may like to push boundaries, but it’s never lost sight of rock and roll fundamentals: If your music moves people, they’ll follow you anywhere." Mobile Press-Register (May 4, 2011) Greetings from New Orleans where we're 3 shows into Wilco's US mini-tour. It's been fun to watch the band get cranked up again & blast the cobwebs out after the layoff. If you can't make one of the shows, you can hear a stream of the band's Jazzfest performance
  21. I sure hope this is right. Saturday is my birthday and I'll be out until very late that night. In other words, I hope the Wilco set is in the wee small hours of the morning! I would hate to miss it.
  22. Looks like Madrid in November. Seems like there's lots of room for shows in the U.S. and Canada from July - September, unless I'm missing something. I hope they'll be announcing some late summer/early fall dates in the U.S. soon--right after the new album leaks and just before it's officially released!
  23. And, for outdoor shows in particular, fleetness of foot once the gates are opened. I'm not kidding--it's a good idea to forego the sandals and wear tennis shoes.
  24. What an utter douchebag he is. The best thing I've heard recently is that Groupon has pulled its advertising from Celebrity Apprentice. I always knew I liked that company. . . .
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