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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. This is a wonderful post. [Edit: I was replying to Lost Highway's post.] I'm reading in kind of a hurry and I'm not sure I completely agree with everything you said, but definitely most of it, and you've expressed what I've tried to say many times before much better than I could. It's honestly a mystery to me why I never get tired of listening to Wilco, whereas with some other artists I love (Randy Newman,Warren Zevon, Lou Reed, Springsteen, on and on and on) I can burn out after a few days. But with Wilco it's really different. It's like their music has seeped into my soul and become a part
  2. I really enjoy his blog. It's going to be so interesting to see what kind of an artist he turns out to be. His photography is very specific and detailed, he writes like a teenager channeling the wisdom of someone at least twice his age, and he's a musician with excellent taste. And with all that, sometimes he just sounds like a regular 16-year-old kid. It's fascinating to observe the development of a young artist.
  3. Courtesy of Knotgreen, Via Buffalo, Kidsmoke and maybe others who have gotten started on the lyrics, I am transcribing what sounds like the correct version, but with still a couple of places where I'm unsure: This is how I’ll tell him Oh, but its long One Sunday morning Oh, one son is gone Against silhouetted dawning Over the sea My father said what I had become No one should be Outside I look lived in Like the bones in a shrine How am I forgiven? Oh, I get time This I learned without wandering (warning?) Holding my brow (?) In time you thought I would kill him Oh, but I didn't know ho
  4. I just got out of a nice warm bath and was listening to One Sunday Morning. Your description IS perfect!
  5. Back on page 10 of this thread, Knotgreen did. They seem pretty accurate. I love the line "Outside I look lived in".
  6. Could be, I'm no herpetologist. (Is that the word?) For some reason I thought rattlesnakes were a western thing. I know we've got water moccasins, cottonmouths and copperheads--seems like plenty enough. Ugh--I hate snakes. Just looking at 'em scares the bejeezus out of me. [shakes fist] Damn you, Donna!
  7. I'm of two minds about this. On the few occasions when I've actually gotten to hear Jeff sing the song (solo shows only, come to think of it) I love hearing him actually sing it. I think it's one of the most beautiful songs in their catalog. But on the other hand, that sense of community that you get when the audience is singing every word of those (sometimes complex) lyrics--well, that does feel kind of magical. I would really love it, though, if Jeff would just call a moratorium on singalongs on this particular song. I think he could do it--just ask the audience to let the band earn its ke
  8. Like the live stream of the Boston show last year, when they first announced Solid Sound. That was so exciting. Nobody had any idea what Mass MoCA was and there were a ton of people all abuzz. So yeah, that would actually be a great way for Wilco to leak the new album. Only problem: we'd probably crash the website, and everyone (me included) would be pulling their hair out trying to get in.
  9. Crap, that thing's gonna give me nightmares. There's at least one good thing about living east of the Rockies--no rattlers!
  10. Where's the Like button? Perfectly said! I don't think I've ever posted in the favorite studio albums thread, because I seriously love all of them and on any given day my opinions would shift. (OK, I would probably have to put AM and W(TA) at the bottom, but for the rest I just can't say which is my favorite.) But I have always loved SBS. It's a beautifully assured record.
  11. I completely agree. BUT it's ironic that we'd be discussing THIS song at THIS show in THIS context, because the crowd participation actually led to one of the most beautiful moments of the night. I'm not going to run afoul of our rules by posting a direct link to a performance here, but you can search over at youtube for wilco radio cure solid sound and the first video that comes up is a 3:27 recording of the song, uploaded by JAK2112. The PA cuts out and the crowd picks right up and keeps it going. It was a magical moment.
  12. You know what, I would be perfectly OK with waiting until the official release date if I weren't going to see them before that. I've heard I Might, Standing O, I Love My Label, Dawned on Me, Born Alone and Open Mind, so I guess that's the bulk of them, but still, I really prefer to be familiar with the music before hearing it in concert. I just resonates more at a live show if I'm familiar with the music. But I'm trying to chill. By the way, and for what it's worth, I hate this us vs. them crap--mudslinging, misleading newbies, inside jokes, wink wink, nudge nudge. It seems at the very least
  13. I just noticed that on the live versions from Solid Sound, he doesn't say that "get well soon" line just before "Everybody." I know the line is sort of muttered under his breath anyway, but I definitely don't hear those words on either night's performance. I like the way he introduces it the second night by saying this is the only song they're going to repeat "if nothing else, just to beat it into your heads, cuz that's what you do when you put out a single. That's what the label told us to do."
  14. Birthdays are a good time to reflect, acknowledge and celebrate. Happy birthday to the man who has inspired me, obsessed me, brought me the music that has been the soundtrack of the last few years of my life, been responsible for expanding my world with new friends and bringing old friends closer. You should bask in the knowledge that there are thousands of us who feel the same way! You have brought so much good into the world and you deserve all the success and contentment you're enjoying now. So woot woot, happy birthday, and many more!
  15. Oh, you poor misguided soul. No way!
  16. That's my office coffee mug, so it kind of popped off the screen at me.
  17. Like "free reign"? Aaargh, I cannot stand that, and I see it everywhere!
  18. I almost cut and pasted that same bit. Very insightful, and very true. It's part of what makes me so excited to see what they come up with next. I know it's going to be something familiar enough that it'll be in my wheelhouse, but fresh enough to keep it interesting. And sometimes, it'll be great!
  19. I really enjoyed the interview and the video clip. Jeff's "voice" just comes across so distinctly in interviews that I almost feel I would recognize it even if he weren't talking about Wilco-related topics. There's kind of a wry diffidence, but with a sincerity and real desire to connect, that just comes through in every interview I've read or heard. Sometimes he's more playful and relaxed, other times more edgy and argumentative, but he always seems very real to me in interviews. Then seeing him play--in the video clip--with the camera following him around or shoved right in his face--and
  20. No one here has, as far as I have heard. What board has people who claim to have heard the whole thing?
  21. I had to smile at this. My friend brought her family along to Solid Sound this year, and her husband was just barely familiar with Wilco before the weekend. Now he's become a convert, largely because of Misunderstood, I think. He just could not stop talking about the "Nothin'"s for days after the show. Every time I talk to him, he starts out the conversation with "NOTHIN'! NOTHIN'! NOTHIN'!" It's really funny what hooks somebody.
  22. Edit: I decided on different lodging, so this offer is no longer available. I got tickets to both nights at the Ryman and booked a room at the Courtyard by Marriott, which is a few blocks away, within easy walking distance, for Saturday and Sunday nights, Oct. 1 and 2. The room has 2 double beds and the total cost, including taxes, for the two nights is $280. I'd love to find someone to share the room/expenses, as I'm going solo to these shows. I'm a woman, well past the age of caring about appearances, so you could be a man, woman or couple--I only care if you're nice and honest and will
  23. Didn't they do some mixing in New England? I think I remember a tweet or FB post or something just before Solid Sound that said they were mixing somewhere in New England. But yeah, wherever they came up with all this, I love it. They just seem to be particularly inspired. And nice to see Pat coming into his own.
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