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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I'm half the age I tell my friends. I'm really only 30. Just aging really poorly.
  2. I found out the same thing about a friend of mine, although it was only 2 years she was shaving off. The way I found out was when I brought her home from the hospital (some minor surgery) and needed to bring her ID into the drugstore to get her prescription. She kept resisting but finally relented, and then sheepishly admitted the deception--while making me swear not to tell our friends. I was truly surprised! She's a few years older than me, but it was kind of sad to find out how much that age issue must mean to her.
  3. Passenger Side is my all time favorite song. I wasn't going to post that because I thought I'd be laughed off this board, but it always just makes me happy as hell to listen to that song. It's the perfect evocation of a certain specific time in your life--the melody and the lyrics and the whole loose feel of the song mesh seamlessly for me. I request that one at every damn show, and I'm so glad they don't seem to get tired of playing it.
  4. Far as I know it's solid. Maybe they just don't attend to their website very often. Michael (jerrycray) went to the Tarrytown show last night and will be at he DC show before C'ville, so he should have some stories to tell!
  5. Will these posters be available at the show? I would definitely like to get one for Charlottesville.
  6. A group of us are meeting at The Box, a noodle joint within a block or two of the Paramount, before and after the show. A VCer, jerrycray (not his real name) has gotten himself booked into this place to play, solo acoustic I think, both before and after the main show. I used to live in C'ville but it's been several years ago, so I haven't been to this place, but there's a website (http://theboxcville.com/) where you can check it out. We're arriving between 6-6:30 and I assume we'll be eating and drinking there. If not, there are lots of great places to eat right on the downtown mall, which is
  7. Hopefully, Solid Sound will be the annual event that will be the rallying point for fans. A whole weekend of Wilco fantasy camp is way better than a New Year's Eve arena show, IMO.
  8. Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! Thank you so much for such a thorough, anecdote-filled report. It makes me feel almost like I was there. Almost. . . !
  9. Details, anyone? Was there any memorable between song banter? Audience interaction? Anything cool/uncool/interesting about the venue or the people? Setlists are great, and I'm thrilled that a tape of this show will emerge, but it's the little personal anecdotes that I really love to hear about!
  10. Cobbling together from the tweets posted by nyctaper, the setlist for Jeff portion of the show tonight was as follows (corrections welcomed, since I wasn't there!): Spiders IATTBYH Muzzle of Bees One Wing Via Chicago Wait Up Be Not So Fearful Ruling Class Country Disappeared Chinese Apple When the Roses Bloom Again Magazine Called Sunset Radio King Hummingbird Jesus Etc. You Are Not Alone (Encore, joined by Pat and John) California Stars I Got You Shot in the Arm (Second encore--solo?) I’m the Man Who Loves Y
  11. Here's a treat courtesy of Consequence of Sound--4 clips of Jeff, etc., from the Yo La Tengo show: http://consequenceof...th-jeff-tweedy/ Love it all, especially Gun!!
  12. Aww, man. I feel your pain! Well, still, at least you're getting to see Yo La Tengo twice!
  13. Amen, A-Man (re the negative comments). Yes, a couple of us were trying to kidnap Brennan and get his young butt out to the east coast to record these shows, but alas, I don't think anybody hit the lottery jackpot to fund the trip from California. I really hope somebody manages some kind of a taping, though--it would be such a shame not to have these memories preserved. Even if--to coin a phrase--imperfectly.
  14. I really like this. You've got a good, strong voice, the guitars sound great, and overall I think it's an excellent cover. You might pick up the pace just a bit, but that's a very minor quibble--this is a slow song, after all. Really nice job.
  15. I was feeling a bit sheepish about it, but I did . With the 25% discount on some items that I'd been meaning to get anyway, plus the coffee, it brought my order up to over $70, which entitled me to a 15% discount on the entire order. Seemed like a reasonable time to give myself an early Christmas present.
  16. Some good news from Wilco HQ: Greetings friends, Here's that early December blast of news from Wilco HQ. First, Jeff Tweedy will play 2 shows at the Boulder Theater (Boulder, CO) on January 7-8 to help celebrate the theater's 75th anniversary and tickets go onsale next week. More info here. More juicy ticketing news: after some deep sleuthing, we're happy to announce that we busted some people (that is assuming you consider scalpers people) who violated our ticketing procedures for Mr. Tweedy's Dec. 7 show at Washington DC's historic Lincoln Theatre. As promised and threat
  17. Warming up my vocal cords already. This could be therapeutic--perhaps I'll get the singalong out of my system before the show and will be a less annoying audience member!
  18. Guy goes to the doctor, complaining that he's not feeling well. After putting him through a battery of tests, the doctor calls the man into his office and says "I'm afraid I've got some very bad news for you, sir. To begin with, you have AIDS. On top of that, you have leprosy, smallpox and the plague." The man says, "Oh my god, doc, is there anything we can do?" Doc says, "Well, you're going to have to go to the hospital immediately and we'll put you on a strict diet of pancakes and flounder." Guy says, "Pancakes and flounder? Is that going to cure me?" Doc says, "No, but it's all w
  19. Oh, while we're on the subject of taint (we are, aren't we?), two related items of interest. . . 1. Kristen Schaal, at Solid Sound, did a long bit about the taint, a la The Vagina Monologues. Her point was that the vagina gets all the attention--it's time for the taint to get its moment in the sun, dammit! (Maybe you had to be there, but it was damn funny, I couldn't find a youtube link, but I think she covers some of this in her book, The Sexy Book of Sexy Sex.) 2. Stephen Colbert, talking about one of the new features of the airport security TSA rubdowns, called it "taint buffing." F
  20. Or PM, a little night music from the boys. That would be nice!
  21. Jeez, what a fiasco. They messed up the lyrics (I can never tell/you're the deepest well I've ever fallen into) And if they're Wilco fans, ya gotta wonder why they used an old band photo with a previous lineup. I may be in the minority, but I actually like this song for what it is--a simple falling in love song--but NOT this version.
  22. Got in just under the wire. While we're all busy with Thanksgiving, I didn't want to overlook your birthday. Thanks for the travel advice for Solid Sound and for turning me on to Bob Lefsetz. And you can pretend all that turkey and pumpkin pie was in your honor!
  23. Breathing a sigh of relief and very happy to report one more thing to be thankful for--the tickets from Front Gate arrived yesterday via UPS.
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