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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Wow, the ticketing system is really crazy. As I said, I got lucky and got 2 for C'ville, but that was on the phone. I had tried calling in starting at about 9:50 and finally got through on hold, and someone answered at about 10:02. He was only able to find 2 but they are excellent seats, center orch., row B, seats 105 and 106. I was meanwhile trying furiously to get more on the computer and my cellphone, but I had the same problems as everyone else--it looked like seats were available, then gone before I could complete the transaction. I wasn't trying to hog tkts, by the way--just got lots
  2. Nobody has mentioned yet the tribute documentary released in 2006, "I'm Your Man." It's very good, and so is the soundtrack album. The clip is from a tribute concert in 2005, interspersed with interview segments with Leonard and some of the artists featured in the concert. Some of the people involved were Rufus and Martha Wainwright, Nick Cave, The Handsome Family, Teddy Thompson, the McGarrigles and many more. I'd recommend renting or buying it, but you can watch the whole thing online here.
  3. Donna, I just got around to reading this and am sitting here in tears. I've had three dogs in my life and every one of them was a full-fledged member of the family with a special, unique place in my heart. There's nothing like the love of a good dog, and it is heartbreaking when you have to say goodbye. Bella sounds like a sweet, blithe spirit, and those memories will stay with you longer than this pain--but you know that. You've already written a beautiful tribute to her, and I'll bet she's wagging her tail in doggie heaven right now, thanking you for the good life you gave her. I loved the
  4. I love Sky Blue Sky. Maybe it's not for everyone, but I think it's pure bliss, and to me it doesn't sound like most of what they've done before or since. It sounds very open-hearted and melodic and straightforward--a great, confident band putting forth their artistic vision for that album, making beautiful music together without apologies or a need to pander to their audience's expectations. If you "get" this phase of their music, great. If not, move on to the next, or go back to an earlier album. Wilco doesn't tend to repeat itself too much, and that's just one of the things I love about them
  5. Cockfighting??? This wasn't about Jeff talking about the various meaning of the word "cock," was it? Why the hell would members of this board be talking about cockfighting?
  6. For anyone else interested in Charlottesville, I just called the Paramount and found that they are are doing a presale to members only beginning at 10:00 on Thursday. Membership at the associate level (the cheapest) is $75.00. So for anyone who actually lives in C'ville, that might be a good option for you if you get shut out of the Front Gate presale. I'm guessing that with the savings on service charges, etc., it might not be that much more expensive to sign up for membership if you were able to pick up 4 tickets at the box office on Thursday morning. Not an option for me, unfortunately, but
  7. Woo hooooooo! I used to live there and it's a fabulous venue--he's been there before, of course. I CANNOT WAIT!! :dancing:rock
  8. And Charlottesville Dec. 8 at the Paramount!!!
  9. I just saw this, about Mavis rescheduling an appearance at the Earshot Jazz Festival in Seattle: NOTE: Unfortunately due to a personal scheduling conflict in Washington, DC on October 30, Mavis Staples has had to reschedule her show at Town Hall Seattle to Sunday, October 31, at 7:30 pm. This is following up on an earlier rumor posted somewhere that Jeff and Mavis were both planning to be at the Stewart/Colbert rally. If she's rescheduled her Seattle show, it looks like at least the Mavis part of that rumor is true! And somehow I just bet that Jeff is coming too. It won't be the mai
  10. You know what? I liked the Before Sunset ending just a tad better!
  11. Oops, I KNOW I'm late on this. Hope it was a good one!
  12. Ooh, I like this one. He has the lean, lanky thing going on. I used to think Charlie Sheen, but he's gotten a bit dissipated looking these days. We need our Glenn to be vital and full of life!
  13. Magnetized


    Randy Newman once famously said something along the lines of (and I'm misquoting): "Irony doesn't translate well blasting from speakers in a convertible driving down the freeway." I would say the same about a post in a forum. If this is supposed to be an ironic comment on the silliness of trying to paint a band or its fans as racist because the audience isn't sufficiently diverse, then fine. If not, then I think it's moronic.
  14. Apparently Jerry Hall has sprung to Mick's defense, like a dutiful ex-wife.
  15. Oh yes, I second this advice! Not just for the Colosseum, but for almost everything in Italy. My friend and I joked that the sign we saw most often in Rome was "chiuzo" (closed). They operate on a different time schedule there--lots of stuff is closed during the middle of the day, only to reopen later in the afternoon/early evening. So do check times!
  16. It's just overwhelming to try to do everything in 2 days in either of those cities, so there's bound to be stuff you will miss. BUT if I could only do one museum in Paris I'd go to the Musée d’Orsay. It has the most amazing collection of impressionist paintings and it's beautifully arranged. It's less daunting than the Louvre, although still a huge museum. In Rome, definitely go to the Colosseum. If you must go to Vatican City, I suggest taking some anti-nausea medication when you keel over from the disgusting display of wealth and vulgarity. (Don't get me started.) Whatever you do, you'l
  17. Hey Brennan! How you doing? Just today, I upgraded from a 30 gig to an 80 gig ipod, so I am up for whatever you've got to offer. (I was so frustrated with having to unsync old stuff to make way for new stuff!) So yes, bring it on! I love her new album,. don't you?
  18. Very nice. Where was this held. and are you in any of the pics? Pat's hair looks less fluffed up than usual!
  19. I'm with Moss--77.8%. I wish there were a way to go back to the ones you got wrong and hear them again. I was so sure my answers were right in most cases. Obviously unwarranted confidence!
  20. The second side (yes, I remember this album on vinyl) beginning with Pirate Looks at Forty. No, I'm not a parrothead, and I haven't liked much of what he's done in recent years, but I sure did love this album at the time, and it still takes me back when I listen to those last 5 tracks.
  21. Anybody else seen this yet? I just finished watching on HBO and it is a really well-done documentary. I see definite parallels between Jeff and Bruce in their integrity and commitment to their own artistic vision.
  22. Thanks so much for posting this! I just loved John Lennon and this is the best interview I've ever heard. Just completely relaxed, funny, warm, candid, clever, insightful--I can't say enough good things about it. I was first playing this just as background but found myself completely mesmerized and hanging on every word.
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