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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Oh shush, y'all! My t-shirt shrank--that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  2. The link didn't take me directly to the page, but it was easy enough to find on Amazon's home page under Create Your Own Deal. I just did it and the discount was applied accurately. Listening to Miss Mavis now, singing Randy Newman's Losing You. Nice! Edit: Mildly annoyed that the download did not include composer. I can go in and manually edit on iTunes, but it seems like it would've been easy enough to include that info in the download. Thanks for posting this.
  3. Thanks. I didn't receive this email and neither did Hazel, though, so I wonder if you could post the header information, like who sent it. I bought the pale yellow stache shirt and have had the same problem. I wonder what mailing list they're using to send out the emails. At any rate, I would be glad to try to follow up with the sender once I know who it was. Thanks!
  4. I must have missed something. What's this all about? Defective t-shirts?
  5. I don't know how authoritative this website is, but I found this when I searched for Wilco Belfast setlist. By the way, if anyone here knows that this website is shite (so to speak), feel free to edit or delete my post! Kind of an interesting website, I thought. Next to each song in the setlist is a link to a youtube video, not of that evening's performance, but some youtube video of that song. I clicked on a few of them and they were in fact the correct songs. Because of the formatting of the list it's hard to copy and paste the setlist, but here goes, warts and all, for those who don't wa
  6. Well, since I kinda started this, the latest word seems to be that it was a licensing snafu, not Lou being pissy, that caused this kerfuffle. Of course, this is an unfolding story, so who knows what the exact truth is. Regardless, I do think there's a difference between Lou Reed licensing his own version of the song to be used for a TV commercial and allowing another singer to sing it. Personally, I have nothing against Susan Boyle, but if I had written a song (ha! fat chance!) that I wanted to exert some control over, I would think that's my right to do. Or at least try to do. I might hav
  7. This cracks me up. http://www.tmz.com/2...t-simon-cowell/ As I write this, it doesn't seem clear whether Lou has really denied Susan Boyle permission to sing Perfect Day or whether it was just a licensing glitch. Still, a pretty funny controversy!
  8. I had not heard anything about this but I just took a look at the trailer for the movie. Looks very weird! I googled around a little and came up with this link to Glenn's facebook page: http://www.facebook....d=1258327657931 Apparently Glenn played with Paul K and the Weathermen from 1994-1997. There are some audio clips if you google around a little. I'll be interested in seeing what, if anything, anyone else knows. Intriguing, Ditty!
  9. I like this interview. I hadn't read it before. I was struck by several things, mostly how consistent Jeff has always been in his statements about the importance of the connection between performer and audience--how much one influences the other. And this, re Heavy Metal Drummer:
  10. Jesus, what a great episode. I watched most it again today and caught the bit about Don's secretary, Ida Blankenship, having had an affair with Roger. I think he called her the queen of perversions or something! So even though, as someone said on here earlier, Don won't be banging her, someone once did! And what do you think about Peggy and Don? Is this the start of something romantic? Talk about a powerhouse couple.
  11. You have my sympathy as well. As to poetry, I once heard this read as a poem at a funeral, sort of as a last blessing from the deceased, and it was very moving. If this fits your situation, I would suggest it to you (courtesy of Bob Dylan): Forever Young May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do for others And let others do for you May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young. May you grow up to be righteous May you grow up to be true May you a
  12. I'm grinning from ear to ear reading your review. If there was ever a place to post something like this, it's on here, where so many of us feel the same way. They've been my favorites for so long, though, that it's just a real treat to put myself into your head right now and recall that exhilaration and sheer joy of seeing them perform. I've loved them for a long time, but the March "Evening with" show in Richmond, VA really sealed the deal, and Solid Sound was honestly one of the highlights of my life! So, while your feelings may in fact be a little over the top, you've got quite a few kindre
  13. Oh hope hope hope hope hope!!! Hey, we only have another 11 months or so to wait for it!
  14. Just got around to watching this. It's completely charming! And at the very end, the credits list Anne Tweedy as the production supervisor. I'm sure that's just some weird naming coincidence, but a cosmic one, don't you think?
  15. Resurrecting an older thread to post this article from Crawdaddy, naming YHF as the best album of the "aughts" or 00s (or whatever): http://www.crawdaddy...-hotel-foxtrot/ {Hmm, I guess this shouldn't have been in the Someone Else's Song thread, but that's where it showed up. . . ) Here's the article: Just under a year ago, the editors asked me to pick my favorite album of the ’00s. Without much hesitation, my certainty only edified by how easily it sprung to mind, I chose Wilco’s Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. A lot of critics (but no one at Crawdaddy!) picked Kid A to receive top honors, bu
  16. Mine too! For whites, anyway. Just found a great sale on Monkey Bay for $7.99/bottle yesterday and got 6 of them. I'll toast to the building codes in New Zealand when I drink 'em!
  17. I did the same, with an explanation of why. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't see it among the list of most requested songs for that show, however. Perhaps other VCers can go in and make the same request, along with an explanation. I would think that would ensure that the song will be played. So very sorry for your loss. Richard.
  18. Not such a bad article at all, in my opinion. Sure, some omissions and small (maybe judgment) errors, but it wasn't the New York Times, either. And the interview portions were good and occasionally illuminating. A worthwhile read, I thought.
  19. Wow, great first report from the show. I'll bet they really made it special since this is their last show in the states for a while. Weren't you also at the Tweedy solo show in St. Louis? It's so great to hear two kinds of awesomeness that close together, isn't it?. Gonna be hard coming down from this. Thanks again for the report.
  20. Well, of course, mama! That goes without saying. But I'd say Junior earned his keep!
  21. You know, I totally agree. It is absolutely crystal clear, and so very intimate. I'm kind of obsessed with listening to it. So Much Wine, in particular--every single syllable is perfect. Speaking of so much wine, I spent last weekend on the Outer Banks of North Carolina with friends and decided--after a little too much wine, etc--to go to sleep with Jeff singing in my ears through headphones. It took me forever to fall asleep because I didn't want to end the concert in my head. And I had some beautiful dreams, too. Seriously, it is a fabulous recording of a magical show. Thank you, Brennan
  22. I'm not going to this show, unfortunately, but I don't think you need to have any concerns that they'll be rusty. They just played at Solid Sound Festival on 8/14 and it was fantastic as usual, plus Jeff's been doing lots of solo shows recently. They're gearing up for the second (or is it third?) leg of a European tour, and rumor has it that they're working on new material as well--hopefully, they'll be recording after the European tour. Read some of the entries on this site about the Solid Sound Festival. It seems to me that the boys are all in fine shape and rarin' to go! Plus, Jeff seems r
  23. Just found a really good article from the Chicago Sun-Times Dave Hoekstra, from 8/29. Boy, the connection between Mavis and Jeff seems genuine and strong, and it sounds like he found this experience in producing her album really inspirational. Also, lots of funny stuff in here re bird poop and Jeff's cooking skills and food-withholding strategies! I'm including the text of the article below, but if you click on the link there's a picture or two, plus links to related articles. http://www.suntimes....-082910.article Mavis and Jeff: Eating, laughing and learning August 29, 2010
  24. As I struggle to hold on to the blissful feelings of that perfect weekend, now half a month away, I find I can bring some of the feeling back by putting on my headphones before I go to bed and falling asleep listening to Jeff's solo show on Sunday. It's implanted some beautiful dreams in my head, too. so. . . Dreams and memories Come flooding through my headphones Fest feelings persist!
  25. Happy birthday, Jeff. You have brought such joy into my life for so many years, I can't begin to thank you enough. For some reason, there are artists that we just feel connected to--maybe you've felt it yourself? But everything I've heard you say about the power of music to speak to us personally and to provide a shelter from loneliness, and how the best songs are inside our heads--between the singer and the listener's experience--is so true. It's why it's impossible to convey to others the power and intimacy of a song or concert experience--it belongs to each listener personally. Anyway,
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