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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. You can look for tweets at #americanarama. Apparently Wilco just took the stage.
  2. When I first read this article, all I read was the first page about the living room show--I hadn't noticed that it continued on for 3 more pages. (My "wow" comment above was directed at Jeff's remarks about the group that he feels treats him dismissively, which I found more than a little shocking--first, that people would do that, and second, that he would agree to subject himself to that treatment more than once. But maybe I'm misinterpreting something.) Anyway, now that I finally got around to reading the whole thing, I'm very impressed by the writer's knowledge and research as well as J
  3. I missed the original broadcast of the Talk of the Nation interview but it's available online. Here's the link: http://www.npr.org/2013/06/26/195907958/gospel-legend-mavis-staples-on-sixty-years-of-song I too listened to the NPR stream of the new album and really enjoyed it. Just ordered it on Amazon today. I suspect the only reason people aren't talking about it more is that there's so darned much to talk about right now, after Solid Sound and before AmericanaramA. It's a good time to be a Wilco fan!
  4. That's good news! I assume it will always be the same position for the first performer (Weir/Richard Thompson/Ryan Bingham) and that Dylan will always close, but I wonder if they'll mix it up between Wilco and MMJ at different shows. Selfishly, I sure do hope Wilco gets the spot just before Dylan at the show I'm going to in Virginia Beach. It will also be really interesting to see whether things evolve as the tour goes on in terms of cross-pollination. Jeff's been quoted a couple of times saying that the tour was envisioned as Rolling Thunder-ish. My guess is that there will be more of that
  5. Well, it WAS a Wilco festival. Remember what Queen Latifah said on 30 Rock: Whiter than a Wilco concert. Heehee. But seriously, it is remarkable to look around and see almost no people of color other than red (sunburn). It made me giggle during the Relatives set when the singer was having us do that dip and sway move. I couldn't help thinking we looked like a pretty white crowd!
  6. I'm too tired now to post anything significant but I just have to say that my experience of the whole weekend was as close to perfect as anything I can imagine. More later, but I'm honestly stunned that anyone could have been disappointed by anything this weekend.
  7. And, unless security stops us, we'll have some kind of sparkly sign designating the table as a gathering place for Via Chicago members and their friends. (Which doesn't, of course, preclude any other Wilco fans who haven't managed to find this fansite--in case anyone was wondering.) I am crazy excited--can't wait to get out of work and on the road!!!
  8. I have a friend who is the local weatherman and he says the National Weather Service is the most accurate forecaster. They're calling for mostly sunny Friday, high 77, mostly sunny Saturday, high 80, and 30% chance of scattered thunderstorms on Sunday, high 82. Sounds damn close to perfect!
  9. Damn right--you get the prize. Actually, if that info about a 23-song album with Spencer is true, you HAVE provided a scoop.
  10. That is a wonderful interview, Beatriz! Buried in there is the sort-of sad, sort-of understandable, statement that Solid Sound might turn into an every other year festival, considering how many other things are on the band's plates. STEREOGUM: You guys took a year off from doing it. What was the deal with that? TWEEDY: It’s a lot of manpower for us, and even more so for our management. Last year we had a record come out. It was a pretty heavy touring year. It just wasn’t a thing we could handle at the same time of doing a lot of touring in terms of the workload. So yeah, we’ll probably do it
  11. Nah, let's take the long cut. We'll get there eventually.
  12. Sold! To the other W1LCO license plate holder!
  13. A friend is bringing along her daughter and--she thought--her daughter's friend. Unfortunately the friend decided not to go, so they're stuck with one printpass 3-day ticket. At this point she'll take what she can get, although she paid $110 including fees. Anybody in need of just one pass? Please contact me ASAP via PM or email (dkyrus@gmail.com) or phone (757-287-9871). Thanks. Diane
  14. Tweedy on a rampage after too fucking many cover requests Friday night. "What's the matter--don't you like MY songs??"
  15. Welcome, Chris. Stop by the Via Chicago table in the bar area if you feel like it. There'll be other solo travelers, I believe.
  16. This Delta faucet ad seems like it's being placed in some high-profile, prestigious shows. I just saw it during Mad Men. I'll bet Jeff's going to give Glenn some crap about it at Solid Sound.
  17. Well said, Beltmann. And I forgot to even mention that IF your group wins a show, you don't know when it will be scheduled, so your whole group needs to keep their schedules open for several months. When I think of all the logistical barriers, it's actually amazing that these things go off as smoothly as they do. It"s a great tribute to the organizer, in our case, Wendy.
  18. It is a lot of the same people year after year, and some groups are more closed than others, as far as I can tell. But that just happens naturally, because once you've done it, you probably want to do it again the next year, so until someone decides to drop out or form a separate group, there just aren't many open spaces. The ground rules are a maximum of 30 people, and Jeff very graciously gives up a Saturday night of his time for each show. When I really contemplate that--considering his touring and creating and everything else that goes into doing what he does--it's kind of mind-blowing. So
  19. Mass MoCA's phone number is 413-662-2111. If anyone has a chance to get in early and take a look around the museum, you should. There's so much happening during the festival that the fantastic art installations in the galleries necessarily get short shrift.
  20. Nice article shared by Mass MoCA on Facebook today: http://www.ruralintelligence.com/index.php/arts_section/arts_articles_music/mass_moca_welcomes_wilco_fans_frolic_at_the_solid_sound_festival_2013 MASS MoCA Welcomes Wilco: Fans Frolic at the Solid Sound Festival 2013 By Robert Burke Warren and Holly George-Warren The hills are alive. The hills of North Adams, Massachusetts, to be precise, where on the weekend of June 21–23, MASS MoCA, the largest center for contemporary art in the U.S., hosts the third Solid Sound Festival, curated by the multi-Grammy-winning sextet Wilco. Conceived b
  21. Mavis is on the Daily Show tonight.
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