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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Linclink, When you go to the actual Solid Sound Festival.com website it says there will be two full Wilco concerts and much more yet to be announced. It also mentions that John Hodgman will be curating the comedy performances.
  2. I thought the same thing. It totally made me happy to think back to that night. And then to get today's announcement about Solid Sound, well, it makes sitting in the dentist's chair getting numb almost beside the point.
  3. When you follow the link I can't read everything in the first entry--it seems to be truncated, but maybe it's just my phone. Anyway two full Wilco concerts for sure, and then I couldn't read the rest of the entry. Please please please let there also be a Tweedy solo show!!
  4. That was an amazingly good interview. It doesn't hurt that I'm jonesing for Wilco content, but Jeff is just so real and down to earth. It's such a delight to hear his voice.
  5. I really enjoy this very opinionated and well-informed music industry guy. If you haven't read his blog, I would highly recommend it. http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/ But I was really struck by how his latest post resonated with me. Read this and see if it doesn't seem like it could have been written specifically about Wilco. Not saying it was--just that almost every word seemed to apply.
  6. http://www.pastemaga...ts-of-2012.html Jack White is #1, Wilco is #25. Having seen both, I'd say Wilco wuz robbed. . . .
  7. You did a terrific job with that interview. You got a little sense of who you are without any sense that you were competing with Glenn or trying to come off as super cool. You seemed very informed and engaged, and I think he responded to that. Then again, what a dream interview he is! There's nothing formulaic about his responses, and he really picks up the ball and runs with it. I did notice that the sound was breaking up a little on Glenn's side of the conversation. If you have a better audio recording you might want to substitute that. Otherwise, bravo! I really enjoyed this.
  8. This doesn't really belong in this thread but I thought it was pretty funny. My coworkers all know what a Wilco fan I am, and this morning one of them told me about a Law and Order SVU episode she saw over the weekend. It had something to do with a young boy who had been sexually abused as a child and now he was kind of a troubled loser, due to being haunted by his past. He was wearing a Wilco tee shirt! I wonder if the producers of the show were trying to make a statement. Also just wondering if anybody here watches that show, what tee shirt was he wearing?
  9. Actually, it was the Weekend Update part that I thought was so impressive. The bit where they were ripping Obama for saying you can't change Washington from the inside was funny as hell. And yes, the segment where Fred Armisen and the woman cast member who were childhood friends of the Syrian president was kinda brilliant. And the Ann Romney segment was crazy good. Maybe I was just in a particularly receptive mood on Saturday night, but I thought a lot of the show eas clicking on all cylinders. Re Mumford and Sons, I totally agree. Everything they do sounds like an epic anthem, which gets r
  10. I was watching the repeat broadcast tonight of the SNL with Joseph Gordon Levitt and Mumford and Sons. There were some gems in the Weekend Update segment. And some sketches were so multilayered. Still some excellent writing on that show.
  11. Thanks, guys. I'm loving these suggestions and I will most definitely record and post the results. Who knows? When I tell them they're going to get all this exposure on the Wilco message board, maybe it will inspire them to new heights. (I may have to go back and edit some of my remarks about my nephew' vocal limitations!) Right now I'm leaning toward I'm Always in Love (great suggestion from the movie--they'll get a kick out of "smoke pot, smoke pot"), California Stars and Box Full of Letters.
  12. My nephew plays guitar and is the co-leader of a local covers band. I've been nagging them for ages to learn some Wilco songs. I think I've finally worn them down to the point where they'll humor me, but I'd like to recommend something that they'll have a good chance of enjoying and playing well. Not being a musician myself, I don't have a good sense of how difficult songs are to play. Also, it's hard for me to tune into what their followers and friends will be likely to enjoy. I've lost all perspective about Wilco, since I love almost everything, but realistically I know some things have a
  13. Oh my God, I'm just a few minutes into it but the new Rolling Stones documentary "Crossfire Hurricane" on HBO is phenomenal. I had such a crush on Mick Jagger when I saw him in '72 in that slinky midnight blue jumpsuit with the rhinestones, and in the first few minutes of this documentary they show him naked getting into that suit! Be still my heart!
  14. You are so very welcome. When I saw him it was solo acoustic but it sounds like you got the best of both worlds. I think he's just excellent and I'm so glad you got a chance to enjoy the show.
  15. I. Just. Can't. Wait. Either.!!! But as for SSF3, you've got the crucial part (reservations) taken care of. I kinda think we won't have to worry about a sellout. Maybe they'll have early bird pricing though.
  16. I've only been to the ones this year as well, but as I recall they are usually in the very early spring--this past year it was March 30 and 31, back to back nights at the Vic. I think Sue Tweedy usually posts something on here around the end of the year, and it seems like the tickets go on sale a month or two before the event. I was trying (briefly) to pull up some history of her posts from the past, but I can't seem to search back any further than a year.
  17. Just in case someone isn't following the links but is only reading what is printed here on VC, this woman is affiliated with the Letters to Santa charity that Jeff Tweedy and his family support so strongly. Michelle sounds like a wonderful woman who has had a very rough time, and financial support from our community could really make a difference. All money donated goes directly into her Pay Pal account.
  18. Last minute decision to go see Lyle Lovett tonight, right here in town. Silly me--passing on the JTE tkts already bought but I didn't want to drive to Baltimore. So I gave those away AND spent more money on another musical event. But this is an acoustic show with Lyle, which sounded like a good bet.
  19. Full report after the show, please!
  20. Really nice selection of songs. Sounds like an intimate, uplifting evening.
  21. I thought this was cool. I wouldn't overthink it. Anything that even makes a stab at acknowledging the other's point of view is a positive. And it was pretty funny.
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