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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. No one??? Are you going to make me drive 4 hours, get 3 hours sleep, then 4 hours back and have to work the full day? Have mercy! Take my tickets--save me from myself.
  2. Totally! The whole notion of "marriage therapy" for a band, to keep that money-making juggernaut rolling, was hysterical. Even if you have zero interest in Metallica--which is certainly the case with me--this is an incredible movie. The band's shrink is the smoothest huckster ever.
  3. Anyone want to see Justin Townes Earle in Baltimore on Tuesday night? I have 2 tickets I can't use and I would give them away free to anybody who could pay the overnight shipping. I hate to see these go to waste. I'm in Norfolk, VA.
  4. Wow. Well, I still don't believe it, but now I'll go back and listen to those versions again and see if I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. By the way, I'm a ma'am not a sir, but no offense taken.
  5. California Stars right now in Harris Teeter!
  6. Nah, can't be. I'm not saying Jeff may not have said Guitarzan at a show or two, but I've got about a dozen versions of this song on my iPod and I don't hear him saying guitarzan on any of them.
  7. Justin is the headliner. Is this a step down for her? I don't know her music well, but I've heard a few songs. I suspect this is going to be a good show--they'll probably do some songs together, given that their styles are similar. Doesn't somebody want these tickets? FREE!!!
  8. I have two hard copy tickets to this show at Ram's Head Live in Baltimore. I've decided that it's too busy a week for me to drive from Norfolk to Baltimore just for the show, but I hate to see them go to waste. I'd be glad to send them to someone who can use them, maybe one of you in the Washington or Baltimore area? Considering that time is short just pay me for shipping FedEx. You can reply here or send me a pm. Hope someone can use them--should be a great show.
  9. It's "your Tarzan and your friend Janine", right? So they're spelled differently and have different meanings, but they sound identical.
  10. Thanks for bringing some more attention to this, ditty. I made a small contribution a couple of weeks ago when this was first posted on Spencers blog. I'm kind of disappointed to see how little has been collected to date. This seems like a very worthwhile cause.
  11. I might have been over the top in calling Romney a psychopath, and I really wasn't trying to be rude to any one person on here. I was just multitasking and shot off my response without parsing my words carefully enough. Sorry--I'm really wrapped up in this thing.
  12. Atticus, are you suggesting that I'm slinging mud or pandering by saying that Romney is arguably a psychopath? Not at all. I'm dead serious. I really do think that he is a dangerous and bad man. That is not the same thing as mudslinging.
  13. Of course. But you guys make much more of an issue of that balding thing than is warranted. Who gives a shit?
  14. By the way, thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'm not at home right now but I'm pretty sure it was the 2003 Detroit show I was watching with the crappy sound quality. I'll be sure to check out some of the shows you all have suggested. I love you VCers! The reason I posted this thread in the first place was that I was browsing through some bootleg DVDs and thinking about how I've become so completely taken with the band recently, after an Evening With show in Richmond, VA, despite having seen them several times over the years. I always really liked Wilco and would see them when they came n
  15. I agree--the boy needs a haircut. And a shave. And to get rid of that hat. I'll be sure to let him know. Edit: Actually, it's not the length of his hair that I wish he'd change--it's the messiness. It's too studied.
  16. That was a nice thought, and I appreciate the sentiment behind it, but boy,I couldn't disagree more about the sporting nature of elections. I actually hate the mudslinging and pandering and demonizing--the whole one-upmanship game. When you think about the real life consequences of choosing our president and congress, it doesn't seem very amusing to realize how uninformed and easily misled the general population is in this era of divisiveness and soundbites. I'm Obama all the way, so naturally I think the right is worse than the left when it comes to misinformation, taking quotes out of cont
  17. I was just watching a short-haired Jeff in an outdoor performance and was just struck at how different a band they were. The sound recording at this particular show was off so they may not have sounded this bed on most of the shows of this era. But this show blows. They soun like a very good local bar band. Also, even though Jeff technically was "cuter" back then, I think he's really grown into his face. There's just a lot more well-earned character there now. Does anybody here really defend this period of Wilco performances? The thing is, they were writing great songs and putting out g
  18. And even sadder, there's at least one fatality, probably two. They recovered one woman, who was rescued but later passed away, and I believe the captain is still missing.
  19. I don't remember the VC names of my roommates at solid sound last year, but Koji, if you are reading this I'm so excited for you!!
  20. Have a blast! Bruce added a free solo acoustic show this afternoon on the downtown mall in C'ville as a benefit for Obama and some friends of mine were there. Just another reason to love him.
  21. I'm also a member of a Randy Newman fansite, Little Criminals, which includes lots of LA area residents. One of the moderators is a close friend of Weird Al's, and apparently he's a genuinely good guy. I've found some of his parodies really funny, others not so much. Speaking of Randy Newman, I don't know if he qualifies as a band lead singer, but I've had the honor of meeting him personally a couple of times backstage. (If you're a Little Criminal, you can get "on the list" by notifying the moderator beforehand.) He's always been warm and friendly and makes a point of speaking with everyone
  22. Yes, but since it's a memoir and not an autobiography he may not address the parts of his life we may be most interested in. He seems to be a taciturn sort.
  23. I think John Prine is doing a series of dates in the west with JTE as opener. Those would be great shows, for anyone who lives in that direction.
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