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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I am in the middle of the shittiest day EVER at work, and I needed a ray of sunshine. This was it!!!
  2. Wanna bet Nels will sit in with the Roots?
  3. How the hell do you do that so fast, bbop? Amazing.... That was just such a kickass show. All the guys looked so happy to be there and they were on fire all night. I was thrilled to get such a beautiful rendition of Wishful Thinking. And what a killer finish--Monday! Outtasite! I'm a Wheel! They are in a class all their own.
  4. Chris, whatever they do tonight you know it's gonna be great. Both of those songs have been in heavy rotation so I'll bet you'll get one or the other, maybe both. I just have a really good feeling about this show tonight!
  5. And I wouldn't mind getting to see John sing "It's Just That Simple" again either. It's been quite a while. I love his reassuring enthusiasm and sweetness up there. It'd be nice to give him a turn in the spotlight again.
  6. This was a fun, fun show! First off, I love a show that starts out with Misunderstood. Then some semi-rare songs like Kamera, I Must Be High, Candyfloss (!!!--my request), I Can't Stand It and Airline as the encore opener--well, I couldn't have been happier. Well yeah, I could have been a LOT happier with better seats. Both nights I was was off to the side. Night 1 Nels side, night 2, Pat. But I got up close for the encore, and tomorrow night in Charlottesville I control my own destiny, since it's GA. Hello, line. Wilco makes me so happy!
  7. It's gonna be thunderstorms likely tonight. Shades of Solid Sound 2!
  8. Wilco!! Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! Three days in a row is a new record for me.
  9. Natalie's time on this board predates mine, but when I became aware of her through the thread on this forum I read through all the posts that she wrote as well as the tributes after her death. What a sweet and rambunctious spirit she was! She made quite an impact on many people in her short life.
  10. Ok, I've got two questions-- How do they pronounce Forecastle at the festival? Is it like it's spelled or Foke-sl (like the nautical pronunciation)? Did anybody else think it was kind of poignant the way Jeff asked the crowd not to boo them when he announced that they just had a short time left? He said something like "we're trying to give you our all--we always do" or words to that effect. It was a sweet little moment, I thought.
  11. I wonder if there really was no encore or they just didn't stream it? Maybe those curfews are more set in stone than I thought--if the fiasco with Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney could happen, I guess they do take the damn things seriously.
  12. What did Jeff just say about who was playing the shakers on War on War? I thought it was Pat. . .
  13. The short film from Darjeeling was available for free as an iTunes download at one time, and it's one of the few videos I have on my ipod. I just have to say, it's such a pleasure to read and participate in this discussion. We're lucky to have someone as knowledgeable as Beltmann in our little family!
  14. I know there is a whole other thread about who's going where when etc., and I've actually got Wolf Trap and Charlottesville between now and then, but I've really been wondering about this Mass Moca show. I wonder how different it will be from their other concerts, before and after? And the crowd too--more hardcore fans? Fewer? I think it will be different but I can't figure out how. Let's engage in wild speculation!
  15. I definitely see your point, Beltmann, but what you're characterizing as limitations are, to me, an evolution and refinement of his style and a conscious choice to present this heightened reality world. His movies have become more precious and frankly artifical over time--whereas Rushmore had at least one foot in the real world, Moonrise Kingdom seems firmly planted in Wes Andersonworld. (Sort of like I live in Wilcoworld much of the time. . . but I digress.) It seems to me that this movie is very much a fantastic fable with no pretense of representing actual reality. EXCEPT that the heart a
  16. I was thinking I had posted, but I guess it was on Facebook. But yes, I've seen it once and I'm planning to go again tonight. I rarely see movies twice but this one had me so awed by just the visuals that I don't think I fully took in the magic of the rest of it. Rushmore has probably been my favorite up to now, but I think this one is going to trump it. It really casts a spell.
  17. And damn difficult. I got clues 1, 2 and 4 fairly quickly, but 3 took me forever. Once I got the clues it didn't take too long to unscramble the answer, though. Very clever, as always.
  18. Just heard a short interview with Jeff Tweedy on All Things Considered, talking about the Mermaid Avenue project in conjunction with Woody Guthrie's 100th birthday. Link here: http://www.npr.org/2...guthries-legacy
  19. I agree! I read this the other day and thought how amazing it would be to get to do this for a Wilco show. People get to do something kind of similar at living room shows and the charity shows for Tweedy solo, but to actually put together the setlist for a full-on Wilco concert that's going to be attended by regular concertgoers and not just superfans? That would be incredibly cool. I love the care and seriousness that this guy put into crafting his setlist. I'm sure some of us here could do a creditable job for Wilco. I'd love to see the band offer up an opportunity like this to a longtime
  20. Whoo--that's some nice guitar work, Mr. Cline!
  21. Me too. The acoustic arrangement is growing on me, but I'm hoping they bust out the krautrock version at one of the upcoming shows.
  22. I thought the same thing. Maybe the interviewer's questions were fresher at the time than they would be now. Also, wouldn't this have been shortly after the stint in rehab? Maybe he was just feeling especially open at that point in his life. Whatever, it's one of my favorite interviews, and thanks to Mrs. Slocombe's Pussy for posting it.
  23. I've watched this interview many times and I'm always struck by how forthcoming and sweet Jeff is. He seems genuinely relaxed and mellow and really motivated to communicate in a direct and sincere way. He just radiates warmth and a touching desire to connect. Not even a touch of the famed Tweedy crankiness.
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