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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. California Stars with the Punch Brothers at Red Rocks was a travesty? I was there and thought it was a very nice rendition. I'm really curious why you would call it a travesty.
  2. You might want to check on Zimride. There's a link off the wilcoworld website. Also craigslist. Good luck.
  3. I'm not usually one to comment on setlists, but that's a nice one. Lots of surprises in the sequencing.
  4. This show was just announced a couple of days ago at nTelos in Portsmouth, VA. I think it's a tour. Should be a good one.
  5. Deb and I were roommates and I agree with pretty much everything she said. Personally, though, I found more aspects of the tour group to be not so much my thing. I guess I was expecting everyone to be superfans like us, but in fact lots of the people who were part of the package deal seemed to be casual fans at best. I think they were there more for the weekend at Red Rocks experience with "a band that's supposed to be pretty good." That's fine--just didn't lead to as much fan-to-fan interaction as I was hoping for, and I kind of missed the camaraderie of waiting in line with my Wilco friends.
  6. I think somebody confused Wilcobase with Via Chicrago.
  7. I almost can't believe we were as lucky as we were to get to see two shows like this. Both of them were utterly amazing, although I too preferred the second night. During some of the songs last night, I just felt like the music was being directly injected into my soul. It just felt overwhelming. There is no other band that can do that to me.
  8. God damn work! Just signed in and missed it.
  9. Just did online check-in for my 6:30 am flight. Ditto to what Ditty said!
  10. And Nels plays on Rufus's new CD.
  11. I read the whole original post and most of the follow-up, and like Lou and others have said, it's a murky issue. I can easily agree with either side on any given day on the actual merits of the arguments. But to me there's a difference between unrealistic idealism and enlightened pragmatism, and I'll go with pragmatism any day. (I take the same stance on politics, environmental concerns, etc, as well, which annoys the crap out of my more idealistic liberal friends! I consider myself extremely liberal, by the way, but not pie in the sky.) To avoid repeating the same things that have been sa
  12. Oh fantastic! Great venue, hometown, perfect seats. You must be living right. I'd love to have been able to make that show, but the airfare was prohibitive.
  13. Here's Bob Lefsetz's take on it. You can probably tell what his thoughts are from the title of the blog post. The David Lowery Screed Letter to Emily White at NPR All Songs Considered If only he’d make music as riveting as his writing, with as many people caring about what he has to sing. Then again, Lowery is preaching to the converted, wannabe artists who are pissed the gravy train broke down before they could get their fair share. While we’re at it, why don’t we save the printers’ jobs too. And bring back Smith-Corona. That company had employees… I believe artists should be paid. But
  14. Isn't this a nice, feel-good thread? I love all the compliments that are being passed around, but what I really meant to say initially had more to do with being grateful for the sense of community that we get from being fans of Wilco, however it is we all get to know each other. Some of it is facilitated by VC, some by Facebook, and most of it is cemented by actually meeting each other at shows. I guess one of the reasons I value this so much is that in real life I know practically no one who is a fan, or who even is really much of a music fan, period. And since Wilco has become such a pa
  15. Wow, I just checked the weather forecast for Morrison Colorado for the weekend and it's perfect: sunny and highs 85-90 Friday through Sunday! I keep seeing news stories about the wildfires out there. Anyone know whether they should be a factor for us?
  16. I forget which one of is older, Lou or me, but at this age who's counting? I consider the old codger a friend even though we've never met, thanks in part for that Art Institute pass. And yes, Ms. Kidsmoke, of course I was thinking of you, but also many others. But you definitely kicked things into high gear after that idyllic Solid Sound 1.
  17. This is something that's been on my mind a lot lately, because I'm going to (or have already gone to) lots of Wilco shows this spring/summer and at several of them I'm traveling with someone I only know through the band. And in every single case--so far--it's turned out to be a really nice experience (from my perspective, anyway!!) Really, more than just OK. I've actually felt enriched from the relationships I have with people where the only way we would ever know each other is because of this shared passion. I just think it's kind of cool. Comments welcome. (Or not. This can be a tough cr
  18. See you there, excitable boy! My first visit to Red Rocks and I couldn't be more thrilled.
  19. I never really gave much thought to Glen Campbell but with the revelations about his Alzheimer's I thought his performance on the grammys would be poignant and possibly a little maudlin. But he was just great. He reminded me of an old racehorse doing a victory lap and soaking up all the affection with joy and gratitude.
  20. Yeah, 3 night minimum. One of the places I called has a 4-night minimum! I had already decided to come in Thursday because every year I keep wishing I had some time to explore the surrounding area and the museum itself, so I'm actually staying 4 nights. (leaving Monday). You might have to reserve at a pretty distant location to avoid the minimum stay requirement.
  21. Well, it pisses me off no end. I thought they were going to do some kind of a package deal like the Red Rocks package, but apparently not. I guess it's not right to feel entitled, but having stayed there last year and checking in with them pretty much every month since the dates were announced this year, it just seems absurd that there is literally no room at the Inn. It was so nice last year to be able to run back to the room for a little recharge of the phone battery, etc. I'm just going to pout a little longer. By the way, the Willows--where I stayed the first year--does still have roo
  22. Reviving an old thread here, but it seemed like this was the best place for it. I'm curious whether anyone has been able to book a reservation at the Holiday Inn for Solid Sound 3?
  23. The Wellmont show is also on sooutoftune.org http://sooutoftune.org/concerts/116
  24. I remember one time at Jeff solo show where he talked about how fit John is. I think he's big into yoga, for one thing. You can sure tell he's a springy fella!
  25. Well, to quote Pogo, "they is us." This message board is what we want it to be. I try not to take the bait when the trolls post stuff that's just snarky and mean. It's odd that interminable--and ultimately pointless--political discussions are more interesting to most of our members than sincere discussion of Jeff Tweedy's songs. We can choose what we want to read and respond to.
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