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Everything posted by Moe_Syzlak

  1. Colorado's ballot is ridiculously huge this year, so I was happy to be able to fill it out in the comfort of my own home with a mail-in ballot. I put "I'm Proud to be an American" by Lee Greenwood on the stereo for full effect.
  2. Seems like more people are doing early voting than ever before.
  3. Ahh I see what you;re saying and agree wholeheartedly.
  4. Oh absolutely, but we're also not simply talking about Clinton or recent history, but 4 decades of history for each party. If those historic numbers were to hold true, wouldn't cap gains tax have to be >80% under the Dems vs. 0% under the GOP for an investor to take home less under a Dem administration? Granted the biggest gains by far came under Clinton and if you eliminate W and Nixon, the GOP has fared better.
  5. Hadn't Herring already done ABB and Jazz is Dead in addition to ARU?
  6. Honest question: My father's main stated reason for not voting for Obama is capital gains tax. He says that higher capital gains taxes result in less investment and therefore less market growth. Now, if I'm not mistaken, capital gains taxes have been higher historically during Democratic Presidential administrations. So how can one reconcile that with the pronounced difference in S&P gains as illustrated here*? Now I realize that the markets are complex and one factor isn't going to equal causation, but doesn't the historical evidence kind of fly in the face of higher capital gai
  7. Seriously! How big of a blow out is this thing gonna be if McCain can't even get the Matlock vote!?!
  8. Opie Cunningham throws his support behind Obama!
  9. More famous Republicans (at least famous Republican family) jump ship Forgive the Huff Post source.
  10. I have Yeah Yeah Yeah on my playlist for when i run and the ending part that starts around 3:45 always gives me a nice boost.
  11. People that rail against the exclusion of third parties set their sights too high, in my opinion. Getting third parties elected to local offices and building from there is most likely the only way to gain enough traction to ever get a third party to national prominence. It seems people are either too lazy, too impatient or don't care enough to put their efforts behind campaigns that AREN'T for the POTUS.
  12. Yeah their candidate is Bob Barr. They don't even pass the most basic of sniff tests to me though. Nice ideas, but there is reality out there to contend with and Bob Barr and his supporters don't seem to want to acknowledge that.
  13. Okay, but I guess my point is I don't think they pay much attention anyway. I look at it like House of Reps vs. Senate. If you really wanted all the states represented, you would have an equal number of electoral votes for each state regardless of population. As it stands now, an issue that is important to the people of Chicago is going to get more attention from the candidates than an issue that is important to the people of WY. Chicago gets no electoral votes specifically, but being attentive to them will likely result in more electoral success than being attentive to the people of WY. If yo
  14. And I'm asking how it would be less of a say than they have now.
  15. Right, but how does that BETTER represent all states? A candidate will concentrate on winnable areas with more votes whether they be electoral or popular, no?
  16. Thanks! I've seen these guys a few times at various festivals and always hoped they would play this (it's my favorite Wilco tune). Alas, they never did so this was my first time hearing their version. It is nice, but I don't like how they've reconstructed the tune to a more traditional verse/chorus/verse format.
  17. I don't really see how the electoral college better represents states. It may allow for better representation of rural areas vs. urban population centers, but that too is debatable. Here is a graph representing campaign stops (left) and money spent (right) by Kerry and Bush in the final weeks of the '04 election: That doesn't seem to fairly represent all states to me.
  18. Of course saying what is politically expedient is not the exclusive domain of either party or candidate, but still this is funny stuff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwSWKVt9Zxc
  19. I like Yeah Yeah Yeah. It's fun. I agree Free Radicals gets old real fast though. Still, even if you don't like those songs, there are 10 other songs on the album and most of them are pretty great.
  20. Yes, you said: Regardless of the results to the two-party system, an abject failure would mean bad things for the country. I know what I think would be good for the country, but if guy who most closely resembles my positions doesn't win, I still hope the guy that does is a success so our country can prosper.
  21. Huh... This makes me sad. But I think it is a common sentiment. People have their factions and don't want the country to be successful if their guy isn't at the helm. That's a shame. If McCain wins, I hope he is an unqualified success, just as I hoped when W was elected. I am not-so-secretly hoping that was a joke.
  22. Agree. Disagree. It seems to me that Palin's break with McCain's more centrist positions is calculated and the social conservative base doesn't seem willing to stick their neck out at this point to try to get McCain elected. My guess is we'll see a VERY socially-conservative candidate in 2012, unfortunately. I'd love to see a more fiscally conservative, socially liberally candidate put up by the GOP, but I just don't see it happening. Not until conservatives in the Lincoln mold stand up to the wingnuts like James Dobson.
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