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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. Oh AND people who do know Wilco think you're such best buds w/ Jeff that they say "Hey, can't you Jeff to play during the week around here i/o the weekend."
  2. While sitting and waiting for the b/f to arrive for our lunch date I was flipping channels and Boston's local indie station had this SCREEAAAMMMING going on and I was like I know that! Who is that?!? And then I was like "HOLY CRAP!!! It's 'I'm A Wheel'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEN the b/f shows up and is telling me how the CD player wasn't working in his work truck today but guess what he heard on his way to meet me...I gleefully said 'I'm A Wheel'!!!! And then we high-fived...it was pretty dorky but VERY, VERY COOL!!! For the record, neither of us have ever heard it played in the radio be
  3. On my FB girlie, only one so far. Go take a looksie
  4. Ummm, the lead singer/drummer and main dude from that band I've been trying to get support for over in SES. He's a HUGE fan too!
  5. Wilco consistently makes my days, weeks, months, years better and is a HUGE, WONDERFUL, IMPORTANT part of my life!!! I've made same great friends here and met my current b/f thanks to Wilco! This music has saved my life, no joke! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to Jeff & the boys and all that they do!!!
  6. Wow...I just saw that I wrote this last year. "Old hat"...my @ss!!! Once, I officially met Tweedy (pic, autograph and all) I did nothing but bawl during my entire ride home and during any live disc I listened to for at LEAST TWO WEEKS!!! But to continue... ...keep VC up all day long even when company is here. ...wear my many Wilco shirts every day that I don't work (and even on same days that I do). ...wear my Wilco sweatshirt EVERYDAY!!! (My Mom HATES it. Yes, I'm 38...lol) ...go to see Wilco four times in one week (not during a Residency) in three states. ...talk about Wilco/Tweedy so mu
  7. See I think her evilness makes her even HOTTER, actually maybe it's just when her and Tommy start to fight, ya know?!?
  8. Not that you gentleman care but I had a niiice spicy dream about Mr Leary last night (I watched Tuesday's re-run last night.)
  9. "It is both a Band That Matters and a band that sells tickets and albums." - My favorite part. Someone I didn't even know (a friend of a friend of a friend) sent me this article the other day too. I love how people take care of my Wilco fixes
  10. HAPPY BELATED CROW DADDY!!! (Sorry I wasn't on time... ) Hope you had a good day and a great weekend!!!
  11. All the vibes, hugs, thoughts, prayers and love that I have are on their way to you, my love! Hang in there!!!
  12. Suh-weet...I'll have to keep an ear out! What number is that station? EDIT. Never mind. I looked it up
  13. Yea, I'm not too sure about the whole Lou/Tommy thing either. I guess we'll just have to wait it out. The show is COMPLETE awesome-ness tho
  14. My youngest one actually corrected ME on Jesus Etc..."turning your orbit around" just THIS YEAR! I can't (won't) even tell you what I THOUGHT Jeff was saying...lol That's what I get for NOT reading liner notes
  15. Oh for Christ's sake!!! I was FREAKIN' out man!!! Thanks Edie
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