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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. What if you think you've had enough "life". College is pretty expensive.
  2. Great, now I have to go get some Verbena.
  3. I don't recall another thread but they (I thought it was a "they) have been mentioned and there are a number of people that like them here.
  4. Yes, it's great stuff. These guys, along with Elliot Brood, have been big finds for me this year thanks to VC. I haven't read much about either outside of this board.
  5. I thought the guy was a freak show before. Your telling me that he is this passionate about Biden??
  6. I'm guessing that he stated it? He did inscribe a "B" on her face. Although, going with an "O" probably would have made more sense.
  7. There are some absolute freak shows out there. McCain bumper stickers don't send any rage through me. I do give odd looks to those with "W" stickers though. Note that I have never, to my knowledge, attacked or inscribed initials on anyone with differing political views.
  8. He's also had Randy Newman and it was awesome. Wow... first SNL and now Colbert.
  9. I have had very similar issues. What I have done is actively manage the songs on my ipod and store the balance on my computer box.
  10. I'm not sure how people don't see this election as more important than most. The past 8 years have derailed the country. Getting back on track is going to be slow but the two parties have vastly different ideas on how to get there - the war, the economic policy, taxes, international relations, etc. This one sure seems important. Further, assuming the Republicans lose, to have them go back to the drawing board and move away from the extremist ideas of the past 8 years would be yet another beneficial outcome. This election is a bit more important than the last one as we have better candid
  11. Couldn't they have picked it up when this lady passed them or am I misunderstanding?
  12. I completely understand voting for 3rd party if you truly don't care which of the major candidates is going to win. I'd love to see a viable independent candidate someday but that time is not upon us just yet.
  13. wow, you have been pretty ornery lately
  14. We used to have a thread about stuff to do in Chicago. Not sure what happened to it. You should go see Gary Louris at Old Town School.
  15. Seems he likes to perform in the dark. Is there a technical reason for this or is he just being shy?
  16. I agree with you. My guess, based on looking at the band, he's too old? I agree... Terroir would have been a very solid album with some strategic editing. I think Jay is a good lead player but maybe not as technically adept as some he works with. I'm pumped whenever he does take a lead during his live shows...Chicamauga comes to mind.
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