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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. Oh, I believe that having the ability to vote outside of your party is imperative to a Democratic society. I believe that this is rare. I would have likely voted for McCain over Kerry in 2004 but I don't toe a party line. I would say that if you toe a party line, and aren't a politician, you are likely very misguided. Again, I have a very difficult time understanding how someone would punch a McCain/Palin ticket this year. I just don't agree that it is an "unintelligent or crazy" decision. There are most definitely intelligent, sane people that will punch that ticket. I consider it more
  2. Although I have a difficult time understanding why anyone would think that McCain is the right choice for the country right now, this is an inaccurate statement.
  3. I generally like Paste but there have been 2 or 3 issues out of the last 5 that were almost unreadable to me.
  4. I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I miss the hell out of Harp.
  5. love the thread title Bjorn. I saw this story yesterday. The world is sure going to miss this big lug.
  6. It's pretty decent upon first listen. However, I'm a guy that liked Easy Tiger.
  7. I haven't heard this one but will check it out. He also recently did a session with daytrotter.com....definitely worth checking out.
  8. Always scary when infants are sick. big vibes Jules.
  9. "A Free Reminder Message from Apple: Important Safety Notice: Apple has announced an exchange program for the ultracompact USB power adapter that came with iPhone 3G. Find out how to get a replacement at >>>"
  10. I don't know about that one... I know several people personally that Palin swayed them to the "no" side. Despite only being a VP candidate, she's fairly radical, inexperienced and McCain is closer to death than most presidential candidates.
  11. I've heard one song on the radio that was very 'soul sounding'. Really liked it. I've never been a big fan but definitely like his voice. I'll have to check this out.
  12. From what I have read, Obama is proposing 26.6% for those between $225k & $600k. It amounts to an average additional payment of just over $100 per year. The REAL difference is for people making over $600k. They would be paying over $90k more than they have been under Bush. I'd really like to see what the plans are for cost cutting in the government for both sides. Spending is obviously way out of control and you can't take it from the Defense budget.
  13. agreed... really not even an argument. People have different opinions on what they think would be best for the country. The board is split politically exactly how you would expect with the majority likely supporting Obama. While I am, at times, surprised by people's opinions, I know that I shouldn't be.
  14. I was really disappointed with this one. I love his earlier albums. RIP.
  15. It may be my favorite. My opinion is that it is as good as We All Belong. I haven't heard their earlier albums.
  16. It was a great show. I missed most of Big Smith but Blue Mountain was solid. So much sound from 3 people.
  17. REM. Austin City Limits. Just awesome.
  18. I hadn't heard anything about this coming out but saw it yesterday. Is it essential? I am not generally big on live albums.
  19. geez Lou...for such a supporter, you'd think you would have his name spelling correct - Barack.
  20. For my money, Westerberg is the best lyricist in the business. There has been no band/artist that has stuck with me like the Replacements. That, and "Let it Be" is likely the best vocal performance I've heard. P.S. I love the "Open Season" soundtrack as well. Signed, fanboy
  21. Yes! What was up with that robot shuffling?
  22. I thought it was mildly funny from an absurd standpoint but, like Austrya, I didn't get it (if there was something to get). Andy Samberg didn't exactly nail the Marky Mark impersonation either.
  23. Heck, maybe print it and frame it with the blackout face. You won't have that opportunity too often.
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