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Hi my name is Lee

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Everything posted by Hi my name is Lee

  1. totally true. I hate seeing the army of kids around my campus wearing shirts that have a picture of Morrison with the caption "American Poet." Pleeeeeeeease.
  2. People have to realize that faith isn't strict adherence to Church dogma. When you see evangelicals on Fox News or the Daily Show or whatever, I don't think anyone has the right to call them Christians, but rather extremists. Many people who have problems with Christianity or organized religion construct their judgments based on this flawed logic. It's not my fault Hitler used Christianity for evil purposes, nor is it my fault either that our neo-conservative president feels the need to play off the good faith of the American people for political ends. When people seem to have a problem
  3. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=07...;show_article=1 "I can tell you emphatically that there is absolutely no consideration being given to reinstituting the draft," said Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman. "The all-volunteer force has surpassed all expectations of its founders."
  4. I hate when artists do this to their work.
  5. The yardbirds are coming to play South Park ...I wouldn't pay to see them now, but I guess it'll be a decent show for the all around low time cost of free.
  6. there is no way there will ever be a draft, unless we are at war at home and our borders are actively at risk...you know, beyond speculation. the announcement, I think, is more of an empty warning to the Middle East, particularly Iran.
  7. yeah, and we all know what happened to Gatsby.
  8. In one word, no. Considering popularity, I think with the progress of technology, especially the internet, there won't be "epic" bands anymore. Music taste has become much more stratified than it has 30, even 20 years ago. Tastes are coming in and out of the spectrum; trends are going in and out so fast nobody can cling onto them long enough for something "substantial" to be salvaged. Considering musical ingenuity, the "buzzes and whirrs" you speak of have long been since introduced into pop music, I can think of handfuls from the 90s, twice as much from the 80s. When people 30-50 years fr
  9. yeah, you're probably right. I didn't even think of that.
  10. I can't wait for this, I wonder what song Jeff's going to do.
  11. People fail to realize the original intention of the term "separation of church and state" was more so to prevent religious organizations from being interfered with by the federal government rather than to eliminate public displays of faith.
  12. I wish we knew a lot more about drug's effects on the body. The strongest drug I've tried...in terms of effects...has been salvia. I have never tripped harder in my life, and I've tried enough (variety and dosage) of the ones listed in the survey. Most "controversial" drug I've tried is coke, and only once. Not because I was worried about self control, I just thought it the lamest experience.
  13. 21. Man, I feel young now. Not in a good way either, hahah.
  14. That was a pretty good pop list, I think. They might be giants should have been in the top 10, "Birdhouse in your Soul" is such an achievement in songwriting. The list was overwhelmingly white too. annnnnd. I bought that Air album
  15. I wish I didn't live in a city devoid of anything cool
  16. Dracula is the most unintentionally hilarious book I have ever read. I dare anyone to read that book today and take it seriously.
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