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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. WAAAAAAAAAA, I love their commercials "...now I can start watching sports again."
  2. Dude, I agreed w/ the covenience. Dude. I have bad days too, but lay off the caps lock or maybe you've had too many crappacino sourced from cheaped, burnt beans. It is a fact. Starbucks coffee is second rate. Do you speak it? english? what? say what again? GOOD COFFEE, do you ever drink it?
  3. and this for the source even though I don't have tracking #s from customs and shit: They seemed to have been brought along a bit too quickly in the roaster, accentuating burned, carbon tones, and judging from the look and taste of the beans, may have been based on low-grade Sumatra coffees rather the finer (and higher-priced) Sumatras. from the same article. So yes, you pay equal or more for a cup of coffee at Charbucks as you would from a local roaster, though the local roaster has fresher, higher quality product. So you are paying more for Charbucks rent in the equation than the bean.
  4. Reviews http://coffeereview.com/allreviews.cfm?search=1 huh, charbucks ain't in that list 50 or so. Sumbitch I did see this one though with an 84: Starbucks Coffee Sumatra Origin: Northern Sumatra, Indonesia Review Date: January 2007 Attractive aroma: sweet, gently scorched cedar with a distinct hint of semi-sweet chocolate. Very roasty in the cup, but with patience the sweet burned notes round toward a vague, caramelly chocolate. Simple and sweet in the short finish, mildly astringent in the long. Overall Rating: 84 points Here are snippets of an article that appear to be mirrored on
  5. Well, let me waste some more time on the internets and find some damn proof. Forgive my gaffe at being parsed. While I am at it I'll find some taste test results, from experts.
  6. cane sugar, but then it would cost more as we have to import
  7. Hey, I don't care either. It saddens me that people get duped into thinking that is 'good' coffee. It is a fact that they are leftover beans that are roasted beyond what coffee should be roasted to gain the flavor of the bean. They are tasting char (bucks). Is there harm in understanding different types of coffee (or any food product)? Harm in understaning how a business has become profitable?
  8. No guns, just facts. Yeah, they think Charbucks is what the fancy gourmet stuff should taste like. They are all a bunch of Bonnies. I'll just hang w/ Jimmie and drink his stuff while Julie and Vince clean up the brain. My tone. We reached middle ground. I still believe there is better beans out there. Don't be afraid to venture out from the green and white.
  9. None whatsoever Sean Hannity. I feel like I am being interviewed on Fox. Stated the process of Charbucks model, another biz model, roasting technique, agreed w/ convenience. Chipotle beer by Rogue? a sip or two is all I can tolerate.
  10. The corn lobby is a motherfucker. Dems and Reps are in on it so we're f'd. Meat chickens should eat corn and other grain, but not gmo. Egg chickens can eat a range diet w/o corn. I never raised pigs. So I can't speak to that. Thinking about it in the near future, though. Bacon's good. Cattle should not. They do because it allows a 1yr turnaround instead of 2 or more w/ grassfed. It has become more novel recently due to heavy subsidies. Feeders are so used to this fast turnaround that they feed them a lot of waste material now too. Recently they began feeding outdated chewing gum (w/ wrap
  11. Yes, they are selling a product that allows that to create a wider sales margin. It is about profit, not about cheating. Yes, they are convenient. I will opt for Charbucks vs. Phillips 66. Yes, you are entitled to your choice. Yes, I am providing information about other choices. Yes, Charbucks has created a loyal following that will fight other bean lovers to the death. (a joke) Yes, we can. Thanx Barry for your positive inspiration. No, I am not glad Charbucks is falling on hard times. They promote the fancy gourmet stuff that may lead the consumer to seek other fancy gourmet stu
  12. I do, people are paying for Charbucks' rent instead of their product. And the marketers are duping them.
  13. I thought you'd never ask. My bro runs a shop, roasts his own with a diedrich roaster. He gets beans from a buyer in NKC. The bastards are pretty serious. They visit the plantations from time to time, cup each shipment that comes in. No messing around. I also buy through Frontier (a natural food coop). They get decent stuff, it is cheap, fair trade. I used to roast w/ a table top, just don't have time anymore. Nothing better than a bean between day 2 and 4 after the roast. Beans are from all over. I tend to like beans out of Mexico the most. Papua New Guinea was big last year, but my bro
  14. QUOTE (ryann7739 @ Jul 24 2008, 10:45 AM) Male, and I don't talk/text on the phone much, I'm always on the computer. No, shit, look at us oldies chained to computers seeking an escape to the out of doors. Go destroy something, smoke some dope, steal some candy, do something beside play w/ your technology.
  15. I did. I feel the same way. Neither is ok. It is a shame that it takes fear to move society, but that appears to be what it is.
  16. What is this the cutting section at Fox news? I would bet, how's that? Sorry I didn't look up what they bought today on the waste floor. This what I heard they did last year from a local buyer.
  17. I am not implying, I am saying. You can roast the dog piss out of virtually any arabica and it will taste the same=burnt (uniform and higher margin) see McDonalds, Budweiser, etc. When roasting, as soon as it hits the second pop you cut the heat, sometimes before. This will yield a brown bean, not black, still full of oils. The black roast the oil and other shit right out of the bean. Unless of course, you are going for an Italian, French, or Espresso roast, but you still don't go as long as Charbucks even with their brewed coffee. So if you can get good beans, you can taste the diff. Most
  18. Jimmy, I am drinking some serious gourmet shit, not that Starbucks shit that Bonnie buys.
  19. what? that sucks. edit: from velo news. An official source in Grenoble later said that "no doping products or banned substances" were found during the long search, which took place at Vizille in the Isere region of the Alps...Johnny Schleck was driving a Luxembourg-registered vehicle for one of the advertisers linked to the race. Yeah, if they were to test and enforce as rigorously as this year they would all be tossed. Most in the sport believe they all do it. Garmin Chipotle has a new process for more transparency (according to Vaughter their director) we'll see how that works. The op
  20. It would interesting to see my blind taste test w/ charbucks beans and some good beans that weren't roasted beyond their flavor threshhold. Look at how many coffee peddlers have 'dark roast' and even gas stations. It is a marketing game to sell substandard beans. To each his own. Merely pointing out the gimmick to earn more profit.
  21. The documentary posits that co2 fluctations follow temperature changes. As opposed to co2 causing temp. changes. This, then, is there reason for pissing on common theories of man's co2 emissions causing global warming. The ocean, as well, follows temp. changes as it takes many years for a great body of water to reflect atmoshphere change. The sun is their answer. And it goes through periods of change as evidenced by sunspots (explosions of heat). The cause? Maybe I wasn't paying attention or maybe it is normal? I'll have to read up on that.
  22. Profit. They keep cheaper quality beans, roast the dog piss out of them to gain a 'uniform' product and market 'dark' coffee as 'good' coffee. People bought it and continue to buy it. I do appreciate while being on road trip, having the ability to get decent coffee instead of watery gas station swill. Other than that, whatever. Currently reading a book about rational choice. It mentions Starbucks desserts. No one eats them. They are there for leveraging $4 drinks. Interesting. I've never bought one. Does anyone eat those sugar bricks?
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