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Basil II

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About Basil II

  • Rank
    Huh? What??
  • Birthday 01/30/1965

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  1. Ok kids...l am back - Christie McWilson Laura Vehrs -Lucinda Williams(album West is a recent standout) Carla Olson (w/Gene Clark) To name a few....
  2. Another sign were a step closer..... -Robert
  3. good bejeebus........I cried when I heard this..dammit!! -Robert
  4. God F**king god.....this is easy..........RAY MANZAREK of the DOORS........if Morrison did not show up.........he provided decent lead vocals as lead......... RIP Ray.... -Robert
  5. Seattle 17 Broncos 3 ......you got it here folks..... -Robert
  6. I amm so auld now.......want to remeber when ......... -Robert
  7. I got healthy and ate a bag of edemame how teh F***** is everyone??? - _Robert
  8. i 'member you..... you remember me??? -Robert
  9. Been awhile.........place still feels like home...... -Robert
  10. i come from the Frank Church school of political discorse.........therefore.....i am obsolete...... -Roobert .
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