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Everything posted by solace

  1. Gary & Kraig did Listen Joe last night at First Ave, sounded fantastic
  2. dooooooooooo it also... HOLY SHIT WHEN THE HELL DID YOU COME BACK ON HERE? edit: ok, i see like a month and a half ago, apparently i am very observant...
  3. very very good album hoping to see him & Eric next Wed
  4. the Minneapolis show last night was amazing here's the my review: http://www.morecowbell.net/2006/09/06/m-wa...arsity-theater/ and the setlist: To Go Home 4 Hours In Washington Right in the Head Chinese Translation Requiem Undertaker Post-War Fuel For Fire (solo) Todays Undertaking (duet) Lullaby + Exile (duet) Poison Cup Cosmopolitan Flaming Heart Regeneration No. 1 (Instrumental)-> Neptunes Net (instrumental) Helicopter Poor Boy, Minor Key Big Boat Encore 1: Duet for Guitars #3 Vincent O
  5. the 8/6 show was just fine. it was Rich having problems at that show.
  6. not in the eyes of Black Crowes fans.... don't believe me check out Amorica if the thread is still there
  7. no idea, we no longer host it, LLP is no longer involved
  8. most people seemed pretty certain Ed was dismissed for being back on the horse... so maybe you're right, there might something to it... sadly i hope not, Marc is too fucking good to waste his life away w/ that shit
  9. welp, there goes my interest in TBC yet again, just as it did the first time...
  10. Grizzly Bear are cool, seeing them w/ TVOTR soon haven't heard all of the new one yet, but enjoyed what i've heard
  11. i heard Hyper Enough on the radio the other day, fuck i forgot how great that song is
  12. Exploding Hearts/Power Pop fans take note http://www.myspace.com/niceboys
  13. yeah, their music, while i loved the record and still do, just didn't really work that well for me live i knew it'd be cheesy, but i dunno...
  14. was at that show. wasn't all that great to be perfectly honest
  15. few great singles on the last 2 records (all i've heard), but on the whole i just find them OK as well Long Distance Call from the new one rules tho
  16. i'm talking each individual record, not together last time i checked their highest selling record was Earth at like 18k? maybe it's a bit higher than that now. be curious how many copies the FNL soundtrack has sold, but i'm thinking less than 20k (you can still buy the vinyl which is limited to 1000) point is, they're still an insanely tiny band in the grand scheme (consider that the last Modest Mouse record has sold almost 2 million in the US now), and not even remotely on the level of similiar bands (Mogwai, Sigur Ros, etc.). their interest has grown a lot over the last 2-3 years though,
  17. yeah, as small of a band as EITS are (they sell like 10-15k records or less each time out), i'd really hate to have to see them at a theater, not to mention for $25-30+. i've only seen them twice, once in '01 opening for Trail of Dead at the 7th Street Entry (capacity of like 200), which was my first exposure to them, totally blew my mind. and then again in '03 at The Cave in Northfield, in front of like 100-ish college kids, maybe 10-15 of which actually knew who the band was (Adem opened as well), but by the end of the show they had the entire crowd mesmorized
  18. yeah, that's what makes it even more crazy, is that Stingray's aren't considered THAT dangerous, and certainly not deadly. i know friends personally who have swam with them before too on scuba diving trips...
  19. tonight! hoping it's a bit better than the one earlier this year... not that it was bad mind you...
  20. i wasn't too impressed by it, but i like the band a lot and am excited for the new full length the artwork is fantastic (all hand done and different)
  21. it's some of the most generic and banal sounding hard rock music i've ever heard in my life... that said, it's better than their first 2 records... Morello is such a one trick pony, his soloing just grates on me anymore. at one time i used to love it, but it does not work in the realm of a rock band such as this
  22. dammit... yea Figurines are in San Fran the night of that Chicago show oh well, Lou Barlow opening will still be great, but damn
  23. god you wonder why SOOOO many people on here think you're a fucking snob/asshole dude... christ... i stopped reading after #2... ever hear about personal preference???
  24. see above. it's a 7" released in 1995 http://montgomeryrecords.com/mp3/Wrens-Lif...romTheUnion.zip
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