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Everything posted by poppydawn

  1. I don't think there are necessarily any ghosts to be exorcised or whatever. Wilco never fails to sell out St. Louis shows (with the exception of the Fox in '04, which is a lot bigger than the Pageant; there were a few seats remaining.). I do find it disheartening that Belleville's newspaper didn't make one single mention of the shows. Around here, though, it's not uncommon to talk to people who have no idea that Wilco exists. It's not from animosity; it's just ignorance. Like everywhere else, people get in the niche and don't realize what's happening in their own backyards.
  2. Excellent, incredible, mind-blowing show tonight. Best of the three, by far, and I wasn't convinced they could have topped Thursday.
  3. Hm. That's not what I read in one of the interviews when SBS was released. But yeah, looks like it was played a few times before that. Oh well. I am 100% certain it's the first time it's been played in St. Louis since his mother's death. I can't remember not seeing them play "New Madrid" in St. Louis or Columbia. Totally spoiled.
  4. It was a great one! I love the energy at the St. Louis show. My only complaint: it seemed like a lot of people decided it was chit-chat time during "On and On and On". While I know the song's not exactly meant to rock our punk asses, I was thoroughly irritated. That song was written for Jeff's dad after his mother's death, and this was the first time it was played in St. Louis since his mother passed. I really wanted to tell the yakkers to have some respect and shut the fuck up, but I didn't want to add to it. He did mention later in the show that he was missing his mom, and this was the
  5. I told Brian that I'm wearing earplugs during their sets. If I'm going to make myself deaf, I'd rather do it with music I like.
  6. Liar! There was only one naked dude, and he was in the balcony. He did have a beard, though.
  7. They played for 43 of the longest minutes of my life. I wasn't a fan of them. I considering throwing a beer bottle when they sang the line "Everyone loves power. Everyone loves cake". Wilco took the stage 20 minutes later.
  8. That doesn't narrow it down, either. You two have just described a good portion of the male St. Louis population. I'll be the short, fat, bespectacled girl with curly hair and a big mouth. I'm hard to miss. There's a good chance I'll also randomly yell "VC!", just to see who looks.
  9. *snort* I'm heading out to the festivities shortly. Brian and I will probably be in the Loop around 3ish or so.
  10. That doesn't narrow it down.
  11. Y'know, my stroller was an old second-hand one. I think my mom snagged it for $10. It served us well. You really can make yourself nuts, shopping for this shit. The Baby Bjorn gives you a tremendous rack:
  12. I'm glad Sarah had an awesome time! The rest of the show could have blown goats, but as long as Sarah had a good time, I'm happy. Wish I could have been there! Those outdoor college town shows are the best.
  13. Clara Jane hated the sling, much to my dismay. She didn't like to be swaddled, either. If she couldn't sprawl out like a starfish, she wasn't interested. With the Baby Bjorn, she was riding forward-facing ASAP. Mine turned four in February and we're still waiting.
  14. I have the perfect Baby Bjorn photo for Photoshopping. Let me see if I can find it on my old PC.
  15. That's the one perk of the infant car seat. Or you could do what I always did: just let her sleep in the car after we got to where we were going. (No, you shouldn't do that. I didn't. Although I really wanted to because I got really sick of carrying that damn car seat everywhere. That's what a Baby Bjorn is for. Not that you really need a little Sabbath-loving newspaper editor in order to properly raise your child but hey, couldn't hurt.) Those infant car seats are good for sitting on the counter at your neighborhood diner (or bar) so the baby can sleep while you drink coffee (or beer) an
  16. The kid has too damn much shit! When she's gone, like she is this week, it's a mad race to get rid of toys she never plays with or has outgrown. We can't do it when she's here because she gets hysterical. I was the same way, though. I remember having a meltdown when my mom threw away my broken Rubik's Cube. Rationality doesn't run in our family's gene set. Exactly. You wind up buying more stuff in the long run and it's an expensive pain in the ass. Learned that one the hard way.
  17. I'm not a fan of "travel systems", mainly because you'll just wind up having to buy a new car seat when the kid hits 20 pounds. Go with a good-quality stroller and a convertible car seat that can be rear-facing and front-facing. Or go with what you like. They all work. Gogo did good. Clara Jane had that horse and loved it. She rode it until she was so tall her knees practically touched her chin when she was on it. We had to sneak it out while she was asleep because she didn't want to part with it.
  18. Oh my. I think I have a boner now. Which one? I'm getting that "dashed off" feeling from "The Abstinence Teacher". I thought "Little Children" had more depth.
  19. Happy birthday, Graham! I hope it's the beginning of a wonderful year.
  20. I think I have pics of one of my friends' kids riding my Roomba. It's not recommended until they're two years old, though. A stroller would probably work better for Jenna's kid.
  21. Last time I did GA for U2 (2001, with Lady Lemon from Interference), we lined up at 5 AM. And the temperature didn't get above freezing all day. Worth it, but I was sick for a week afterwards. Sitting in the Halo Bar for a few hours is a much better option. Thanks for the info, O-Man. You saved my husband a call to the Pageant. I think that means I owe you two beers now. And yay! Sis Sooie! I punched a guy in the face at this venue when I was pregnant. Maybe you'll get to do the same.
  22. Oh, I need to read that! I also need to read that a/c book at the same time I read the kitchen book, as my kitchen is essentially sans a/c.
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