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Everything posted by poppydawn

  1. That's on my list. I'm at the end of a self-imposed food book break. Finally reading this: It's good, but so far not as good as "Little Children".
  2. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Can't wait to buy you a beer and celebrate properly on Saturday!
  3. I'll add that, if you bring the pup, we can certainly help out! We have a good-sized fenced yard and a good friend who works at a great doggie day camp. Kate, you are pure rotten sometimes. I love it!
  4. Ooooooh, I think I have to have that! We've been watching a lot of Mr. Rogers at my house lately.
  5. Dude! One of my dad's Mennonite friends, who shoes my dad's horses and has trained two of them to pull carts - was recently given orders to set up a new community near Parsons, KS. My dad buys old buggies, restores them, and sells them. We went riding in his 6-seater surrey (yes, with the fringe on top) this evening. My mom's pretty sure my dad's going to run off and join the Mennonites or Amish one of these days. But not until they stop shunning Nascar.
  6. Awesome! I love your "work".
  7. I found some of those old skool Mennonite guys for you at a rest stop outside New Florence, Missouri today.
  8. I do like that guy who lives by the oat factory. Have a great birthday!
  9. I saw monkey stuff on your registry, and happened to see the rug and night light the next day. Besides, good people like monkeys. That's the law of the universe. Clara Jane's nickname in utero, after the 20 week ultrasound, was Coco Monkeytoes. We still call her that occasionally. One of her surrogate aunts has always called her Coco. I'll ask my dad if he knows any hot cowboys that I can send with the horses. Most of the horse people he knows are Amish. If you've got a thing for guys with beards who shun modern technology, I can totally set you up. Gogo, how to you feel about the A
  10. I know who you are! Is your husband going to be working at these shows?
  11. Watch out. These live with my parents and can be shipped to Arkansas. It's not that far.
  12. I had a feeling that beast would arrive today. My husband took it to work on Monday to mail it and asked if you'd be able to lift it without going into early labor. Hope it's all stuff you can use! I mainly aimed for stuff that I used to death when Clara Jane was a baby, especially stuff I didn't expect to need.
  13. Oh, there will be beating if O-man's not there. Not that he'd talk to me if he was!
  14. I'd managed to forget that he'd opened for Hootie. I saw him solo a year before that and he was so great. I remember being highly disappointed that his live show would be wasted on Hootie fans.
  15. I haven't listened to much of his output from the past few years, but I love his stuff from the '80s and '90s. Good to see him getting some recognition.
  16. I missed them in St. Louis on Saturday due to the perpetual lack of a babysitter. I heard it was one hell of a show, though. I listen to "24 Hours a Day" fairly often. I also like they Doug Sahm tribute album, "Son of Sahm". I just recently started listening to "Zoysia", and I'm kicking myself for waiting two years to pick it up.
  17. One of my friends recently did the same thing to his son, although his nose didn't get bloodied. The kid crawled up between his dad's legs and conked out. Dad thought it was the dog and pitched him off the bed. Could have been worse; the kid could have gotten a fart to the face. I'm pretty sure he was wearing head-to-toe Spiderman gear. The kid. The dad likes Batman.
  18. The thought has crossed my mind, but I don't enjoy waking up to screaming. Clara Jane likes to sleep sideways with her feet planted on my back. And she kicks. The duct tape option's sounding better all the time. If I had to do it again, I probably would have skipped the toddler bed. We kept her in her crib until she was almost three and a half, since she never protested it. For some reason, she outgrew the toddler bed really fast, though. She was only in it for a few months. It probably would have worked better if we'd put her in the toddler bed earlier. I knew we were moving, though,
  19. Gates. Lots and lots and lots of gates. My kid took to her toddler bed with little incident. I had visions of her staying up all night, having rock star-style parties just because she could escape. I think it helped that the bed switch coincided with moving to a new house. But you probably don't want to move just so your daughter will sleep. It was the move from the toddler bed to the twin-size that was a pain in the ass. That's when she started getting up in the night and crawling into bed with us. We've yet to find a solution for that, as evidenced by her 4 AM arrival on my pillow this
  20. YAY! I've been hoping for a thread revival, but too lazy to do it myself. I still need to churn out a few more preemie hats. Six sounds about right for that yarn. That's without question my favorite baby yarn in the world. I love that it's 100% cotton and it still washes well. I'm going through a lot of it these days. Clara Jane's teacher is pregnant, so I'm making a set of bibs for her. And I know four babies due in August. What the hell was going on in November, People? Geez. For obvious reasons I can't reveal some of what I'm knitting. I bought a knitting magazine over the weekend wi
  21. Especially on rock n' roll yahoo Canadians. That's one hell of a set list! "My Darling" would probably kill me dead if I ever seen it live.
  22. All the time! Forever! Or society will shun you! I'm wearing a pink shirt right now. That reminds me of Clara Jane's crib set. It was also patchwork, but the colors were a little different. Not as much pink. My granny made it. These days the kid's bedspread is a quilt Brian's grandma made for him when he was a kid. She had him draw a picture and she quilted it. Since he's a space nerd, the quilt's the solar system with a rocket, quilted with little stars. Sleeping under such a masculine blanket will probably give my daughter The Ghey. (JOKING!!! And I'm cool with it if it does.)
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