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Everything posted by ction

  1. that looks more like a Tarzan yell than a yawn. just sayin'.
  2. Caliber nailed it, although "douchebag" would apply as well.
  3. You did good mrk, don't let anyone tell you any different.
  4. I'm admittedly pretty dense, but if the minimum wage is raised, wouldn't any business that pays its employees minimum wage then pass along those increases to consumers? And wouldn't the overall effect be that the new wage = the old wage, relative to cost of living? Or am I completely dumb?
  5. If they break containment and get into the living quarters, we're moving out.
  6. I had a 5 minute conversation with someone about Billy Ocean on Saturday night.
  7. I'm going to send a PM to Mr. K offering $50 PayPal to delete this thread when it hits page 19.
  8. I don't get the term "bandwagon people". The fact that I bought AM the week it came out doesn't make me any better at listening to Wilco than someone who just listened to them today for the first time.
  9. I battled the bees last night between Deadwood and Entourage. At one point, as I gauged the relative activity of the hive, some glow in the dark demon bug attacked me and I nearly ran into one of the support beams for our deck (I think I also pulled a muscle in my shoulder from thrashing around). I eventually emptied a full can of Raid into the general vicinity of the bee hotel...I guess I'll find out tonight if I was successful.
  10. No, I once saw a kid try to climb a palm tree by wrapping his legs around the trunk and slowly shimmying his way up. When he finally got too tired to hang on, he ended up sliding down about 10 feet with his arms and legs still firmly wrapped around the tree. He cried a lot, and apparently spent quite a bit of time at the Pearl Harbor ER getting splinters removed from his inner arms, thighs and netherparts.
  11. I've never seen a clique fence, but one time, when I lived in Hawaii, my shorts got caught on a 10 ft. high chain link fence we were climbing to get into an old abandoned WWII bunker. That was pretty embarrassing.
  12. http://www.myspace.com/gorillabiscuits I'm really hoping this site is a fake, and the two new songs are a joke. Because they are bad. Really, really bad.
  13. Maybe if I vacuum up the bees and then chase it with a couple of cans of bee spray...
  14. There is a beehive tucked up under the siding behind my house. I have so far been unsucessful in destoying them using the traditional McGowan family method of spraying some Raid in the general direction of my house and running away screaming like a wee girl. Since the bees haven't bothered us while we've been on the deck and grilling n stuff, it hasn't really been too much of a problem. Today, though, was a breaking point. They crossed a proverbial line in the sand, by buzzing around my head and scaring the living shit out of me while I was mowing the grass. After practically flipping ov
  15. Hi, my name is sean. I'm pretty much the BMOC 'round these parts.
  16. I'll be honest, I have no idea what this means.
  17. I like when gogo posts in here. Although it sometimes makes me self-conscious about being such an idiot.
  18. I have the opening horns of Start Today going through my brain right now. Way cool.
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