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Everything posted by ction

  1. I'd pay upwards of $5 US dollars for a DVD of Jodie Foster's character from Nell fighting a UFC-style bout against the guitar hero from Berklee.
  2. Links to photos of celebrity genitalia.
  3. More importantly, could Louie please tell me who won Sunday's NFL games? Exact scores appreciated.
  4. So, was Jorge's post originally a link to Sam Cooke's live version of "Bring it on Home To Me"? That's my guess, anyway, without having clicked on it.
  5. My sources tell me that Bill and Karl are playing with him on this tour.
  6. I kinda wish I had learned to play on an acoustic...I'm sure it would have helped a lot. That being said, I would have never had the patience to stick it out and keep playing if I hadn't had an electric guitar/amp to mess around on. There's a lot to be said for the power of distortion, even in the hands of a complete novice. P.S. In my limited experience, Guitar Center has been pretty good. I've spent a couple hours recently trying out guitars/basses/amps and no one has pressured me - in fact, the people that work there have been really helpful, even after I said that I was planning to bu
  7. I have an acoustic guitar I call "Yamaha", and an '84 Gibson Explorer I call "In the mid-80's, sean wished he was James Hetfield."
  8. I played the Strummer Telecaster today...despite the fact that Jorge is completely right about it being kinda goofy to buy a brand new guitar that has been made to look old and battered, this guitar sounded REALLY good. Like better than the one of the $1200 guitars that we also sitting around.
  9. Thanks dudebros. Me and the missus took the day off and hung out. Ate a giant cheeseburger and watched that Ben Affleck-directed movie, among other things. Next up...Joe Strummer doc on In Demand! Yay!
  10. I get this! There's a buzz! P.S. Seriously. "Br00tal". I've been waiting for like 4 years for "Brookfield" to show up on a record, and now this oddly spelly little ditty has stolen all the limelight away.
  11. Awesome. Oh, and to make this even better, it seems that Jon Snodgrass and Chad Price will be playing 3 record release shows in the Denver/Ft. Collins area in late January. Together. Which didn't seem like a very likely thing 6 months ago. No full band shows though (since I don't think they really have a full band anymore).
  12. http://www.suburbanhomerecords.com/ Track Listing: 1. death of the life of the party 2. rangement 3. brookfield 4. fleeting porch of tide 5. W. W. Too 6. tobacco fields 7. defy the moon 8. caleb's grave 9. lying in the feel 10. lost angel saloon 11. br00tal 12. pre-post party 13. lizzy 14. bad side of a good time 15. you can't live this way Pretty much everyone who has heard this says it's their best album yet. I haven't heard the album, but the songs I'm familiar with ("Brookfield", "BrOOtal", "Tobacco Fields") are f'n awesome.
  13. I'm just posting here because I love you.
  14. No. No. No. This will be unpopular around here, but I kind of actively dislike Neil Young. Don't like his voice, don't like his songs, and think he looks like a goof playing guitar all hunched over and lurching about like a weirdo.
  15. Hmmm. No. Not quite good enough. No. [quote name='JUDE
  16. No. Yes if they would have only made Fresh Fruit....
  17. No. You could even add them all together into one big band, and still no. Yes. I think so.
  18. I already tolds you all I am overwhelmed! No. Yes. No. Worst band mentioned so far. And NO.
  19. I'm kinda of overhwelmed by this thread right now. Who wants to get deputized to handle some of these?
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