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Everything posted by ction

  1. Congrats, and that Tower of Terror ride is my favorite ride of all time.
  2. I printed this thread out last night and slept with it under my pillow. Because I care.
  3. I don't know...I kinda took this post:
  4. Today I learned that Toys R Us sells a Star Wars sandpeople battlepack (complete with an awesome looking Bantha) for $44.99.
  5. Punk rock "Passenger Side" on repeat for 25 minutes, then Sansone does his GG Allin schtick and we're all out of there in under 40 minutes.
  6. They've also made artistic decisions based on business issues (didn't they acquiesce to Reprise and add a more radio-friendly song to Summerteeth?) Which doesn't necessarily prove that Wilco haven't "sold out", but maybe that the people who are viewing the VW ad as some kind of shark jumping might be ignoring a lot of past behaviour inconsistent with pure art untainted by caplitalism.
  7. I didn't authorize the public posting of that private photo of me, but I won't argue about it here.
  8. Bravo on using the holocaust to help explain why a semi-obscure former alt-country band having a song in a TV ad ruins the way you hear music.
  9. Is Clemens making his first start at Fenway or what?
  10. Their BBC concert from 1979-ish was on VH1 Classic again the other day. I hope they're still playing with that kind of energy.
  11. Teams I don't like have the worst fans and teams I like have the best fans and if you say otherwise then you must root for a team I don't like and so you can go to hell.
  12. jnickerson does. But that's only because he works for Honda.
  13. Did Jeff make enough money from VW to buy AOL-Time/Warner? If so, good for him.
  14. Step 117 - Burn a cd with that new VW ad song on it so that you can listen to it on the way to work tomorrow. In your Jetta (true story).
  15. But that song carries emotional information and transports him back to a poignant time, place and event in his life (20 minutes ago on the internet complaining about people selling out). Now it's all poisoned and perverted. edit: i should have quoted socbret here as a reference for my response but i can't so i didn't.
  16. Some of you people are clearing not recognizing that this just might be the worst thing that's ever happened.
  17. Do adults actually still talk about bands "selling out"? Especially bands that have spent their entire careers in the mainstream music business...
  18. I've been a fan of Green Day since 1990, when I bought the Slappy 7" at some short-lived punk rock record store in Allston MA. Or maybe it was in Brighton. Which doesn't really matter, but I thought I'd use it to preface my comment, lest I come across like some snob who automatically slags Green Day off... Anyway, that John Lennon cover is awful. Like really, really awful.
  19. Michael? With the teenage son being Walt?
  20. I really, really like this song.
  21. To be honest, the only bit I clearly remember from the album is their metric conversion system (double it and add 30). Which I still use to this day.
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