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Everything posted by ction

  1. I've had long-term love affairs with both Asia and Europe. Those are whole continents, so I win.
  2. Just wait until you don't read all the stuff Kot leaves out in the second half of the book!
  3. The VRE runs to Manassas, but not Metro. Metro's last stop is in Vienna, which essentially makes it useless unless you need to go to/from the city.
  4. There are only a couple of office buildings on Random Hills and they're all pretty much in the same spot...you might be in the one where my wife used to work. Yeah, that Town Center place has a Coastal Flats. Good food, long waits. The Whole Foods is across the street from my office. There's also a Wegman's really close to Random Hills, which rules. P.S. Don't let anyone tell you its a good idea to live too far west out on 66. Unless you like sitting in your car.
  5. Nope, I am a frayed knot!
  6. Never heard of it. Ok, you're maybe 5 minutes away. Do you like Golden Tee?
  7. Orange you glad I didn't say "banana"?
  8. 5 hours during rush hour. 6 if you have to negotiate the Harbor Tunnel (and its toll booth).
  9. Is she Cesar Romero's daughter? Dead ringer for The Joker.
  10. Did she play "Me and Parmmy McGee"?
  11. "No, I'm your son's teacher."
  12. Do you know where the library's at, asshole?
  13. Its ok...I paid a tall kid to wear a "my name is Graham" t-shirt and walk around the Air and Space museum with me for a few hours. I was really quite surprised to find out you don't know jack shit about the history of space exploration.
  14. I think I should forward this message to cryptique.
  15. I was talking about Bob Wills. Shockingly, I do know a little bit about Bob Dylan (although I don't think he merits one-name status either).
  16. ction

    Band Madness

    If I was going to vote, I'd vote for CCR.
  17. Bob is back on guitar...I thought it was pretty obvious, it said so in the title. Maybe the words you read aren't able to flow to your brain now, what with your septum deviation. You should put up a little detour sign in there.
  18. I don't know who that is. He certainly doesn't merit one-name status.
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