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Everything posted by VenusStopsTrain2

  1. Yes..I found his tourdates on here and here.
  2. What? Find it in the place that makes sense..NEVER that would...wait for it..wait for it...MAKE SENSE!!
  3. Oh..well whatever works...You will have to make a sign for our Shantyville. If Analogman was about perhaps he could produce a plan of action....
  4. If you scroll all the way down you should be able to download them...mind you it's just TALKING not the music he played.
  5. Wow you named it Prettytown? Why didn't you name it Wilcotown Shantytown...wouldn't that be more appropriate? Well we will have to have some of the guys distract the coppers and put them off our scent...erm i mean Shantytown. lol!
  6. You can't offer a shantytown and then TAKE the shantytown away...
  7. Well I have a two room tent...and it will be in what..May? So it should be plenty warm then. If we set up a shanty town I can also bring my dad's camping stove and a lantern. I'll have to get myself a lawn chair though and perhaps someone could bring a fire pit that is one of the ones that you can set up anywhere not directly on the ground Anyone else up for it?
  8. What you aren't offering camping on your lawn or a bed and breakfast accomodation in your home? lol
  9. I've only been drug tested for one job..and it's one of my current jobs..at Best Buy. Was a weird experience.
  10. Depends...65days where are you flying from? You can stop and pick me up...i didn't enjoy the 4 hour drive last time i went.
  11. Finally got around to looking at my copy of the set list from the sound man...and someone may have mentioned it but they skipped Either Way (which would have been after Via Chicago and before Jesus, Etc.) as well as doing an additional 2 songs at the end that aren't even on the list
  12. I watched Becoming Jane this weekend..which was a lovely movie to watch...would totally recommend it to anyone. Also, finally was able to see Batman Begins...which was the best possible way to portray him in a more realistic fashion.
  13. That would be sweet...Edie you should sooo get tickets!
  14. Dang..I need the tickets to go on pre-sale on THURSDAY when i get paid....argh! Ok end whine. Poppy I may come down for a St. Louis show....you have to go..they are right there near you. What's that club like?
  15. i think Swell Season has a site? on myspace. You can try looking on WXRT as well they may have a link.
  16. They can play in my yard! It actually slopes down away from the house. So if they play at the fence line then there will be a natural hill for everyone to be able to see nicely from whatever spot they sit/stand at.
  17. Your artwork is amazing...thanks for doing that!
  18. Maybe yesterday was an IKEA day..and not everyone got the memo!
  19. That's It! What company makes that? THANKS!
  20. The one toy I wanted to post I can't find a photo of. It was Laser Tag. I just remember that the Targets you wore on your body were grey and the middle target where you had to hit was red and lit up as well as making a noise after you got hit. It was awesome.
  21. When I was in Chicago today..2nd time in a month and 3rd time will be this weekend...I was listening to WXRT and they said you could win tickets to a 3rd show that's been added on the tour..so they will be returning in June I think they said.
  22. Basically...an Ode to Wilco museum in my room...that would be freakin' sweet. Too bad I need to convert all my friends so they have the same appreciation I do!!
  23. Well I think looking at all those photos last night affected my head! I had a dream about Pat last night. I don't even remember it all, it just hit me as I was getting dressed. Apparently he's into history. lol. Quite a nice dream, definitely wouldn't mind having another one.
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