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Everything posted by VenusStopsTrain2

  1. so stupid question is the pageant pre-sale if you actually go down to the pageant tomorrow? or is it online?
  2. Even if Jeff does read this, I don't think he would take offense. He writes what is in his head/heart...he doesn't sit around thinking...what would persons A., B. and C. like hearing...he is a bit different and gets people to consider the lines. Everyone is going to feel differently about the music, as well as having different favourites/non-favourites. That's what makes us individuals. I think it's great that each album is different, but you hear any of the songs, and you immediately know who is singing them.
  3. Can we appreciate both Pat AND Glenn. Really I could watch Glenn for ages. After seeing SNL on Sat....yay for repeats sometimes...I figured out, I think, how he holds his left hand/guitar stick. I thought it was a bit awkward but actually I think there is more control there. Yup I played with my guitar sticks while watching him, so I could figure it out. But Pat is amazing, I love his facial expressions, as well as the fact that he seems to have a lot of fun, especially in Des Moines when he was throwing the drumstick shakers up in the air. I kept watching to see if he'd hit the ceiling,
  4. Another good idea I just thought of would be some sort of shower cleaner..spray stuff and maybe a scouring pad on a handle..I'm not sure how else to describe it. So you can clean the bottom of whatever shower stall you are using. That will definitely help keep you healthy. Then keep the scouring pad on a handle in a large ziploc bag so you don't contaminate any of your other shower stuff. Just keep it in your shower tote with all your shampoo/conditioner/soaps and you will not have to remember it everytime you go.
  5. At work today (best buy) on our company news online they had 2 different April fools jokes..one was about the Taxlon (tal-zon)'s we use...its the gun type thing we use to make stickers and scan items to see how much we have in stock, well it said that tomorrow is the latest release of Taxlon's where they have a Tazer feature...so we could tazer problem customers It was pretty funny. Someone even wrote in a comment below the announcement that if anyone asks if we have Wii's in stock we could just tazer them. Completely made my day thats for sure.
  6. The shows for StL don't start til 8 pm each night..wouldn't that lead you to believe there wouldn't be an opening act? Wouldn't the shows start at 7 or 7:30 if they had an opener?
  7. We really are hoping for a mini residency here aren't we?!
  8. If you are doing psychology stuff and are aiming your work towards kids I highly recommend any of the books by Torey Hayden. They are wonderful books and you learn a lot from the situations you read about. Those are just 2 of the ones I have.
  9. You should have scanned it in for us all to see
  10. I;m watching the documentary now..thanks analogman. I read this last night I'm totally hooked on this series now! It's mystery series but really great.
  11. Thanks for the information about the pre-sale...I'm so mad I have to work that day..BUT i'll be at the job where I can hopefully get online. I've been looking on the wilcoworld website daily to see if they had put the pre-sale info up
  12. Bedroom posters plants photographs dress clothes for job interviews comfortable casual clothing (e.g. sweats) slippers shoe mat clothes hangers extra shelf extra lamp - One that you can clip on to your bunk would be the best idea, not having to keep roomie awake, but able to read while in bed is a plus extension cord, power bar stackable storage bins you get a dresser so what do you need this for?! nightstand you get a dresser so what do you need this for?! filing cabinet bedding cushions and pillows sleeping bag humidifier fan lap table suggested if you have a laptop? computer radio, stereo,
  13. oh and plenty of huge ass bath towels...make sure they are stripey or something odd so you know they are yours..in case your roommate says they are hers..lol
  14. Your university should have a list but you can always go to the containerstore.com or the actual store they have a list for handy ideas of things to take with you. Storage is always good..think about the things you actually use on a day to day basis in your room/bathroom...try to weed down what you use and make a list.
  15. i'm excited i just hope i remember at the time it comes on!
  16. Actually if you save the photo on your computer...then right click it and you should see about 1/2 down the list Set as Desktop Backround. That should work
  17. I worked at a bookstore til October..just wanted to say those Magic Treehouse books are really educational. Some of the titles even have add on books that are written for that series...that delve farther into the locations or people you read about...I think there is one on the Egyptians or Pyramids..etc. Quite the educational series and fun too ! I'm reading the 3rd book in this series..The Sweet Far Thing is in the Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray...love love love the series!!
  18. So has anyone framed theirs yet? I'm just wondering what they look like framed? Thanks
  19. lmao Poppy can you imagine if you were to give us a guided walking tour. We could all have our camera's out ...taking photos and some people taking notes as we walked around..with you at the lead talking about UT Sorry just picturing the possibilities of that is crackin me up
  20. Finally am listening to She's A Jar...that is weird that people kept yelling and clapping at that! thanks for sharing it and i like that you kept all the talking in cause thats the best part...
  21. It's cool Wilco Worshipper..you totally cracked me up..and it was way too fun to write all my jobs out...I don't really think they are seriously that bad..cept for trying to move a computer backwards down a stair/ladder thing...that's not easy...lol
  22. I agree..I can totally see him in an outdoors setting on his own or live in concert on his own but not for a festival...I think everyone would be drinking and start booing...
  23. So i'm obviously being dumb here..but what infamous crowd shot?
  24. You kill people and then work on them? What do you do?
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