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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Jeter was drafted by the Yankees and has never played for another team. I'm not suggesting it would affect Lebron's play. I'm just saying that there's recordbooks to write elsewhere. And I'm making the assumption that he wants to write recordbooks.
  2. Other than the 6 championships and practically every Bulls record...
  3. I don't understand why a young superstar would willingly go to a team and play under Jordan's shadow, especially when he has a chance to write the record books for other teams.
  4. one line: "While rain is falling, like rhinestones from the sky"
  5. Los Lobos - Wicked Rain Pogues - Rainy Night in Soho Gorillaz - Rhinestone Eyes
  6. 1. Get hammered 2. Wake and bake
  7. I watched it Friday night. The one thing I liked was seeing how easy-going Jim was with fans. Lots of shots of him smiling and having a good time, and talking with them pre-show. Certainly not the image put forth by Oliver Stone's shitty movie.
  8. The 1994 re-release was definitely advertised as remastered.
  9. Excellent. Thank you. D-Bagg, you owe bleedorange a thank you for doing your homework.
  10. One citation source request at a time please! You're going to clog the system!
  11. Sheryl Crow's performance is as beige as you can get. Following on A-man's comment on the lacking dirt/sex groove, it reminds me of a Zappa quote about capable musicians - something like "sure, you can play the notes, but can you put eyebrows on it?"
  12. How about the law that substantiates the requirement?
  13. OK - two scenarios for you: Officer: I have a reasonable suspicision that you're an illegal alien. Please prove you're not by producing your green card. Citizen: Huh? I'm a U.S. citizen. I'm just out for a walk, and didn't bring my wallet with me. Officer: You're under arrest. Officer: I have a reasonable suspicision that you're an illegal alien. Please prove you're not by producing your green card. Illegal alien: Huh? I'm a U.S. citizen. I'm just out for a walk, and didn't bring my wallet with me. Officer: You're under arrest. So, now what?
  14. Cite the law, please. And, how does one tell if someone is a citizen or visitor?
  15. When my father was in the army, in the 50s, he was stationed somewhere in Texas maybe? Or New Mexico? Somewhere near the border. So, they'd go South of the Border, Mexico way, to raise some hell. One night he didn't have his ID with him when he was coming back state-side, but he was with his army pals, who had their ID. Border guard asked him where he was born. He answered, (drunk) in a thick (faked) NorteƱo accent (My father is German/Scotch/Irish): "DEE-troit MEE-CHEE-gan." The border guard detained him, and his CO had to drive down to the border station to vouch for him and pick him up. CO
  16. Wait, what? What federal law is that? As a citizen I need to carry my papers with me at all times?? Cite, please!
  17. Sorry - meant that to be a joke. I'm assuming their reason is a political protest gesture, like the calls to Selig to move the MLB all-star game out of Arizona, but I was cynically joking that perhaps they're afraid of losing a star player.
  18. the team obviously has an illegal alien on its roster.
  19. Bs v Habs would be ideal. But Boston is hurting. This is only the 6th time a team has come back from being down 0-3 to force a game 7.
  20. Are you kidding?? Crosby is, without a doubt, the most popular active player in the world.
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