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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Seem to be following the Pens' pattern from last year. Out of playoffs in February, rolling by April. Hopefully they copy the Pens' pattern all the way through June! Then St. Nick can retire with 5 rings.
  2. Could be a first round matchup of Nucks/Wings. Seems that the 3 division leaders are all stumbling to the finish line. The Eastern conference race for the 6,7,8 spots is pathetic. 82 points is the current cut off line. That's 7 points out of 8th place in the West.
  3. Two from AC/DC The explosions in Jailbreak are awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIP1okixlfE Nice haircut, Angus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98I85ceICRM
  4. This might be the lowest-budget cheap-ass video EVER created. Charlie Watts' expressions are great though. It's as if he's saying "man, this is shit" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed36UQX8kXQ
  5. Getting very psyched for the Post-season. Wings are rolling into fine form.
  6. I would be wary of a dog who DIDN'T go apeshit when let out of jail.
  7. I should bottle my stank, like the Kids in the Hall Skit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpCIYlRRw_o
  8. I'll check back in a year and a half. (rough time plan for now)
  9. So, I think little Leo has finally accepted his crate. We put a Tshirt in with him, one that I had worn all day with no deodorant, and it really conforted him. He started the week screaming bloody murder about going into the crate, to only making noise for 5 minutes or so, to not making any noise at all, to not fighting at all when we put him in. It was a rapid progression, and now when I come home for lunch, I bust him napping in the crate. So, he's accepted it as his little den. I think my sleep pattern will finally be back to normal soon, but that was a brutal week.
  10. Last night's episode... #3. How about that Skinamax sex scene? That was a bizarre decision to put that in there. Totally not necessary - they could have left it at the shot of her dropping her robe and getting into bed. I don't need to see them doing it in a slo mo montage. I know that Band of Brothers left a very high benchmark, but this series is letting me down so far. I don't feel as if there's much character development, and we're 3 episodes in already. Other than being an incredible war hero, I don't know much else about Basilone. Perhaps Leckie's character is most defined, but he s
  11. The Malacci Brothers should have gotten their own show.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0sG5lDqcKg
  13. Yeah. Thanks to everyone for your input. I'm going to give it a go and let him holler til he's hoarse. Poor thing. My wife summed it up - she said when she got home from work yesterday, greeted by the wiggle-ass kissy-face puppy, she almost started crying because nobody's ever been that happy to see her. I've gone home during lunch the last two days to get him out and about and show some love, and it's been so hard to come back to work. Really love the lil guy.
  14. OK - after having the album a couple weeks (or has it only been a week?) I'm VERY much into it. I love it. Great album.
  15. Make crate comfortable: check Drape towel over crate: check Put snacks in crate: check Put toys in crate: check Make sure crate is large enough for pug to turn around and stretch in: check I've also heard of a collar that contains a pherome that bitches (so to speak) release that calms puppies. 1) I just worry about the dog being traumatized - the noises he makes are blood-curdling. He can't really bark, so the noise he makes is this awful gurgling howl that makes it sound like he's swallowing broken glass. It breaks my heart. I don't want him to hate us. 2) I'm practically a zombie at wor
  16. Ah, so you're advocating celebacy...
  17. We just got a 5 mo. old pug last weekend. Does anyone have any advice on getting the pup to deal with his crate at night? His first night he didn't raise much of a fuss. We had the crate in our bedroom so that I could hear if he needed to go out. 2nd night he screamed bloody murder after I put him in his crate for over a 1/2 hour, and I couldn't stand it anymore, because I had to get to sleep, so I took him in the bed. Last night we put his crate in his "room" (which is where he's cordoned off during the day) and he screamed bloody murder again for over a 1/2 hour, so I took him in our bed
  18. How does this bill affect Heidi Montag's ability to get even bigger tits? This Us Weekly reader wants to know!
  19. Here is some more reading regarding Basilone's heroism on Guadalcanal. I didn't realize that he was out there, manning his gun for 48+ hours.
  20. I've never heard of this show, but only recently learned that Bob Odenkirk has a role in it, so now I'm intrigued.
  21. It's taking a while with me. I've listened to it maybe 3 times? It seems to be more of a straight up hip hop album.
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