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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. I poured a beer for Mike Watt once, at some backyard BBQ, back when fIREHOSE was going.
  2. I watched it for a second time last night On Demand. I swear the scene was different the second time through - not as graphic. But the whole episode definitely benefitted from a second viewing. It got better.
  3. 1. My sister used to own a resort in northern Minnesota. 2. She sold the resort to Grant Young, former drummer of Soul Asylum, after he was kicked out of the band. 3. Dan Murphy is also a member of Soul Asylum (and was so during Grant's period). 4. Murphy is also a member of Golden Smog. 5. Tweedy was a member of Golden Smog. 5 degrees. Boring.
  4. Correct. It was exactly as Sledge had described it.
  5. Good start to the miniseries last night, though I think the narrative is going to be tougher than Band of Brothers to keep cohesive. With Band of Brothers, you had the same guys together (pretty much) for the whole war. For The Pacific, you have 3 different narratives from 3 guys who don't really interact. One note - the butchered GIs that the group encounters was actually a memory of Eugene Sledge, who has yet to enlist (in the series timeline). I wonder why they attached it to Robert Leckie's narrative? It was a very quick shot, but if you looked closely, it was exactly as Sledge describ
  6. Not really. Your description doesn't point out how awful the show is, which IS the nail. Even the cartoon intro is wrong. Seinfeld narrates a "rounding the bases" metaphor only to wait for the safe or out call from who? an UMP! Not a ref, an ump. So what is it, the marriage ump? or the marriage ref?
  7. Nice to see him getting more mileage out of the wig he wore on Letterman.
  8. Has anyone watched the Marriage Ref? Jesus Mary and Joseph is it awful... I watched when Tina Fey and one of the Desperate Housewives were the guests. Anything uttered by any one of them was reacted to (by the other two) as if it were the most hilarious thing EVER, with knee-slaps and ROFLing. I thought I was watching William B. Williams on SCTV. I haven't seen that kind of ass-kissing and fake laughing since Dean Martin's celebrity roasts.
  9. I went with two mortgages, which might be more rare nowadays. First mortgage for the house, 2nd mortage to bring my downpayment up to 20%, so I wouldn't have to pay mortgage insurance.
  10. Nothing to do with mortgage loans, but I just want to advocate mint.com. Coolest budget software I've ever seen. (and it's FREE!)
  11. I used a credit union. (in November) I'd be wary of a mortgage specialist. I'd want to use an entity with some history and a strong financial history (and a nice rate).
  12. I recall that A Beautiful Mind received similar criticism - changing the "real" story to make it more appealing. (Actually the criticism, IIRC, was about cleaning up, or neglecting to portray, more sordid details about the main character's life). Meh, I don't really geev sheet. If a movie isn't selling itself as a documentary, then I don't hold it to historical accuracy standards. Any movie with the "based on a true story" disclaimer means just that. It's fiction, based on real events. Sometimes the story follows the REAL story very closely. Sometimes major details are changed for dramatic
  13. Why not? I picked them up from the library a couple months ago. Very straightforward plain style of narration - awful awful experience for the soldiers. Both the enemy and the weather conditions were brutal and merciless. It was a slog to read because nothing good really happens other than our side outlasting their side.
  14. The series is based on two of the soldiers memoirs. Very dry reading, but there's not many WWII books written from the front line experience. And HBO has BoB on demand currently.
  15. But you're criticizing the adaptation itself, not her portrayal of the role, which is what she was rewarded for.
  16. This thread has morphed into a "list your favorite cult films" thread. Are they the same thing?
  17. After Friday night's debacle, I'd be scared of the Blackhawks. They're in Bobby Lu's head. Chicago's very good, but nobody wants to face the Wings in the first round. If the Sharks can actually manage a first round win, I feel like they'll get rolling and be tough to beat. They have it all, and Boyle is a top defenseman.
  18. I've been waiting for this series for a long time. It starts next Sunday. Discussion will ensue.
  19. The omission of Farrah was definitely a snub. As for MJ, he might not have been in many movies as an actor, but his songs have appeared in many many films.
  20. I like the Lions moves so far. If they draft Suh or McCoy, they should have a decent DLine next year.
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