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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. K-Strass, Zim Zam yoyos. Genius. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RF-bsqrPo-8 http://www.jsonline.com/news/wisconsin/93209399.html
  2. They're a sideshow in Tampa. I'd rather him go to a city that loves hockey.
  3. Steve Yzerman is rumored to be the front runner for the GM spot in Tampa. I'd be sad if he gets the job. He deserves to be with a better team than them. C'mon Stevie - hold out and wait until a better job opens up.
  4. We did some pre-Cana Catholic marriage stuff, which was required by our diocese (not sure if that's firm for every diocese, but would assume so) and some of it was actually useful.
  5. Agreed on all counts. And the absolute necessity to all of this compromise and sacrifice is a dedication to open communication.
  6. I can't speak for your needs, but the woman I married shows me that the relationship isn't about her needs and my needs, it's about OUR needs. We're an "us" now. I don't know if I could deal with my wife not wanting to see my family. Hell, sometimes *I* don't want to see my family, but my wife sets me straight. Relationships aren't perfect, but your particular issue would be a big red flag to me. I wouldn't want to be with someone who was being a wedge between me and my family. You marry the family.
  7. NPR is streaming the album... http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126607501
  8. David Hidalgo & Cesar Rosas Josh Homme & Alain Johannes Frank Zappa & Steve Vai
  9. I enjoyed rushmore the most, then bottlerocket. I didn't care for the rest.
  10. Personally, I don't have an issue with rewarding a shitty team with high draft picks. That's how every league works, and should work. They've even installed the lottery system so that teams wouldn't tank to get the 1st pick (cough Penguins cough Lemieux cough). A good Blackhawks team is good for the NHL. If the Hawks win the Cup, I'd prefer they go through Detroit to do so. It doesn't look like it will play out that way this year.
  11. You don't have to go back that far to see that the Hawks attendance was amongst the worst in the league: 2001: Rank: 24 of 30. Avg: 14,996 2002: Rank: 23 of 30. Avg: 15,568 2003: Rank: 24 of 30. Avg: 14,794 2004: Rank: 27 of 30. Avg: 13,253 2006: Rank: 29 of 30. Avg: 13,318 2007: Rank: 29 of 30. Avg: 12,727 2008: Rank: 19 of 30. Avg: 16,814 2009: Rank: 1 of 30. Avg: 22,247 Coincidentally, they only qualified for the playoffs once during that stretch, in 2002. So, you can't really say that the fans were always there for the team, nor can it be said that games were nearly always sellouts. Far
  12. http://www.subpop.com/catalog/discography happy hunting.
  13. I'll realize the Wings are not the better team when they're eliminated from the playoffs.
  14. I couldn't find an article from today's - did you mean this? It didn't really shred it to bits as much as it presented reviews that run the gamut.
  15. It's not as if they're just sitting on their spin cycles and working out for 3 hours every time they play. They're dealing with continually getting beat up every time they play - it has nothing to do with being in top shape. It's more than just working out - it's taking a beating night in night out. If it were a fitness issue, shouldn't rookies be able to run laps around the veterans? They don't - they typically run out of gas towards the end of the season because they're not used to the long season, and getting steamrolled by big fast players.
  16. I made it through about 30 minutes before I lost interest. It looked and felt very very low budget. I couldn't get into it.
  17. Saw the Pogues in Glasgow a couple years back. Great show. Shane was in fine form, and the band was cooking behind him.
  18. Nice showing by the Wings last night. I laughed when Thornton tried to play tough guy at the end. Really dude - a horse collar yank down of Nicklas Lidstrom? I get at least one more Wings game. Last night might have been the last game played at Joe Louis Arena.
  19. I never get close enough to someone to smell their breath. But - what about breathmints or those breath-strips?
  20. I forgot one of my big ones: Gum chewers! I can't stand it - regardless of whether they keep their mouths closed or not. Just... don't. Most gum chewers don't keep their mouths closed, and that's double disgusting.
  21. Just asking if you mind Pakistani born, Taliban trained, US citizens who try to kill guilty Americans.
  22. New question: Does anyone have experience or opinions on prong (pinch)-collar training? We just enrolled in obedience class - and the teacher insists on the metal prong collar for training, rather than a food-based-reward training. She explained it'a all about establishing yourself as the pack leader, and the collar simulates the type of neck nip an unruly pack member would receive from the alpha. And then she demonstrated on a couple of the bigger unruly dogs in the class. The first dog - can't remember the breed - was out of control. She tried walking it on a leash, and the dog didn't co
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