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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Men's Hockey medals prediction: Gold: Canada Silver: Finland Bronze: USA
  2. 2-0 USA wins. We don't need a shoot-out to beat the lowly Swiss!
  3. Overrated how? She's won the World Cup of skiing two years in a row, and has a Gold this year in the downhill...
  4. Very excited for Russia v Canada tonight.
  5. Is Vancouver doing anything to quash the business that gives it its Vansterdam reputation?
  6. I hate scalpers. They should just hold all tickets at will call, and the purchaser should have to show ID. That obviously doesn't work with non-card-holding fans, or for people who wish to give tix as a gift (or people who can't make the show, and offer them up at last second for face value). But it certainly takes care of people whose only interest is to drive up the price and create artificial demand and reap the profit.
  7. This single scene encapsulates SO MUCH of the wire. Ethics and compromise in 10 seconds.
  8. I've always preferred Bushmills to Jamesons. The Black Bush is tasty, so to speak.
  9. Agreed. The other ones who could be depended on for good quotes were Chelios and Brett Hull. Well, of course there's Sean Avery, who seems to have single-handedly destroyed Phaneuf's playing ability with his sloppy seconds comment. But I'm not asking him to be blunt and controversial. I just mean that Ovie should continue his obvious enthusiasm for the game outside of the rink and towards the media. He's a dynamo on ice, with beaming grins and infectious enthusiasm. The crowd gasps when he touches the puck, and his road games are sell-outs. But then he's billy goat gruff when the media wa
  10. I'm excited to have the opportunity to have a second look at Inglourious Bastiges this afternoon. Haven't seen it since Thanksgiving weekend. I don't think I'll watch the whole thing, but instead pick and choose and watch the extras.
  11. The only thing Ovie's lacking is media savvy. He usually is gruff and terse with the press, which doesn't help. But Yes, the NHL should be touting him, and not Crosby (but really - why focus on one player anyway - the NHL is rich with unique talents now).
  12. I received it for my birthday. Great stuff.
  13. What is the uncommon humanity you're referring to? Uncommon for a B movie? Surprising depth of feeling for a B movie? Why is it surprising to you? (not trying to be hostile - I am genuinely interested in your views on this flick. I agree that it's better than the usual pablum, but that's such a low bar that it doesn't hold much meaning for me. How does it compare to some of the greats?)
  14. I thought Up in the Air was a big meh, and I keep on hearing defenders saying that it was "an adult movie made for adults." Clooney's character and his setting just seemed too ridiculous. Not only was this a guy who works for a firm who fires people, but he also speaks at seminars about removing people from your life because they're clutter? It's just too extreme and ridiculous a premise. Line him up with two female partners, one whose character embodies physical desire, and the other one is the prudish intellect. Maybe, just maybe, George Clooney's character will grow, learn to allow people
  15. So anyway, the win by the US was huge - namely because they made their road to a medal so much easier. They're looking at the winner of Switzerland v Belarus, then Czech Rep or Finland. None of those teams are pushovers, (Finland won silver at the 2006 games, CR won gold in 98), but none were considered medal favorites going into the tourney. All of the early medal favorites (Canada, Russia, Sweden) are on the other side of the bracket. The seeds going into the rest of the tournament are as follows: 1. USA 2. Sweden 3. Russia 4. Finland 5. Czech Republic 6. Canada 7. Slovakia 8. Switzerl
  16. It means that I'm quoting your desire to make good on a slimy escape clause, unless my inference was incorrect, and you're eager to weasel out of a promised charitable contribution. You could make a contribution to a curling association: https://secure3.convio.net/usoc/site/Donation2?df_id=1682&1682.donation=form1
  17. Walkers Point Youth and Family Center in Milwaukee WI (I'm the President of the Board of Directors) would gladly accept your $100 donation. http://www.walkerspoint.org/
  18. Anyone see the hit Ovechkin put on Jagr? It was beautiful. He flattened him in open ice, and the turnover led directly to a goal for Russia. I'd post the video if the Olympic Committee didn't take it down already.
  19. Saw Shutter Island. Absolutely loved it. Definitely need to see it again because there's a lot going on underneath the surface - it's not just a story about an investigation on Isla de Loca.
  20. Yes. It's very very easy. I went to Madrid by myself 6 years ago, with just a smidge of spanish. You can book hotels through hotels.com, and can read reviews of them on tripadvisors.com.
  21. I was in Prague for 4 days in 2006. Fantastic City - mostly hung around the old town and the palace area across the river (by way of Charles Bridge). Nothing stands out to me as a MUST SEE - it's just a great city to wander around in. We stayed in a rental apartment which was reasonably cheap, on the palace side of the river. The beer is cheap and very tasty. Check out the communism museum. Read Unbearable Lightness of Being before you go.
  22. Balvenie Double Wood (12 years) is a very nice mid-level single malt. jinx. well, almost.
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