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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Ref blew the play dead - he must have lost track of the puck, and it's not reviewable. It's too bad that they can't simply review to see where the puck was when the whistle blew, because the puck was already in the net. Wings seemed lost for most of the game - their passes were off, they were slower to the puck, and they were continually bumped off the puck when they had it. They came alive in the 3rd period, but it wasn't enough. 3rd game is crucial. Historically, a team that goes up 2-1 has ended up winning the series 71% of the time.
  2. David Hidalgo Frank Zappa Dan Auerbach Nels Cline
  3. When I was a kid, I liked the Cannonball Run outtakes that they showed over the end-credits. Poor Dom got so many slaps from Burt Reynolds!
  4. I just hated Enter Sandman most of all. It was dumbed-down Metallica. I especially hated the press that praised the song - describing it as "scary" or how the song made it unsafe to go to bed, and how it inspired nightmares... Lame... If I'm going to listen to stupid lyrics about non-scary things, at least give me the music that goes along with Creeping Death.
  5. I like seeing 3 of the series notched at 1. I wouldn't consider it an upset if any of the lower seeds win the series. If the Pens win tonight - when was the last time that all Conference semis were tied 1-1? Not sure how Carolina's non-goal was ruled a non-goal. The replays I saw showed the puck on its edge over the line. It doesn't matter now, but I thought it was a strange call.
  6. I'm expecting a ban. Wings looked very tentative and off - they were lucky to win. I love St. Nick.
  7. I'm wondering why we haven't heard from our resident Canuck to report on last night's game...
  8. You'll definitely want a machete as well. You'll eventually run out of ammo for your firearms.
  9. All day long at school I hear how great Martial Law is at this or how wonderful Martial Law did that! Martial, Martial, Martial!!!
  10. That's awesome. And I appreciate that you're recycling the Red Wings 98 Cup run slogan in your new avatar.
  11. Yeah, that scene was something else. I had nightmares. I just think it's crazy that they couldn't establish a firm link to the Paul Allen guy - I believe his DNA has been cleared. But they think he had someone else lick the stamps. I think there are still at least one of his cyphers that have never been cracked, yes?
  12. Um, can you two leave me out of your awkward attempts at flirting with each other? Get a room!
  13. Against the rules. You know, you're stupid when you do that. Just some English pig with no brains, you know. You do that, you go to the box, you know. Two minutes, by yourself, you know and you feel shame, you know. And then you get free.
  14. WHAA????????? Where did you read that?
  15. I just learned that Bruce Boudreau (Caps head coach) had a bit part in Slap Shot!
  16. I hate when people say "Dirty Sanchez" when they really mean a "Shitler", and vice versa.
  17. I thought Sir-Gay's GWG was awesome. He was always one of my favorite Wings, so I was glad to see him score. I missed his patented shit-eating grin after the goal - he looked so morose! Mar-TAN letting in two goals in the last 80 seconds?? Unbelievable. Nucks over Hawks in 5 Wings over Ducks in 6 Pens over Caps in 6 Bs over Hurricanes in 7 Wings/Ducks is going to be a great series. The Ducks are practically the Wings only heated playoff rival nowadays, and I think the Wings are intimidated by them, especially since they haven't been able to get past them in recent years. The NHL must
  18. whoa. is that all it takes to put you on tilt?
  19. Unless... It's something you care about SO MUCH that it's impossible for you to care less. Here's my one act play to demonstrate. The Dead Dog, in One Act. "My dog died!!! *tears* I couldn't care less!!" "Whaaa??? You don't care about your dog dying??" "NO! My care is MAXED OUT, and I couldn't possibly lower my level of care towards previously-mentioned dead dog!" Annnnnnnd SCENE!
  20. I just wanted to write 'hershey squirts'
  21. Game 5, 2007 playoffs, conference semifinals against the Ducks. First he misses the start of OT because he's got the hershey squirts, then he lets in the game (and series) winner because he's too busy trying to get the ref's attention (because of a perceived missed elbowing call) instead of focusing on the play, which hadn't been blown dead yet. That, my friend, is a choke.
  22. Indeed. I would very much like to see a Hawks/Wings conference final. I'm pretty sure it would be the first time they've met in the playoffs since 95, which was also a conference final. I would also like to extend the invitation to suck it to Claude Lemieux. But I'm most happy that JR's name will never be on the Cup.
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